Showing posts with label attackafant entertainment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label attackafant entertainment. Show all posts

Monday, November 14, 2011

The Killer Elephants in stock again!

After reading yet another fine review, this time at Mondo Digital, I hope you all feel inspired to go to Diabolik DVD (the only solution for you who don't live in Scandinavia) and buy a copy of Attackafant Entertainment's release of The Killer Elephants! Here's the direct link!

Attackafant Entertainment is a small company, very small. Every sold DVD means that we can get closer to release even more DVDs in the future. The next will already arrive in January, the fantastic monster movie Thunder of Gigantic Serpent. Our focus is at movies that's hard to get and even of many of them are lost we try to dig up the best possible version - in these cases we used digibetas directly from the rights holder in Hong Kong.

If you live in Sweden you can buy The Killer Elephants at, for example, Discshop, Ginza, Webhallen, Megastore and many other places. If your store don't have it, ask them to order it!

Friday, October 28, 2011

"The Killer Elephants is about fucking shit up"

"The Killer Elephants is all killer and no filler. There isn't a moment that goes by in the film that could be considered boring, it moves at lightning speed and works with maximum efficiency, leaving exploded cars and building in its wake. There is some semblance of a plot about good guys and bad guys and a good cop who got framed and some drugs and some other stuff, but it isn't about all that. The Killer Elephants is about fucking shit up. Whether that shit is a jeep or a house, it doesn't matter. Blow that mother fucker up!"
Yeah, another amazing review, this time from Twitch! Read the whole text here!

And I will be back with reviews soon, it's just been a very busy week with other things. Just keep your eyes open, I think I can feel a Jess Franco coming up sooner or later...

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Killer Elephants - now at Diabolik DVD!

Yes, now it's possible to buy the Attackafant Entertainment DVD of The Killer Elephants at Diabolik DVD. Get it here!

Prepare for trashy fun! Just watch the trailer!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Killer Elephants - review by

The kind people at Tellusfilm wrote a very fine review of Attackafants first DVD-release, The Killer Elephants. You can all all read it in Swedish here, but they were very nice and translated the review to English for you non-Swedes to read! Enjoy!

The other night I put ”The Killer Elephants”, hot from the presses, into my DVD-player. You don’t recognize the title? Not that strange perhaps. It’s a relative obscure Thai action movie from 1976, nothing you will find at your local movie rental shop’s Top Ten shelf. If it hadn’t been for the newly started distribution company Attackafant Entertainment, which released this movie in collaboration with Njutafilms, we poor freezing Swedes would probably never have had a chance to see it.

The story isn’t that obvious, men honestly: if you’re going to watch a movie with the title “The Killer Elephants”, is the story really that important? That’s what I thought. But to put it short, it seems to be a cop that with more or less help from a slightly less law-obedient acquaintance tries to free a village from a terrorizing gangster. At least that’s what I think it’s about, I was busy following all the brawls and car chases. Elephants? Yup, there is some nice elephant action as well.

The first time I heard about the movie, or rather the title, I thought it was a movie about killer elephants, perhaps the mutated result of a scary experiment gone wrong. Unfortunately, that’s not the case here. These are regular elephants, albeit used as demolition artists and car crushers. Very cool (even if mutated killer elephants would have been even cooler). There’s also a scene in this movie that I’m willing to bet a few bucks will never be reproduced in another movie. Bandits knocked out cold by elephant penises are tragically underrepresented in movies, that’s all I can say.

I had a blast watching “The Killer Elephants”. It’s obvious that 70’s action from Asia not always was that different from its western counterpart regarding the actual core of the storytelling. There’s a lot of “Hey ho, let’s go”.

I was positively surprised about the picture and sound quality. Call me narrow-minded, but if someone says “Thai action from 1976” I expect pretty awful quality, in the vein of fourth or fifth generation VHS copy (if anyone out there remember those). This looked pretty good however. Sure, there are some dirt and scratches from place to place, but nothing too disturbing.
I want to send a personal “Thank you” to the man behind Attackafant Entertainment, who with this (and hopefully many more in the future) release broadens the Swedish DVD market to include more than just the latest special effects lollapaloozas from Hollywood. Knowing Attackafant’s main agenda is pure love for all thing movies rather than just making money makes it all even more admirable. That attitude renders a standing ovation in my book.

So, go buy yourself a copy of “The Killer Elephants” now. If you for some reason don’t like it, you can still stand tall and proudly proclaim “That elephant-penis-knockout-movie? Yeah, I’ve seen it.”

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Cinema skriver om The Killer Elephants!

I förra numret av Cinema skrivs det faktiskt om The Killer Elephants!
"KILLER ELEPHANTS är förmodligen en av tidernas märkligaste filmer. Thailands största actionhjälte, Sombat Matanee’s spelar en man vars fru kidnappas av banditer. Då tar han sin flock med elefanter och ger sig ut på en räddnings action utan like. Det krossas hyddor, välts bilar och en stackars sate blir knockad av en elefantballe, något man inte ser varje dag!" - Jason Meredith
Vi på Attackafant Entertainment känner oss stolta till att ha bidragit med ordet "elefantballe" i Sveriges mesta filmtidning! :D

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Attackfants are here!

