Showing posts with label music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label music. Show all posts

Friday, June 26, 2015

Friday Potpourri

Can you believe that it is the end of June already...
where has the time gone!


and officially summertime
which means so many good things!

and speaking of good ~ we have been enjoying

cherries as snacks
peonies bursting open 
warmish nights = evenings on the deck


so many blooms and fresh cut grass
planting and weeding ~ enjoying all the green
time with my "big girl" camera  ~ I put it down too long


 first week of hubby's new job and so far ~ so good



tomorrow I will be putting out my red & white
as Canada Day is next week
so looking forward to it

it's a birthday weekend as we celebrate my MIL & SIL
with a brunch on Sunday

then my Sweet Pea turns 16 on the 2nd
I can't believe it ~ my Samantha is growing up
way too fast ~ I am a proud Auntie



and I always have room for a new potato salad recipe


Hope you had a great week
and that the weekend puts a smile on your face!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Day 29 ~ Five Songs

Pick five songs or pieces of music that speak to you or bring back memories

You cannot imagine how hard it is for me to pick only 5 songs
as I have a memory for music
I can name the song to go with a certain event
and I am a true believer in the song remembers when

so with that being said so many songs spark a memory
so I have picked a few of my absolute favourites

I was lucky enough to finally see The Eagles
a few years back ~ they are my favourite band

Desperado was sort of my theme song for a lot of years
the entire Greatest Hits Vol 1 album is one that has
gone from vinyl to cassette to cd

Switchin to Glide from the Kings
takes me back to high school
and there is something about the line
:nothing matters but the weekend, from a Tuesday point of view"
still rings true today

Taking You Home by Don Henley
was our last dance at our wedding
the lyrics fit ~ we were so happy ~ still are for that matter
but it is a memory I will carry with me forever

What's Going on in Your World by George Strait
well any song by George really reminds me of my Dad
this was one of his favourite artists and he became one of mine as well
the same holds true with Charley Pride, Keith Whitley and many others
depending on my mood I can either sing it loud or cry like a baby
when it comes on now

I picked this last one as it makes me smile
and takes me back to going out every Saturday night
and just dancing ~ it still gets me on the dance floor ~ omg I still love it

please someone tell me they recognize this 80's flashback moment!

OK ~ can I just say I loved this one!
I may have to do an album list and I am loving Grooveshark!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Friday Potpourri

Ahh ~ another week gone
and already the middle of the month

where on earth does the time go??



it has been a hectic week
changes at work ~ new responsibilities
learning ~ learning
who says you can't teach an old dog...



packages in the mail
goodies make me smile ~ will share my wares soon

I have been reading posts on my phone
so forgive me for the lack of comments
but I am here and visiting...


thank you for the lovely comments on 
our love story

Valentines was low key
whipped up some pasta and shrimp for supper

was treated to flowers and a new charm for my
Pandora bracelet

I bought him chocolate ~ his 2nd love!



more cooking on the agenda this weekend
a couple more sweet things
plus some dinner planning for next week

March will be the month of celery and lettuce I think



hoping for a movie date with my girls
we will see ~ teenagers are busy you know


hope your week was full of
love & hugs

and that your weekend is full of sunshine.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Dancing in the Dark

This past week-end
we had a legend come into our little city
and rock the hill

the Magnetic Hill music site here in Moncton
is a natural amphitheater that has hosted some of the biggest acts
in music history

it is a little jewel in our crown 

when they announced that "The Boss" was coming
I knew I had to go
how could I let it pass me by ~ the tickets were pricy ~ so I went with plan B

one of my best friends ~ Tracey and her daughter Melissa
have connections

and those connections live on the road bordering the concert site grounds
it is where they go to see all the big acts

it was a pretty sweet deal
we brought our own cooler ~ chairs and something to bbq for supper

we may not have been in the thick of it
but when he came on ~ we moved our chairs closer

sang and danced in the field 
and remembered our Glory Days

he played for over 3 hours and looked like he was having a ball

sang all my favorites ~ Hungry Heart, 10th Ave Freeze Out,
Dancing in the Dark and so many more

it was one of the best concerts I have ever attended
and although we were not in the site
to get caught up in the energy of the crowds

we had a grand old time
in our "cheap seats"

Thank you Bruce ~ you are a supreme entertainer
and I am so so glad I did not miss this epic event.


Friday, August 24, 2012

Friday Potpourri

Happy Friday
and I think it is time
for a little pretty...


 this quote really spoke to me this week
for someone that wishes the weeks away
as they are sometimes just too long
and the week-ends ~ too short

I will do my best to "be" in the moment
and enjoy the weekdays too

 country roads ~ take me home
to the place ~ I belong

I think I need some more time on the cape
at our little cabin in the woods
next week-end ~ that is my goal


 truly love this picture and the message
as there is nothing like a wooden screen door

 and this window ~ I do adore everything about it
the farmhouse sink ~ the old window 
and the shelf ~ brilliant!


I have been craving peach pie and these are the cutest ever

 this week has been kind
with more beautiful weather ~ going for some walks
connecting with some old friends
reading books and blogs

remembering this same time last year
when my best girl was here for a week
I won't see her this summer
and I miss her

I think I just talked myself into a phone date with her!


this week-end will be a busy one
Sunday we are heading to an outdoor concert
going to see the "Boss" this year
as Bruce is playing on the hill

looking forward to it ~ spending time with old friends
with some great music
you can't get any better than that!

Hope you have a wonderful week-end