Showing posts with label victim. Show all posts
Showing posts with label victim. Show all posts


The Left: Males are Predators and Females are Victims

For some reason the left seems always to believe the female when it comes to 'he said, she said'.  Why is this?  Could it just be politics?  Honestly, what else could it be.  According to those on the left, the male is always the predator and the female always the victim.  And according to those on the left it is the evil WHITE man that is the perk.  The left must always, always play the race card no matter the issue.  This is the United States will live in today and I pray it will not take another civil war to settle the issue.  If it should come to that 'pitchforks and torches' will be no match guns and bullets.  Will this be a defining event, or will onrushing events overtake logic and sanity?


Obama's legacy redefining Victims and Bigots

Obama has indeed brought fundamental change to America.  More than anyone else he has been responsible for redefining the terms Victim and Bigot.  This will be his enduring legacy until such a time when common sense is once again the guiding force behind national politics.