Our First Goat Birth At The Farm:
We have 2 Saanen does and one Alpine buck to use for personal
small scale milk production. One of my
Saanens, Miss Claudia Milkmouth was pregnant and nearly due so I was keeping a
closer eye on her than normal.
Her udder had swollen in the last few days and she appeared
thinner as her flanks had become sunken. Just as in humans, this happens due to
the relaxation of the pelvic muscles in order to facilitate birth.
This morning was typical, with me making the normal rounds,
doing the farm chores. Usually the goats
rush the door in anticipation of feeding times but this morning Claudia held
back. She seemed a little lethargic and
did not attempt to eat.
I continued with the chores, periodically checking on
Claudia and noticed a little while later her standing under a pine tree in a
slightly squatting position. I have had
children, and distinctly remember the pressure and urge to push, which seemed
to be what she was doing.
Pretty sure she was in labor; I called my husband Bill down
to the barn to help me get her into a prepared birthing stall.