Showing posts with label wedding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wedding. Show all posts

Sunday, April 05, 2015

A run up to NNC’s 8th Anniversary Meet

NNC’s 8th Anniversary Meet almost got cancelled when initially we couldn’t get enough members to join us this year.

With only 3 more weeks to go before the Meet, the number of members confirming their attendance was only 5 numbers

Initially I felt like it was not worth the trouble and time to proceed with the Meet with such a small number, considering that we have 20 local members out of 46 members from all over the world.

What with my constant travelling for work, making it not possible for me to come online often enough to encourage the members to come to the Meet, I was at wits end as the date draws near.

But, after having an online discussion with the Moderators combined with lots of persuading, enticing and sneak peeks of what’s to come, we finally managed to get 11 members to come, with one pending member still undecided.

Like what Margaret said, the show must go on, despite she herself not able to join us as she has a family commitment which cannot be avoided.

So, once it was decided that the Meet will go on with 11 members coming (I was still hoping up the the 11th hour that Erin and Sabariah would join us, but, it was not meant to be when they had other commitments to fulfil. Maybe next time......), it was a mad rush to get everything ready and done for the Meet.

The Anniversary Gift Exchange to do! The Tag Challenge to do! The goodie bag items, all 14 of them, to do or buy! The tags for the goodie bags to do! 

At the same time that I was busy preparing for the Anniversary Meet, I was also busy trying to finish the Card Trick Quilt which I was helping to make for Zarina’s book. 

I also promised my niece that my hubby and I would sponsor the doorgifts for her wedding reception, and I had this great idea that I was going to make heart shaped sugar cookies, glaze them, decorate them, wrap them and pack them up in cute little bags up to be given as doorgifts. 

Like I had all the time in the world to make them! LOL! 

Work at the office was so hectic and I was travelling for work so much, compounded with a flu that does not seem to want to go away, I was starting to get so stressed out with so many datelines to meet for the other things that needed to be done for the Anniversary Meet and the quilt, that I needed to start thinking of quick alternatives for my niece’s doorgifts which would still be just as nice, though not as unique.

I had to settle for what is the next best thing when time was no longer on my side. But, first things first, I had to prioritize what needs to be done so that I don’t miss out on anything. So I came up with a check list which I posted here a few weeks ago to keep myself in check.

I felt a big load off my chest when I put up the list as I could finally see what needs to be done, how much is done, and how much more needs to be done.

It was a great relief when I got the Card Trick done, and my niece’s wedding reception doorgift out of the way. 

There was no option of burning the midnight oil this year as I had to complete the Anniversary Gift Exchange, the Tag Challenge, all the goodie bag items plus the tags for the goodie bags and anything else related to the Anniversary Meet done 2 weeks before the date of the Meet as I had to be outstation for 3 days until Friday. 

I felt another burden off my shoulders when my niece’s wedding reception was finally over and I managed to get the doorgifts ready with the help of hubby and my two nieces, Kuyana and Kuyasmin.

Thanks, girls. Thanks, Dia!

Congrats, Kuya and Felix! May you have a long and happy marriage!

Now for the Anniversary Meet........ posting coming up!

Sunday, December 28, 2014

We could not be there..........

Today, our eldest niece, Kuya, got married. It was held in Kota Bharu

Despite the flood crisis and all, the ceremony itself went on smoothly. We wanted to be there to lend support to her. Her own mum could not be there. We wanted to surprise her (our niece). 

We have been performing the “Sembahyang Hajat” every day, ever since we made plans to fly up to Kota Bharu for the wedding. We prayed that the floods will subside, and the rain will stop, so that my niece can go through with her akad nikah, and we can fly up for the ceremony. 

My sister Adura has been keeping us informed of the flood situation daily, and as the flood worsens, we kept praying for a miracle

Our flight was supposed to be at 3.30pm today, 28th December. Her original date for the akad nikah was supposed to be on the 29th morning. But due to unpredictable weather conditions and rising flood water levels, they decided to have the ceremony earlier, throwing our plans to surprise her off tangent. 

