Today is off-day for Ariff, so together with Azry, we headed to HKL to visit Rosli. Before that we all have lunch in BRJ. After a while in HKL, to give some motivation to Rosli, we went off to Jalan TAR to window shop and have a look at decorative shop namely SSF. I would say the goods were expensive. I would prefer the decorative/gift displayed ... in KK Homedeco.
A few items which I admired; but hold-on...must jot down which shop would that be. Then we all bought drinks..MasyaAllah..the chendol was muachhhh nyum nyum nyum superb. I love it!!!
Arrived at my mom's place I was told by my youngest brother Azhar that, the 2 sisters of ours (Shimah & Kak Miah) not able to pursuade mom to go to clinic. I took mom, olin, Ariff & Agy to the clinic. Doctor ... said nothing to worry, it should be ok.
After having little bit of food & drinks, I told mom to take the medicine as prescribed by Doctor. At 20.00pm all of us went home.
@ 22.00 pm Olin called that, my mom had a "fits". They took mom to HUKM.
@ 22.15 arrived HUKM . straight go to emergency ward. Doctor called, when we entered my mom was very puzzled and asked why she was in the hospital.
The doctor who administered my mom told that, her bp was very low. She also lacked of salt & sugar. That was due to mom did not take proper meal or maybe did not take any food at all. mom mogok lapar!!! (on strike).
Doctor put some glucose to increase the sugar level; unfortunately it rose up to 22. So, they have to reduce it. The houseman had not diluted the salt content resulted the MO got to wait and monitor a bit longer to administer the drip.
@ 24/5/2010 Time is already 2.00am. I told mom that since Shima & Olin is around, so i will have to go home. My mom said not to leave her alone in the emergency ward. So Shima, Olin, Along & myself become bodyguard. Very very sleepy..
The MO told if everything fine by 4.00am, my mom will not be admitted to the ward. When my mom heard of if she was very happy and keep on asking what is the time...
@ 4.40am, I went home after Mom was placed at the day-ward in emergency dept. 5.30am woke up and wake Ariff. After Subuh Prayer, I send Ariff to work. However, Ariff said, he wanted to see granny and will ask for EL. So we went to HUKM.
@ 8.00am the staff nurse told that the sugar level is still very low which is at 6. According to her it is no good because the drip is on but the sugar level still low. So I bought bun & milo for mom. I even bought porridge for her.
@ 9.00am Ariff help me to get Olin to take her bath and get some personal things of my mom. I also told Ariff to get the Guarantee Letter from DBKL. Before that we have our breakfast at the canteen.
@ 11am another sugar level test was conducted. Now the reading was 8.8. I waited for the MO to give their comment.
@12.30 was told that my mom will be discharged. I called Ariff
@14.00pm my mom was allowed to leave the ward. We send her home. I headed to my office to notify that I am on EL & took the sambal ikan bilis which I ordered (unfortunately things went hair-wired not able to get the food as promised ---I said we planned but without Allah willing ; Subhanallah...)
@16.00 went to HKL to visit Rosli.
The END.