Thursday, October 24, 2013

Journal Updates

Tonight I was working on some journal updates for the boys' journals.  I thought I'd post here as well.
Wow, time has flown by!  I’m feeling the “mommy guilt” for not writing in Luke’s journal more frequently!  Luke is such a fun little boy.  He’s got a super active mind and always has a plan.   
Luke is in his second year of preschool at Grandwood Park Preschool.  He really enjoys his teachers, Mrs. Terlap and Mrs. LeClair.  He likes his classmates too.  He’s a smart little boy and has a great memory like Nick. 
Luke’s latest interests are playing Super Nintendo—Nick pulled it out a couple months ago and it didn’t take Luke long at all to get the hang of it.  He likes to play Aladdin, Donkey Kong, and especially Super Mario.  He’s actually pretty good too.  He loves to have someone to play with him or watch him play though.  Sam’s a really good sport and will watch him for quite a while.  It’s cute to hear Sam say, “Now go down that tube!”  Or, “get that mushroom!” 

Luke and Sam are best little buddies.  Luke is our early riser and Sam likes to sleep in a little bit.  Every morning Luke will ask, “When is Sam going to wake up?”  They love to play together.  Sam usually wakes up around 8am.  They currently share a room and they love it.  I asked if they wanted to sleep in different rooms a couple weeks ago and they both said, “NO!”   

Luke has a great imagination and loves to listen to or tell stories.  He tells Sam very fun stories about camping, tornadoes, monsters, etc.  He gets this from Nick.  The times when he asks me to make up a story for him I feel like my creative juices are zapped.  Nick is much better at this—which he actually gets from Grandpa Bill.  Grandpa Bill can tell great stories too. 

Luke is going to be Batman for Halloween this year.  He wears his costume quite a bit—around the house and occasionally out on errands.  I let him wear it to get his flu shot this year because he said it would help him to be brave.  It sort of worked…he still cried but I think he was less anxious about it than he has been in the past.  Poor Sam didn’t even see his flu shot coming and thought he’d been skewered.   

Luke will have his first part in the primary program this year.  All the primary classes were assigned a topic and then asked to come up with their own parts this year.  The sunbeams were asked what they like about their family.  Luke’s part is, “I like to play legos with my family”.  Surprise, surprise.
Luke is very interested in babies right now.  It makes me excited for our baby to come because he’s really sweet with them.  He loved holding baby Wesley last weekend when they were here visiting and we’ve babysat a 3-month old a couple times this week and he just loved it.  He loved feeding him his bottle, burping him, helping change his diaper, and just holding him. It was so sweet.
Sam is changing so much and I want it to stop!  He’s getting taller, thinning out, etc.  We had Jill and Brad’s family up to visit last weekend and Uncle Brad was talking to Sam and said, “Sam, you’re getting skinnier these days, what have you been eating?”  Without skipping a beat Sam said, “Candy corns, tootsie rolls, and chocolate eyeballs”.  Hilarious. 

He’s such a fun little boy.  ALWAYS talking.  Seriously, both Luke and Sam are non-stop chatting machines.  I know I’m going to miss it one day, but the other day while we were driving I really wanted to pay them both to be quiet J  I have to make them take turns talking to me because they will talk over each other and they both get very frustrated.  If Luke’s talking, Sam will say, “Now it’s my turn!!” and vice versa.   

Anytime I go anywhere with Sam I get asked “How old is he!?”  Everyone is super impressed and surprised by his vocabulary and how much he says.  I get stopped by at least 2-3 people at the grocery store or wherever we are because they hear him talking to me.  As soon as they ask me how old he is, Sam will interject saying, “I’m two and a half!”  And then he’ll say, “And Luke’s four and a half!” (he’ll say that even if Luke isn’t with us.)  He’s not shy about talking to other people and once they realize he will talk to them they love to visit and ask him all kinds of questions.   

Luke and Sam are best little buddies.  Luke is our early riser and Sam likes to sleep in a little bit.  Every morning Luke will ask, “When is Sam going to wake up?”  They love to play together.  Sam usually wakes up around 8am.  They currently share a room and they love it.  I asked if they wanted to sleep in different rooms a couple weeks ago and they both said, “NO!”   

