
Showing posts with label Camera Critters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Camera Critters. Show all posts

Saturday, February 4, 2012

frozen beauty

We woke to a frosty world this morning. Yesterday's fog had become spikey bits of frost covering everything. This is the little dish that holds drinking water for the birds who visit our feeders.

Even the rusty rabbit had strange little spines. These little 'creatures' stand watch until the birds return and baby rabbits are born in the spring. That's why I'm linking these to Camera Critters this week.
Frost is the greatest artist in our clime -
he paints in nature and describes in rime. 
Thomas Hood

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Off my deck one morning I captured these tree tops standing in the cold. A small stone to keep in my pocket was their apparent happy greeting of the sun and persevering, waiting it out. I'm reminded of this same truth whenever I see  four legs, paws or feathers visiting our yard during the day.

Bean the cat seems perturbed as she watches me pack up the last of the Christmas decorations. No more sneaking around, chewing on the tree or sitting in the empty boxes. Life can be like that. Since she won't allow anyone to pick her up or hold her, there'll be no explaining the facts to this serious little feline.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

urban antics

On the day after Christmas we took a walk around Erica's neighborhood in Philly and had to stop as these girls meandered from the bushes in some one's yard and walked in front of us. Proof that chickens can live in the city [sans roosters, that is] and ever since Buddy hung around our apartment building I've been smitten by them. . .more about him here.
Feathered friends links to  Camera Critters.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

water is as water does

Back when ducks were hatching I caught this pair of new wooducks sunning themselves. Note the nub of their soon distinctive feather 'helmet' on the back of their heads. Have you ever seen an ugly baby?

There's a spot along White Bear Lake where dog owners let their dogs exercise by swimming after the illusive tennis ball. The dogs are 90% Labs so this photo of twin white Labs tells that story well. Plus an old hippie's pony tail made me smile and reminisce. . .
A new week begins with a view of animals and birds @ Misty Dawn's meme, Camera Critters.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

We still have flowers in bloom in spite of the cool evenings. Morning rains have kept them well hydrated. I found this Datura on a walk this morning.

Goldenrod is now in full bloom in Minnesota. Though I pay a price later for tromping through the woods full of their pollen, last week I hit the jackpot--can you see who is hiding lounging in the tall grass? 
Labor Day links for Today's Flowers and Camera Critters. Thanks to all the workers, those of us relaxing and those who will be working on Monday!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

when is a stone not small anymore?

Yesterday when I schlepped up the stairs to the baggage claim to meet Dave's flight I heard the unmistakable sound of live piano music. At the top of the escalator an upright piano lives next to a sign saying, 'I'm a piano. Play me!' The reason I love the piano and don't play is a topic for another lifetime day but suffice it to say that I stopped and stood listening to a young woman sitting straight backed on the very piano bench, wearing flip-flops, weaving a lovely melody for at least ten minutes. Then she stopped, looked at her hands, rose, put on her backpack and I saw her walk away pulling her roller-suitcase behind her. I did thank her because she had indeed stirred my week-weary soul.

Redemption comes in strange places, small spaces
Calling out the best of who we are
 [lyrics from Sara Groves' Add to the Beauty]

Happy weekend, fellow stone gatherers!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

one small stone and a one small bun

First note the two inch high ears--the small stone I'm tossing in the river today. Amazing.
Along a walk to Caribou Coffee I saw this new rabbit  foraging in a vacant lot. Needless to say I almost missed him because he was so one with his surroundings. And don't think I didn't envy his/her lunch of dandelion greens too!
Happy weekend my bloggy friends! Keep watching and listening.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

family resemblance

Two Canada geese, like father like son, noshing along the lake. Note the exact alignment of a piece of grass on the right side of each bill. That's what is known as natural precision. . .or goofiness interrupted. See more antics @ Misty Dawn's camera critters.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

all things stripey and fine

When I came up the stairs this afternoon, I smelled the faint odor of sun-roasted cat only to find Bean soaking up the Easter Sunday sun.

Once you can accept the universe as being something expanding into an infinite nothing which is something, wearing stripes with plaid is easy.” Albert Einstein

Isn't it amazing that the first brave flowers of spring are delicate and pale? That is, until the tulips bloom. These lovelies were all I could find this afternoon.Spring has sprung in my neck of the woods, indeed. I think I made it!

Visit Camera Critters and Today's Flowers and for more signs of spring.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

“Not all those who wander are lost.”

Thanks to my, umm, advancing happy-to-be-alive years, a sense of humor has moved to the top of my list of personality traits. [And I can now say without a doubt that I'm no longer afraid of the dark.] I bring this up because it tickled me pink to see this wild turkey in my yard last week. He was just passing through, kicking at a few leaves when he saw my camera. Before I knew it he was in the next yard, seemingly enjoying the sunshine and probably enjoying my athletic pursuit of him. I know this because I could hear that clucking noise they make as he meandered. We both had a good laugh! Visit Camera Critters for more animal antics. quote by J.R.R. Tolkien

Sunday, April 3, 2011

See you in the funnies!

More funny animal photos [with or without dialogue] @ Camera Critters.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

What's a mother to do?

As we hunker down for a 11-17 inch snowstorm I thought it might lighten the forecast by remembering a kinder and warmer time last summer, when a mother duck tried to send her ducklings on the straight and narrow. Metaphors, all.
See more @ Camera Critters.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Always a little wary of taking photos of people's homes but I had to risk it to capture the expression on this watch-cat. He/she had a wonderful vantage point onto the neighborhood street from its regal tuffet. No denying the expression.
Below is my very own watch-cat in her many moods. . .only seen between naps.

See more important critters at Camera Critters, a great way to start the week. Thanks to Misty Dawn for her clever MeMe.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

peaceful kingdoms

On a recent winter trek I saw this little ogre at the feeding station on a rest stop. See if you can find a curious visitor who showed up in this picture.
post script: we too have a red squirrel that regularly usurps the bird feeders in our back yard. He/she has given Dave a run for his money as he stands knee deep in snow to fill the seeds. Our red friend loves the suet block and Dave, feigning disinterest, actually bought a case of suet for the feeders awhile back. I think they both have a good thing going!

More delightful creatures can be seen at Camera Critters.

I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells.
Dr. Seuss

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Snow had fallen, snow on snow. . .

Creatures more thoughtful--and with harder shells--than I could be seen here basking in the sun and wondering, 'where did our summer go anyway?'
Fast forward three months or so and Minnesota is hit with some record breaking snow falls earlier than usual. Yesterday's blizzard of 21 inches made everybody [with the exception of the Macy's delivery guys across the street] and virtually everything come to a screeching halt for the day.From the comfort of my kitchen I caught Dave up to his knees in still-falling snow, refilling the feeders for the brave, and hungry. He does seem a little short on one end. . .Finding the beauty in each season isn't really very hard, and for this I'm grateful.
Visit Misty Dawn's meme Camera Critters for much more.

In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy.
William Blake

Saturday, November 13, 2010

down by the seashore. . .

On our trip along Highway 1 in California, we caught up with these Sandpipers who were feeding as the tide came in along the beach outside of Cambria. They were energetic, speedy and brave in spite of really.big.waves and for that I was in awe of them. Plus, they provided the comic relief because they knew how to dodge the waves. . .and I didn't. Get it?

Gotta love creatures so small yet so smart--see more at Camera Critters a meme for animal lovers everywhere.