Showing posts with label pattern. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pattern. Show all posts

Block Quilt with Sashing

I started making quilts for the first time in January 2016 and I love it.  I have been sewing for years and years, but never attempted a quilt. (Baby quilts not included).  
My first full-size quilt was a Patchwork Quilt for a Camper Remodel I was working on.  

And after making 5 or 6 quilts either for myself or family, my granddaughter Kelsey asked me to make a quilt for her as a high school graduation gift. She wanted purple and “hulk” green fabrics and NO floral prints.

Making a Patchwork Quilt

I've been sewing various crafts, curtains, pillows, kid's clothes, and Halloween Costumes through the years, but never a full-size quilt.  

Recently I did a Camper Remodel and wanted to use the leftover fabrics from reupholstering the cushions and sewing new curtains in the camper to make a camper quilt to match.

One of the easiest quilts to make and one of my favorites is a patchwork-style quilt.

Easy Homemade Rice Heat or Cold Packs

This is probably one of the easiest sewing projects I have done, right up there with pillowcases. 
These packs can be heated in the microwave for a heat pack or placed in the freezer for a cold pack.

And they can be made in any size you want. 
I made them large enough for placing on a shoulder, knee, or another similar area with aches and pains. You can sew long thin ones to place around your neck or wrap around an ankle. 

Easy Baby Burp Cloths

We had a new little granddaughter born in December!
She is so precious and her name is Lilly.  She's the daughter of my youngest child, Daniel. 

Late last summer we came up with our own design for their Pregnancy Announcements which we think turned out great and quite unique.  
With the new baby, I'm getting my sewing machine back to work!

Look What I Found: Antique Handmade Quilt

I like going to second-hand stores, thrift stores, and antique shops whenever possible.
This is my latest find, a beautiful old patchwork quilt!
I know very little about old quilts or dating them, I just like them and collect them if the price is right.  
This is one of my best finds yet at $8.99.
I found this quilt especially interesting because of the quilt pattern and the stitched names.

A patchwork quilt is a quilt in which the top layer consists of pieces of fabric sewn together to form a design. Originally, this was to make full use of left-over scraps of fabric.

If you are reading this post and can shed more light on this quilt I would really appreciate it!