Hello Monday
please try and be kind
the week-end went by way too fast
but it was productive and fun
weather wise I do not think that I have seen a nicer
St. Patty's Day
we are usually buried under mountains of snow
but not this year
I had the windows open
it felt so good to see the sun shining
and a warm breeze blowing
I re-potted my shamrock
I have had it for years ~ it was my very first plant
I had some issues with it last year
my dear cat kept eating it
so I had to find it a new home and it is flourishing
Saturday I came home to an impromptu concert next door
tubas and horns ~ it was quite the site
it was a practical joke for our neighbors
and we all enjoyed it
a little green beer does a heart good
as we all found out that night
we got together with the bestneighborsever
for game night
the board all set up
after playing it together for almost 2 years now
Cathy finally won a game
she was a happy girl!
Molly always comes along
and she got her Irish on
a good time was had by all.
I did a little spring freshening here on the blog
with all the nice weather in the forecast
I am dreaming of spring....
what did you do over the week-end
do tell......