Even as late as 11.00am today, we were all (hubby, son and I) still set and ready to catch the 3.30pm flight with the hope that the akad nikah will be held after 5.00pm so that we can still make it on time, even if we have to take the lorry to the ceremony, like my mum did. 

But at 12.00noon, my niece told me that the akad nikah will take place before Zohor, which means that it will take place before 1.00pm. She said that it is starting to rain again, and she doesn't want to take any chances. She has every right to be worried. The weather is so unpredictable.

My heart sank. I am going to miss my niece's wedding. My very first niece’s wedding. It felt like it was only yesterday that I was bringing her and her sister Kuyana around to family gatherings. Now she is getting married. 

I do so want to be there for her, but how? I have no private jet... 

It was too late to change our tickets to an earlier flight. 

By then, she had already known of my plans to fly up to KB for her ceremony. I told her about it the night before to give her moral support. I told her that I will try my very best to be there. 

I felt restless all afternoon today, during the time that I assumed was the time the ceremony took place. 

I feel sad that I could not be there for my niece. I so wanted to be there for her, but the worsening flood, and unconfirmed time of akad nikah due to unpredictable weather conditions just wasn't working in our favour to make the trip. 

So it was nice to finally see photos of the ceremony my sister posted. I cried.... 

Congratulations, Kuya, and Felix. You look so very pretty today. 

Sorry we could not be there on your big day. We tried...... 

May you have a long and happy marriage with lots of kids. Big hugs!

Monday, September 13, 2010

HARI RAYA 2010 (Day Two) - A Wedding and more visiting!

A friend of both my hubby and I got married on the 2nd day of Hari Raya, and she being a very close and dear friend, we decided to make the trip to Batu Pahat, a 2 ½ hour drive from Kuala Lumpur, for the wedding. We would say that this a wedding much awaited by many of our friends and colleagues at work. *smile* This is her first wedding, and she herself had rightly said, her life is only just about to begin .... at 40++ *grin* Kalau dah jodoh, akan bertemu jua..... (it was fated for you to marry, you will surely meet...).

We started out at about 9.30am, and only arrived in Batu Pahat (it usually takes only 2 ½ to 3 hours to get to Batu Pahat on normal days) at about 1.30pm due to heavy traffic along the trunk roads leading to Batu Pahat town.

When we got there, the bride and groom had already arrived, and was just done with the Makan Berhidang.

Our friend, Rosila, looks different as she was attired in a head scarf, as before this, she wasn’t wearing a head scarf. But, she looked very happy and cheerful, and was smiling from ear to ear, as any bride would, but her wedding is extra special. *smile*

After the wedding, we headed on my mother-in-law’s kampong (home town), Muar, an hour’s drive from Batu Pahat. There we visited my MIL’s eldest and only brother, Ayah Long, and most of his children. It’s been some time since we made a viist to Muar, and so, we spent quite some time there, chatting with my hubby’s cousin and aunt. Aiman was happily playing with Teh, their favourite pet cat.

Before heading back to Kuala Lumpur, my hubby took us around Muar.

He also showed us the government quarters where he used to live when my FIL was still serving the government many years ago.

The house looks abandoned, which is a pity since most government quarters those days are really huge with a huge garden for you to run around outside instead of being cooped up in the house in front of the TV or computer all day like kids nowadays do.


Aiman was actually smitten by the house that he wanted us to buy it! LOL!

Wa started our journey back to Kuala Lumpur at about 6.00pm, and made a stop over at the Restoran Jejantas Air Keroh located along the highway for dinner and maghrib prayers.

My son had Mee Goreng Mamak for dinner.

Sup Ekor with rice for hubby

Asam Laksa for me.

I didn't like it. The gravy was too thin, and it was so hot and spicy that I had to look for potato chips to take away the heaty traste from my mouth.

We safely arrived back in Kuala Lumpur at 10.00pm due to heavy traffic on the highway.

To Rosila and Kamarudin, CONGRATULATIONS!

May your marriage be blessed and may you both always remain faithful to one another and be together till death do you part. Amin.

And here are the embroidered towels I made for them. I hope they like them!

For orders, do drop me an email! *wink*