Showing posts with label European Union. Show all posts
Showing posts with label European Union. Show all posts

Deceptive 2002 'Denny' Euro conversion calculator

The Irish political ship is adrift

Image shows scene from 'Mutiny on the Bounty' with characters representing Irish political parties - the image alongside it, shows a radio controlled tugboat in a pond, operated by a EU controller

Nigel Farage Nightmare Drawing

A quickly drawn sketch of Nigel Farage in a state of insanity.

Crypto Putin

Владимир Путин (Vladimir Putin) appears inside the bear costume used in an advertisement for Müller 'Greek Style' yoghurt.

The timing of this advertising campaign is either unfortunate, or genius. Perhaps both! (Or perhaps neither).


Draghi's Political Union

Draghi says "yet", but perhaps more interestingly, also says "Euro area". What of those EU countries not using the Euro? Will they not bask in the glory of the United States of Europe?


Europe by Satellite - European Council, Dublin, 13 Dec 1996

Not terribly exciting, just something from my old VHS archives. It's a recording of the holding screen and music for the EbS (Europe by Satellite) live feed of the European Council meeting in Dublin, December 1996. Youtube has mangled most of the wonderful analogue sparklies.

Finding stuff like this (live satellite up-links in particular), was the real novelty of owning motorised-dish satellite television back in the 1990's. All kinds of things were live and unencrypted, like behind-the-scenes at news and sporting events. In the case of Europe by Satellite, live streams can now be found online.


Tweets - Irish Water / Uisce Éireann

I've done my best to remain completely ignorant of the forthcoming Irish domestic water rates, but it's getting quite tricky these days. #

Irish doing a great job of self-policing Water' protests. It was the same way with the Black&Tans: "Don't be fighting with the lovely men". #

That's why it took so long to "get the Brits out", too much in-fighting. Unified Ireland? Ha! A nation of "I'm alright, Jack" gombeens. #

I can't wait for the "broadcast tax". An unavoidable levy, to pay Brian Dobson and Marian Finucane, to spit their slobber into a microphone. #

They should scrap all these new taxes and just issue a yearly €2000 invoice to every citizen, for bank debt repayment. Spare us the bullshit #

That's if it were just about bank debt, but its also control. The paddies went out of control with the money, so they need economic shackles #

Enda Kenny is a turnip hanging from a string. He gyrates every so often, when an external force is applied. #

Nigel Farage: Myths & Legends

Nigel suffered minor injuries when his Bell UH-1 huey helicopter was gunned down over Ho Chi Minh trail, North Vietnam. He later went on to say that the pilot was a communist belligerent, who was ordered by Moscow to fly into the path of the bullets.

Nigel is a Eurosceptic. That means he finds it hard to believe that the continent of Europe exists. He insists that there are only two continents: the United Kingdom, and the "Land of Savages". He said he saw it on a map once.

Nigel has personally hand-delivered informational leaflets to every home home in Ireland. The leaflet supported the "No Campaign" regarding the 2012 EU Fiscal referendum. In it, he tells Irish citizens not to be influenced by non-Irish persons...

Nigel insists that he is not a racist, or a xenophobe. He said he enjoys a nice curry, and occasional karaoke session. He also took a two week holiday in Spain in the early 1990's.

Nigel enjoys the sights and sounds of a diverse London.

Contains content originally published: May, 2012