Showing posts with label Sam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sam. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Home Projects and the boys

We decided to repaint the front door.  It's one of those things that has been on our home improvement list since we moved in.  We also spray painted the hardware with Rustoleum's oil rubbed bronze spray paint.  We still need to spray paint the storm door hardware and paint the yellowed window panes on the side.
 We changed out the gold lights on the outside of the house too.  The one on the left is the old, the one on the right is the new.   
I also sold our old kitchen chairs on Craigslist and got some new cafĂ© style ones.  We're still adjusting but I like them a lot better than what we had!
I guess it was 'new chair' week at our house.  I came across this cute chair at Goodwill.  It still had the tags on it from Target too!  I had been keeping my eye out for something that would look nice in the living room since our "office" is in a corner of that room.  I bought it for $40.  Of course when I got home I had to see how much it was selling for at Target--$169.99.  I love a good deal (and a cute chair!)
This is what you get when you tell Sam to make a funny face. 
I took this picture after Luke said he didn't need a nap because he wasn't tired.  I told him to just rest for a little while and moments later he was out.  I realize it's rare for a 4 1/2 year old to still be napping every day, but it's awesome!  It's been really great to have both boys nap at the same time so I can either rest or just have some quiet for a couple hours. 
 We went to a local parade.  The boys were thrilled with all the candy they gathered. 
 Playing out in the rain. I love how much these two love each other.

Sunday, June 30, 2013



 I took the boys outside earlier in the month for a quick photo-shoot.  I was working on sending some updated photos to grandparents.  I think we managed to get some good ones...although I won't be re-inacting what I had to do to get some of their smiles.  I still need to figure out how to upload photos from my new phone to my blog so I can post more. But I could also get out my real camera more often!
These boys are such good buddies.  It can be exhausting to keep up with them, but I'm so glad they have each other.  Sam is completely lost without Luke.  And Luke includes Sam in everything, which is so adorable.  Luke has two neighbor friends that often come over to ask if he can play, and without fail he always says, "Can Sam come too?"  It makes my hormonal-pregnant-self happy (and teary)!
Luke is currently fascinated by the following: tornadoes, mosquitos and mosquito bites, and hobbits (due to a photo of "the Shire" his Grandparents sent from their mission in New Zealand)
Sam is our echo and is very interested in cars and trucks.  Just don't ask him to say the word "truck" or your ears will burn :)  All his 'T' sounds are actually 'F's.  I don't think I'll ever get used to my sweet two-year old wandering around dropping the f-word.  Surprises me every time.
We're enjoying our summer and looking forward to a few weeks in Utah.
Also, we find out the gender of baby number three on Wednesday! Hip-hip!

Friday, February 1, 2013


I thought I'd update a little more about the boys today.  I'll copy what I wrote in their journals today.

Sam is such a cute little boy!  I just love him.  He is generally happy and so so sweet.  He’s talking all the time nowadays and his voice is so cute.   The other day he counted to twelve without stopping and I was so surprised!  I guess all the games of hide-and-seek we’ve been playing are actually teaching him something!   

Sam likes to ask “why?” a lot now.  He wants to know why he’s getting dressed, why we’re going somewhere, why we’re eating, etc.  If I ever ask him a why question he says, “be-tos” (because).   

If you ask him a question like, “Sammy, what did you have for snack today in nursery?”  His response always starts with a long, “Uhhhh…” as he thinks about it.  Nick likes to ask Sam questions about his day when he comes home from work.  Sam always says, “Uh...” while he thinks about what he had for lunch or what he’s been doing all day. 

I talk to him a lot about going to the bathroom on the potty (not getting my hopes up of course.)  He has no interest at this point but he immediately comes to me for a diaper change when he’s poopy.  

He loves the word “no”.  He calls Luke, “Gewk”.  I love how he says the word cold too—“tolg”. 

We got rid of his binky in November.  He did pretty well saying goodbye to it.  Just had a couple days of crying only for about 15 min or so.   I just tried to make sure he was pretty tired for nap and bedtime on those days.  He transitioned to one nap around 18 months.

He likes to clean his ears with a q-tip after his bath.  He likes to brush his teeth.  He likes to carry around cars and play with trains.   

