Showing posts with label Putin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Putin. Show all posts

Russia needs to get its act together

An image comparing two news stories. On the top left: 19-year-old mass-shotting killer Nikolas Cruz being arrested on the ground. The ground is replaced with the american flag and the image of an AR-15 assault rifle is included. Underneath are the stats: 'AMERICAN TEEN, SPORTING EQUIPMENT, AMERICAN HIGH SCHOOL, 17 DEAD'. On the top right-hand side of the image: A silly-looking Владимир Путин (Vladimir Putin) stands in front of St. Basil's Cathedral. In his hand, an open tin-can with noxious green fumes emanating from it. THe tin-can has warning symbols and 'NOVICHOK' labels. At the bottom of the can in hand writing are the words: '100% cyka blyat!'. Underneath are the stats: 'RUSSIAN FEDERATION,MILITARY GRADE NERVE AGENT, ENGLISH PARK BENCH, 0 DEAD.'

While our American friends show how it's really just child's play, Vova, with his persistent love of Rube Goldberg mechanics, makes himself look like a really bad Bond villain...

James Bond: "Do you expect me to talk?"
Bond villain: "Haha no Mr. Bond, I expect you suffer a suspicious, but recoverable, ailment in a public place, using an easily traceable substance, in the middle of the most tense geopolitical situation since the Cold War, weeks before my country hosts the FIFA World Cup."


A silly-looking Владимир Путин (Vladimir Putin) stands in front of St. Basil's Cathedral. In his hand, an open tin-can with noxious green fumes emanating from it. THe tin-can has warning symbols and 'NOVICHOK' labels. At the bottom of the can in hand writing are the words: '100% cyka blyat!'

Putin's Secret Dope-Rocket and the Cybernetic Army of Superhuman Russian Athletes

Red Square: Putin rides a rocket syringe filled with glowing fluid. The needle is inserted into the arm of transhuman Russian athlete (Дарья Клишина) in an action pose. The athlete has glowing yellow eyes, rocket powered feet, and lasers shooting from hands. Tubes are plugged into the stomach and are connected to a display on their chest. The display reads: 'BOOST 107%'
Putin gives you wings!

more info:

Crypto Putin

Владимир Путин (Vladimir Putin) appears inside the bear costume used in an advertisement for Müller 'Greek Style' yoghurt.

The timing of this advertising campaign is either unfortunate, or genius. Perhaps both! (Or perhaps neither).


Direct Line with Putin (2015)

Sponsored by Sennheiser
— oioiiooixiii (@oioiiooixiii) April 16, 2015

5 live streams, 5 different thumbnails. [5 different Putins?]
— oioiiooixiii (@oioiiooixiii) April 16, 2015

And now Путин (Putin) is asked if he'd like to clone himself...
— oioiiooixiii (@oioiiooixiii) April 16, 2015

source video:

Moar Newz from The Moscow Times

The headline reads: "Russia Leads Forestry Destruction Ranking". Oh my god :-o Putin is chopping down all the trees, the bastard! 

The body of the article then informs us that this is due to [wild] fires. (Maybe Putin started the fires though - am I right, am I right?)

What annoyed me most was the photograph used. It's a famous photograph, taken by John McColgan, titled "Elk Bath"*. Far from being a picture of a Russian forest fire, the image was taken at Bitterroot National Forest, Montana, USA, in the year 2000.

Just like the headline, the photograph was used for it's emotive power. A monstrous inferno, raging towards some awestruck deer - "Don't burn Bambi, Mr. Putin. Don't burn Bambi!"

The article also mentions that Brazil occupies the second place ranking in tree-cover depletion since 2001, and is a "fellow BRICS nation". I wasn't aware that tree cover was criteria for membership of BRICS. Never miss an opportunity to get a few jabs in with the little knives.

I have no disagreement that more should be done to prevent forest fires, in Russia, or anywhere else.

Elk Bath, by John McColgan:

* The accreditation given is to "Pixabay", a website offering Public Domain images. "Elk Bath" is in the Public Domain, and does indeed appear on Pixabay