Showing posts with label Pato Paez. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pato Paez. Show all posts

Friday, December 3, 2010

Art Attack - Pato Paez

For my first featured artist from the Behance post I want to introduce New York based artist Pato Paez.  Pato was originally born in Argentina and actually attended medical school there, before studying at The Arts Students League of  New York. How cool is that!

His work which has shown in New York, Los Angelas and Europe consists mainly of paintings, illustrations, installations and murals.  While his techniques and media change from piece to piece the subject matter remains the same whimsical scenarios, with the Narcissus Baby image being the popular favourite.

Patos work in large and small scale murals has definately taken interior design to the next level. With his bold use of colors and creative expression adding energy and flair to any space that his work occupies.

I have picked out some personal favourites to share with you and you can see more by visiting Patos Portfolio and make sure you check out his shop House of Imuri  featuring a nice selection of prints and silkscreens.

Portrait of Selma Blair, 2009

The Girl With Pixie Eyes, 2010

Portrait of Naututu

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Art Attack Update

I just wanted to take a minute to update my readers on whats new and changing with Art Attack.  Well a side from it moving from my website to my blog site I have also made one small change starting tomorrow in that I will be posting art that has come to me instead of me going out and finding it.

I have been so busy between the exhibition, christmas products for my shop and blogging that I am virtually running out of time and steam.  Sooooo, I went ahead and posted an Ad on Behance looking for mindblowing, eyepopping, crazy art that I can feature on my blog and I have had a couple of artists send some links my way.

I went ahead and checked out what I was sent and it was very interesting and different.  I am very excited to show it to you all.  First up on the list for tomorrow, I am going to introduce you to a New York based artist named Pato Paez.  All of his work is great but he definatelly hooked me on the zebra print installations that he did for a music video.  I'm not going to say anymore here or I wont have anything to write about tomorrow.  You won't want to miss this featured artist.

So that is the type of thing you can expect to see more of ,  assuming that I get enough responses to my post to keep it going like that.   I am hoping so, as I really look forward to seeing all the new creative works that are out there.  With that being said, if you are reading this and you are an artist or know an artist that does work that would be interesting for Art Attack, please feel free to drop me a line.