He still drinks a 6-8oz bottle of milk at bedtime.  We’ve switched to soy milk because I was told that the Green Smoothie Girl had a child with asthma.  She took him completely off of dairy and it cured him I guess.  Well, I’ve noticed a difference even with Sam being off of milk for a month.  I haven’t had to give him a nebulizer treatment in 2 weeks.  With him drinking soy milk during the day and a soy milk bottle at night, he just doesn’t create the mucus that causes the wheezing .   It’s been awesome.  If he gets a cold it usually brings on a lot of his asthma symptoms but he hasn’t had one since we switched to soy milk—it will be interesting to see if he can get away without his nebulizer with his next cold too.
He says his prayers really well now—not all by himself, but he repeats all the words we tell him. It’s really cute.

Luke is almost 4! I can’t believe it.  He has grown up too fast.  Luke is doing so well in preschool.  His teacher Mrs. Terlap says he is such a “nurturer”.  I had a parent teacher conference with her last week and he’s doing awesome in every area—good listener, great social behavior, etc.  The only thing we need to practice is some coupon clipping (scissor practice) and writing his name.  Oh, and hopping four times on one foot.  I guess he does well on the other large-motor skills but hasn’t yet mastered hopping.   

Luke is such a sweetheart—always very concerned if we are hurt or sad.  He’s also constantly pushing my buttons J Typical for his age I think…I guess he’s just fulfilling the “older brother” duty by teasing Sam constantly.  When I get upset with him he says, “Fine.  I’m leaving.”  And he’ll go try to put on his shoes.  I remind him to put on his coat before he leaves and then he says, “I’m not going anywhere!” 

The other morning I wouldn’t let him have a 3rd bowl of Lucky Charms.  A few minutes later he said, “You’re making me very upset mom.”  I said, “Why buddy?”  He said, “Because I have to look at you all day.”  Charming little one. 

We made a little chore chart for Luke so he can earn a little bit of money for toys.  He obsesses over toys at the store and throws huge fits when we leave without them.  I’ve explained how money works (in 3 year old terms) and he’s now working to make some money so he can buy things. 

Luke is very repetitive.  He’ll ask the same question 10 times even if you’ve given him an answer.  Sometimes I just have to say, “I’ve already answered your question Luke.  Think about what I said.”  He’s very curious too.  He asks what all the signs on the road mean while we’re driving.  He notices when we drive in Dad’s civic because it’s “bumpier” than the suburban.   

He still takes naps which I’m realizing is a significant for his age.  A lot of people in our ward here with kids the same age tell me that their child was done with naps a long time ago.  I’m hoping Luke sticks with it for a while longer J 

He often doesn’t like what we’re having for dinner (without even trying it) and Nick has to tell him stories to get him to eat.  Just this week we convinced him that he could hold his own piece of pizza instead of having us cut up bites for him.  He was a little worried about getting his hands messy but he was very proud of himself.   

He’s a lot of fun to have around.  Never a dull moment with this one.
I'm feeling like I lucked out big time with these two.  They are so much fun and such good little buddies.  My favorite thing is hearing them play well together.  They each love having the other one around.  I'm just really grateful that I have the option of being home with them every day.  I know a lot of people don't have a choice, or choose not to, but I'm really glad I can and want to.  It's definitely not easy and some days I wish I had another job--but ultimately it's the most rewarding thing.  I think it's teaching me more about myself and qualities I can improve upon more than any other job would.
(Also, these pictures were taken by my good friend Amber.  She did such a good job and I was really happy with how they turned out.  I'll post more of the entire family next.)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Sam at 18 months

Sam is 18 months old!  So crazy.  His stats from the pediatrician are as follows:
Weight: 24 lbs (25th percentile)
Height: 32" (50th percentile)
Head: 47 1/2 cm (50th percentile)
He's a happy, healthy little boy and he's so fun.  His personality is shining through and he's making his preferences known.  His vocabulary is growing all the time as well as his animal sound repertoire.  He's getting a little pickier about what he wants to be eating...but overall he's happy.  He loves to be outside or watching Finding Nemo.  If you suggest either one of those activities, he'll be your right hand man.  He's getting very brave at the park (climbing up the toy and going down the slides unassisted).  He loves to run and I love seeing his little body move as fast as he can go.  He's very ticklish and gives open mouth kisses.  I could go on and on, but we're just feeling so lucky that he's part of our family.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


 We've reached the magical age when Sam can go to nursery! It was so exciting!  I actually felt like I learned something in Sunday School and Relief Society this week.  Luke and Sam get to be in nursery together for a couple months.  I think it will help Sam transition smoothly.  Luke seems so big to be in the nursery.  He's a February birthday though, so he missed the deadline by a couple months.  He loves it though. 
Just for fun, here is a picture of Luke and Sam around the same age, wearing the same shirt to church.  Little boys in church clothes are so darling.

