Showing posts with label Daiso. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daiso. Show all posts

Friday, April 2, 2010

New Daiso outlet

I was at 1U yesterday trying to buy some essentials when I saw a new outlet of Daiso. I don't know how long it's been open but that was the first time I've seen it since my last trip to Cold Storage at the new wing.

I told #1, let's have a quick tour first before we move on to shop for our other stuff okay? She looked at me and said "Huh! Quick? You...mum?". Yeah! That's the reaction I get from my kids when there's a Daiso or 100 Yen store around which I want to have a 'quick' browse. *sigh*

But...I did have a quick browse (just to prove #1 wrong) hehehe...

Anyway, for those of you who don't know yet, the new Daiso outlet is next to Cold Storage in the new wing of 1U. It's packed with the same stuff as in the Curve. For me it's more convenient because I prefer to shop at 1U and for those of you who live around there, have fun!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Daiso stock updates

I feel guilty for not having posted any bento lately. #3 completed her midterms and #2 has begun her SPM trials. It's basically been 'steam salmon' every morning. #2 has recently 'turned fishy-tarian' (eats fish) She's got some adversity towards cooked chicken lately. I hope it's just a phase!

I've been gallivanting Daiso @ the Curve and right now, it's a heavenly place to purchase any bento items!

Below are bento sized food picks, bento straps, food cups and accessories.

Here below are the 'elusive' Japanese buckle bento straps.

Below are an array of bento sized disposable food cups.

Some more cutlery, cutters, silicon cups, cold gel packs, molds and others.

Some more food and fruit cutters (can be used for biscuit cutters too), lots of silicon food cups in different size and shapes!

There are also lots of shape punches at the stationary section, lots of bento bags and bento boxes of all sizes which I didn't take pictures of. Basically, it's a paradise for Bento purchases!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Daiso update!

Sorry people! Daiso @ The Curve has their containers stuck at customs at the port. Until the customs has cleared the items, there will not be new stock in their store.

I was there today and was told that the delay is indefinite at this point.

Anyway, just want to inform you to be careful when you buy stuff from Daiso. Please check for the item if it's packed in a box which is not transparent. Today, I was with my children and #3 picked up two 'magician items', when we got home and she opened it, it was EMPTY!

I asked #1 to call the store because I was busy preparing dinner and a guy by the name of Steven told her that 'that particular item' comes in an EMPTY box! BULLOCKS! Who pays 5 Ringgit for an empty box! #1 asked again if Daiso sells EMPTY boxes at 5 Ringgit and he said "YES"! And guess what? He hung up on her halfway through the conversation.

I called again and spoke to the supervisor who laughingly responded that the box was supposed to be EMPTY. When I started to drop some names, she started to get serious. When I described the item, she realized that we were NOT talking about the same item! Finally I told her to check the item out and call me back, which she did and informed me that there was supposed to be a scarf inside the box. I'm supposed to go back and have it replaced.

I'm pissed because I was there two times already, yesterday and today expecting new stock. Not only was I disappointed, I paid 5 Ringgit for an EMPTY box! And, my daughter encountered a JOKER who thought that it was funny to sell EMPTY boxes at 5 Ringgit a piece! I was quite annoyed at the way this was handled.

I think at 5 Ringgit per item, we're paying more than all our neighboring countries and even in the United States where similar items are being sold at USD 1.50/item (approx Ringgit 3.60). We aren't paying peanuts for our purchases so why are we getting 'monkey service'?


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