Given the current state of things¹, it might be worth considering a re-release of 'Red Dawn (2012)', containing the original People's Republic of China story-line and imagery. It might not make the film any better, but at least the story and scenery would make a modicum more sense. Either-way, it would be pretty cool to see Chinese and Russian military on American streets, even in such a silly film as this.
¹ https://www.reuters.com/article/us-un-nuclear/risk-of-nuclear-war-now-highest-since-ww2-un-arms-research-chief-says-idUSKCN1SR24H
Below is a small list of [some defunct] URLs relating to the original version of film. There are images and texts about the original making of the film, as well as reviews and concerns about its release (circa 2010).
film info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Dawn_(2012_film)
official website: http://reddawn2010.com/
images of filming in Detroit: http://detroitfunk.com/red-dawn/
'Russians' turn up on set: http://reddawn2010.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=88:those-russians-just-cant-stay-out
concept art: http://www.productionillustration.com/gallery/red-dawn/
Some posters used in the film: http://hiro-tan.org/~ekoontz/red_dawn/
Review of the original version: http://www.libertasfilmmagazine.com/exclusive-libertas-sees-the-uncensored-version-of-mgms-new-red-dawn/
Anti-film preview: https://www.theawl.com/2010/05/real-america-red-dawn-remade-china-is-coming-for-our-children/
Anti-Film website: http://www.anti-reddawn2010.com/
Red Dawn News Twitter: https://twitter.com/reddawnnews
Forum thread discussing film changes: https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/threads/red-dawn-remake-finally-coming-out.213393/
Some other images relating to the film in its current state:

A poor attempt at repainting one of the PLA stars to one representing the KPA.
A scene in the film where the symbol on a sign rapidly changes back and forth.
[see full video: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1JYxl5qNOCYY7HUoUkPzeblFcO07ueg-f]

The average colour of each frame in the film.
[explanation: https://oioiiooixiii.blogspot.com/2018/09/ffmpeg-fapa-frame-averaged-pixel-array.html]