Soccer Net


Time to play catch up on the blog.  My sweet Aunt Joan sent the boys this awesome soccer net.  They have had such a good time playing with it.  I told Luke about how I loved playing soccer as a kid.  I told him how you get to play on teams with matching shirts and it's really fun and at the end you get a treat.  "Okay Mom, I will play soccer.  What's my treat gonna be?" 
I'm sad that it's getting cold and we won't be spending as much time outside anymore.  Hopefully this winter is as mild as last winter was here. 
Anyone know what kind of flowers those are?  They are in several places in my yard and I want more!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Sam is 15 months

Sam had his 15 month check up today.  We were at a new pediatrian and we loved it.  He was so great with Sam (and Luke). Plus he gave me a lot of good suggestions to get in control of my 3-year old who is hard. He suggested a book called 1-2-3 Magic and within 10 min of being home, it was on order from Amazon.  But enough about Luke...this post is about Sam.

Sam's 15 month stats:
Weight: 22 lbs 6 oz (25%)
Height: 30 3/4 in. (40%)
Head: 47 1/2 cm (60%)

Sam had to get 2 shots today.  Poor guy.  He's been asleep for the last 3 1/2 hrs. 

Sam is such a sweet kid.  He's got such a great personality.  He can communicate really well and he knows almost everything we say to him.  He can say: shoes (sues), fish (ish), dog (daw), Jesus, outside (ah-sigh), ball (bah), yes (es), Dad, water (wahh) and more.  One of my favorite things is asking him a question and he almost always says, "yah".  "Sam do you want a cracker?"  "Yah".  "Sam, do you want to go outside?" "Yah". And then he runs to get his shoes and brings them to me.

He knows how where his nose, ears, eyes and teeth are and can point to them.  He also will flex his muscles when you say, "Sam, where are your muscles?"

He loves animals and several animal sounds.  He knows a few animals that growl (bear, lion, tiger), and he will also moo for a cow and hiss for a snake.  He loves dogs too and attempts to make a "woof" sound.

Sam loves to be outside.  He begs to go outside by standing at the back door or bringing me his shoes.  He likes to pass a ball back and forth or set up the t-ball and hit it with a bat. 
Whenever we're outside he's always pointing out airplanes and he tells me when he sees a bird or hears a dog barking.  He likes to go for rides in the Jeep with Luke.

He's obsessed with his blanket.  He drags it around the house all day.  If I find it abandoned I'll throw it back in his crib, but within a few minutes he has pulled it back out through the rungs.  He really likes his binky too, but we try to just use it for naps and bedtime.

He's found that screaming gets attention quickly.  He'll scream when he wants something or when Luke is bugging him. 

He loves to read books.  I'll find him in the book corner with piles all around him and he's just flipping through the pages.  So darling.

He loves to climb! (just like his brother).  I'm amazed that we haven't had any broken bones.  I'm constantly removing him from the coffee table, ottoman, chairs, etc. 

He has major seperation anxiety right now.  It's like he senses when we're dropping him off or about to sneak away and he just loses it.  We're told he calms down after a few minutes :)

He loves when Nick gets home from work.  He stays right by him the rest of the evening.  He loves to play "chase" and have someone run after him.  He also loves when we hide and jump out at him.  He loves to ride on Daddy's back as he runs through the house.

He loves water.  He was a bit leery when we set up our pool at first, but now he loves being in the water.  The water level is almost at the top of his shoulder but he doesn't want me to hold him.  He just likes to march around throwing balls around with his arms in the air.  I just follow him around and scoop him up when he loses his balance.  We've been working on his back float and he's doing really well.

Sam is such a fun little boy.  We love him so much and can't believe he's already 15 months old!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Ball boy

 Sam loves setting up the baseball and practicing his swing

 He prefers to hold the bat backwards
Check out that concentration. 
It's so cute, he loves doing this over and over. 

Monday, April 23, 2012

Celebration: One Year

 Waking up to singing and a camera...he must have known something was up.
 Playing with presents
 Swinging at the park

 We had the Skousen's over for a breakfast dinner and Jill brought a fun activity for Sam.  She lined these items up and then we brought him into the room to see which one he went to first.  It's a symbol of the career path they will choose [in the Chinese culture--am I right on this Jill?]
 What did he choose?  The money jar! Go and make your mamma proud baby!
More presents and balloons
Cake time 

 He really wanted to touch that flame--Luke blew it out for him
 Starting to dig in...
 Really having a good time now...
 Such a mess.  He was just picking up clumps of cake and throwing them over the edge.

Rinse in the sink--excuse the dinner mess as well :)
Happy Birthday Sam!