Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts

Monday, March 19, 2012

Dreaming of Spring....

Hello Monday
please try and be kind

the week-end went by way too fast
but it was productive and fun

weather wise I do not think that I have seen a nicer
St. Patty's Day
we are usually buried under mountains of snow
but not this year

I had the windows open
it felt so good to see the sun shining
and a warm breeze blowing

I re-potted my shamrock
I have had it for years ~ it was my very first plant

I had some issues with it last year
my dear cat kept eating it
so I had to find it a new home and it is flourishing

Saturday I came home to an impromptu concert next door
tubas and horns ~ it was quite the site

it was a practical joke for our neighbors
and we all enjoyed it

a little green beer does a heart good
as we all found out that night

we got together with the bestneighborsever
for game night

the board all set up
after playing it together for almost 2 years now
Cathy finally won a game
she was a happy girl!

Molly always comes along
and she got her Irish on

a good time was had by all.

I did a little spring freshening here on the blog
with all the nice weather in the forecast
I am dreaming of spring....

what did you do over the week-end
do tell......


Wednesday, December 14, 2011


As we run around finishing our shopping
and trimming
and wrapping
and baking 
and cleaning
and and and

take a moment and remember

loved this one!

Happy Wednesday.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wordless Wednesday ~ For Luck

The Old Triangle Pub ~ Moncton

Since tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day
I felt the need for a little green

and I will leave you with this Irish quote...

 “It is easy to be pleasant when life flows by like a song, 
but the man worth while is the one who will smile when everything goes dead wrong. 
For the test of the heart is trouble, and it always comes with years, 
and the smile that is worth the praises of earth is the smile that shines through the tears.”

Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

Monday, November 15, 2010


Oh ~ the holiday shopping season has arrived I think

I will warn you now
this is not a post full of pretty pictures
or kind words

it is a little vent...

yesterday ~ like every Sunday
I headed to the grocery store
I was not in a foul mood or rushed in any way

 I was checking things off my list
and checking out the sales
when a cart hit me from behind

thinking it was someone I knew
that was just horsing around ~ trying to get my attention

I turned around with a smile
and saw this little old lady
and she was not from Pasadena ~ veering around me
without a sorry or excuse me

now I am usually quite tolerant
I do respect my elders
after all
my generation was raised to do that

but I was quite perturbed when this happened
so I shrugged it off and kept on my way

fast forward 15 minutes or so and
now I am in the check out line
and I will admit
I try my best to get in a line without a 12 year old
ringing through the purchases
but yesterday I did not do that

I know they are not 12
but I think when I was 16 or 17
I knew better than to put bread and milk
in the same bag
just saying...

I had my first job at 16 and I know I was not giving
gold standard customer service by a long shot
 but I did not sigh when I was waiting on my customer
and ask them what time it was

after I was all rung through
and heading out to the parking lot
I see a man that made his own spot
so I shake my head and roll my eyes.....

I get into my car and get to thinking
the Christmas shopping season has not even started yet
and people are tearing around with no regards to 
the people around them

I feel I am fortunate
I do not have to go from store to store 
looking for the latest coolest must have toy
because I have 4 legged kids

my buy for list is relatively small

I do not have to travel far to spend time
with my family

so I made a deal with myself 
that I will treat others with respect
while we head out into the hustle and bustle
this holiday season

 thanks for listening!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

An Irish Story

I am not Irish
but I have relatives that are

my Aunt Dorrie
was born and raised in Belfast
and came to Canada as a young girl

is was here she met my Uncle Bob
my mother's brother

they fell in love

got married

had 2 kids

and in 1968 they went "home"
for a visit

my Uncle and the kids fell in love

and they moved over in 1969

needless to say
I did not know my cousins very well

I was very young when they moved
and they did not come back to Canada
until 1982

In 1988
Gram and I
went over for a holiday

I fell in love too
but came back home

We flew into Belfast
and toured the entire time

County Antrim
simply beautiful countryside

Belfast Castle

Lady Dixon Park
roses, roses and more roses
I think I drooled the entire time

Giant's Causeway
is the place that stands out in my mind the most
it was spectacular
isn't it amazing what Mother Nature can do!

I sampled the local fare
Irish soda bread
along with an Ulster fry

my arteries and hips are still
paying for that I am sure!

and when we got married
a gift of Irish linen arrived
from my Aunt Dorrie

Uncle Bob has been gone now
since 1998

Aunt Dorrie is enjoying her retirement
and her grandchildren


So in the spirit of everything Irish

here's a cupcake

and a mug of green beer

I do not think I would have them together though
I cringe at that combo!

Happy St. Patrick's Day
