Wednesday, March 29

She's Getting Out

I found a new game on Saturdays...Check It Out :). I also have a button in the sidebar. Sounds fun, eh?
I tried to keep Wednesday wordless, but I just can't do it.

We're headed into the big city today, some shopping to do and hubs has a dr.'s appt. I haven't been in almost a month, I'm not sure I'll know how to behave. What should I wear??? :P

I think I want a ferret. I'm pretty sure though I wont find one in Sandpoint, might have to drive to Couer D'Alene. Hubs seems to be all for it, not sure why. Maybe because he doesn't want another cat!

It's grey and cold today. Shocking, I know. The geese haven't shown up yet, but there were here all day yesterday. It would be really cool if they nest here. I think they are waiting for the pond to thaw. Since we missed out on Yellowstone, we will drive to Kootenai Falls this week, weather permitting. I have posted pics from there before, it is absolutely beautiful. I might search some out and repost later. I love going there and having some lunch down by the water. It's truly natural beauty :)

Ya'll check back later, see if I have a new pet or not...hee hee. (*you SO know I need another one, right??)


Sprinkles said...

Have a fun and safe adventure! :)

Insanity Infusion

Marianna said...

Oh Lord... if your ferret turns out to be anything like Angela's, God help us all! LOL

Just.Wear.Clothing, PLEASE!

I like your new theme game. Should be fun!


Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Ferrets are VERY cool...think your cats will think they're cool too? ;)

Memphis said...

Pet help keep the snow and ice from closing in.

But a ferret?

Nature Girl said...

I can't wait to see it! you'll show us pictures right away of course? I'm off to check out the new Saturday game...Stacie

Haleigh Anne said...

Ooooo...I'm jealous of the ferret. My boyfriend in high school had one and I absolutely loved her. They are so fun!