I'll get back to you with a detailed list of links where to buy Attackafant Entertainment's first DVD, Kom Akadej's The Killer Elephants! Here's the specs:

The Killer Elephants

Prepare to get squashed!

This ain't no circus! From the depths of Thai film history comes Kom Akadej’s forgotten masterpiece about cops, gangsters, a house-crushing story of love, and… killer elephants! Starring legendary superstar Sombat Metanee and a who’s who of 1970’s Thai cinema! Filled with the traditional stunts and action of Thailand, from brutal fistfights to extravagant car chases!

For the first time on an official DVD comes the international version of The Killer Elephants, a movie never before released on any home video format in Thailand. Attackafant Entertainment is proud to present this action-packed lost cult classic to a wider audience!

Special DVD features
Widescreen version of The Killer Elephants, sourced from VHS.
An Introduction to The Killer Elephants by Regis Madec
International theatrical trailer
Artwork gallery

Technical Specifications
Fullscreen 4:3
English with Swedish or English subtitles
Region All

Friday, May 20, 2011

Thunder of Gigantic Serpent - trailer!

I've uploaded a trailer in better quality for Thunder of Gigantic Serpent, one of the two movies I'm releasing through my DVD label Attackafant Entertainment this year. Enjoy!

(And yes, I will try to write some reviews soon again too. Just didn't have time to focus on writing, sorry!)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Killer Elephants - trailer!

Yes, this is the second release from my own Attackafant Entertainment. First out is Thunder of Gigantic Serpent, but this is also a personal favorite of mine. This trailer was included on the master tape I got from the license owner and I had to share it with you all! Enjoy!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Attackafant needs a new tagline for Thunder of Gigantic Serpent!

The existing taglines for Thunder of Gigantic Serpent are a bit lame, even if they are cool in that unique IFD-way:

"Today he was only a household pet. Tonight he threatens to destroy the world"

"A terrible legless creature brings the world to its knees"

"What would you do if you were a serpent, 300 feet long, and someone threatened your only friend? For Mosler, the only answer is "Kill""
None of them are really that good. A bit to long, a bit to... lame. With all respect to IFD and Mr Joseph Lai of course! So join our Facebook-page and help Attackafant Entertainment to come up with a new cool tagline. The price is the honor of helping Mosler rule the world again!

Get some inspiration from the cool trailer down below!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


I’m kinda late here in the biz, just when everything is dying and we’re leaving DVD to VOD and similar stuff. But you know, I had to do it. I had to at least once try it, mostly because I want to see some of my favorite obscure movies on non-bootleg DVDs.

So let me introduce to you, ATTACKAFANT ENTERTAINMENT. And it’s possible to write with small letters too ;)

What I miss on the DVD-market is weird Asian movies, odd exploitation from Thailand, the Philippines, Taiwan, Hong Kong and so on. We’re not talking the normal martial arts flicks, we’re talking trashier stuff, wilder stuff. Mondo Macabro, one of the best companies in the biz, has released some amazing Asian stuff – but I don’t even want to compare myself with them. I’m in a much more primitive league.

I bought the rights to two movies, and those two might be the only titles I release… we’ll see what happen. Here they are…

The Killer Elephants (Thailand, 1976)
One of my favorites, this ultra-cheap and ultra-entertaining action movie with superstar-hunk Sombat Metanee will blow your mind when it comes to trashy action. The concept with the movie is that one of the gangs has trained killer-elephants who stomps, crushes and causes havoc to the poor suckers that meet them! You can read my review here. The knocked-out-by-elephant-dick-scene is a classic ;)

Thunder of Gigantic Serpent (Taiwan/Hong Kong,1988)
Yes, Joseph Lao’s cut & paste classic finally out on DVD! For this movie Joseph Lai and Godfrey Ho used footage from a Taiwanese monstermovie, King of Snake, and edited it together with new footage with legendary Pierre Kirby. No Ninjas, but a lot of monster action (Moslar!!!), a terrible cute kid and not always fitting-footage with western actors running around. What’s there not to love?

These versions where prepared for the international video market in the Eighties, so they are in fullscreen and with English dubbing. I’m using digibeta masters directly from Joseph Lai. For The Killer Elephants I MIGHT also include a widescreen version, sourced from a German VHS tape. Because of the cost I will make these on DVD-R, professionally manufactured in a factory. You won’t see any difference from a normal DVD. I will try to include some extras, but more on that later.

I bought the rights for Scandinavia, so the plan is to have at least Swedish subtitles. I’m sure there won’t be any problems for you outside Scandinavia to buy them from some store that ships internationally. I'm just a small business, nothing big and fancy, doing this to be able to see my favorite movies out on disc.

Yeah, that’s it. Check back for more info about release dates, new homepage, coverart, specs and of course screenshots.

Please spread the word about Attackafant Entertaiment and I would be very happy :) And hey, "like" my Facebook-page too! You find it here!