A funny story—the other day I had snuck a bite of cookie dough out of the freezer and had just finished eating it when I went to help Sam on the potty.  I bent down to his level and all the sudden he sniffed and said, “It smells like cookie dough…”  I couldn’t believe it!  Busted J  He’s got a pretty great sense of smell.  He’s the first to smell anything unusual outside and he’ll announce it loudly. 

He’s going to be a bear this Halloween (his choice).  Whenever anyone asks him what he’s going to be he’ll say, “I’m going to be a bear costume.  I bought it at the resale store with my money.”   

Also, anything that has happened in the past—whether it was 5 minutes ago or 3 weeks ago is “yesterday” according to Sam.
Sam is very interested in “helping” with anything in the kitchen these days. He can climb to the top of the counter, with or without the help of a stool, and demands to have a job helping with something.



Thursday, October 10, 2013


September came and went without a single blog post!  I'm catching up with a picture overload.
 Races with Dad in the backyard
 The reaction from Sam anytime Luke says, "I won!" He completely melts down.
"Jack Sprat could eat no fat, his wife could eat no lean".
My future plumber
We went to Champaign to meet sweet baby Wesley.  Luke is obsessed with babies. 
On a train ride and loving it! 
 James, Clark, Sam and Luke.  Little boys on a train ride.

We signed Luke up for t-ball and he LOVED it.  It was so much fun to watch. 
Burgers and ice cream after the big game. 
 I take Sam to story time once a week while Luke is at preschool.  He loves it!
 30 weeks (4 weeks ago)
 Making mini pizzas
 Luke likes wearing my sleeping mask for naps
 Cute Sam
 Up to bat!
 Sam eats all the frosting from his oreos first
 Tom and Huck down by the river
 Finally hung some curtains and spray painted the lamp shades
 Re-stained the cherry console to a dark walnut color
 We stopped by a loose lego garage sale and Luke thought we hit the jackpot!
 Sword fighting with toilet repair parts
Daddy taking the boys on a bike ride
 Luke had a field trip to a farm and he was so excited (he asked about it for weeks!)  This is his friend Abraham. 
 Uncle Matt had business in Chicago and before his evening flight, we went to the LEGOLAND Discovery Center.
This is the lego set Luke wants with all his heart. It's on his Christmas list and he looks at it often in the lego magazine.  His favorite feature is the luggage ramp. (Santa's on it!)
Luke is going to be Batman for Halloween this year, so he was very excited to see Lego batman. 
Chicago built from Legos! 

Uncle Matt feeding Luke to a lego spider 
 4D Lego movie
Luke's first chapter book.  We read "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and then rented the movie.  He absolutely loved it.
 What better way to welcome fall than with a mountain of pumpkin cookies!?
I came out of my room and heard, "Mom! Don't come in the kitchen!"  Of course I had to investigate.  I found Luke helping himself to the cookies. Busted!
Being a boy is so convenient when camping.
Sam helping set up the tent 
 Sam wanted to go to bed before the sun went down because he was so excited to sleep in the tent.
They were worn out after a night of fun!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Home Projects and the boys

We decided to repaint the front door.  It's one of those things that has been on our home improvement list since we moved in.  We also spray painted the hardware with Rustoleum's oil rubbed bronze spray paint.  We still need to spray paint the storm door hardware and paint the yellowed window panes on the side.
 We changed out the gold lights on the outside of the house too.  The one on the left is the old, the one on the right is the new.   
I also sold our old kitchen chairs on Craigslist and got some new cafĂ© style ones.  We're still adjusting but I like them a lot better than what we had!
I guess it was 'new chair' week at our house.  I came across this cute chair at Goodwill.  It still had the tags on it from Target too!  I had been keeping my eye out for something that would look nice in the living room since our "office" is in a corner of that room.  I bought it for $40.  Of course when I got home I had to see how much it was selling for at Target--$169.99.  I love a good deal (and a cute chair!)
This is what you get when you tell Sam to make a funny face. 
I took this picture after Luke said he didn't need a nap because he wasn't tired.  I told him to just rest for a little while and moments later he was out.  I realize it's rare for a 4 1/2 year old to still be napping every day, but it's awesome!  It's been really great to have both boys nap at the same time so I can either rest or just have some quiet for a couple hours. 
 We went to a local parade.  The boys were thrilled with all the candy they gathered. 
 Playing out in the rain. I love how much these two love each other.