Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts

Sunday, August 04, 2013

beach week 2013

 prepare for picture overload.

We left for the beach on our 12th wedding anniversary.  this is my favorite wedding pic of us:

Playing cards at the airport:

We got in late, late on Saturday night.  Dad picked us up and we slept at his house.
Sunday morning we got up and drove down to Ocean City.
Everyone was on the beach already so we dropped our bags and headed two blocks over.

The kids were so happy to see everyone.
Holes were dug, people were buried, waves were boogied.

Add and Cath collecting shells.  
They had lots of talks about shells and different kinds, it was really cute.

Flying kites.

First icecream man stop of the week.
Kade LOVES the choco taco.

back to hole digging:

Pretending they are super heroes with towel capes:

3 cousins

We went to the boardwalk that night:

ate icecream with a crap load of jimmies!!!


Sunday, April 28, 2013

off to california

Ash and I put together a quick trip for me to come out and visit.
I flew in late Wednesday night.
Thursday morning we took off for the city.
We went and saw the Girl with the Pearl Earring exhibit. 
It was pretty cool.
Then we had lunch at Jasper's.  

Went into Britex and bought some ribbons:

Went to the Ferry building for cheese and olive oil:

Dinner at Houston's aka Hillstone:

Friday was the book signing that had sparked the whole idea for the visit.
Alan Brennert was speaking about his new book, Palisades Park.
It was very interesting and entertaining.
We did pay full price at the bookstore for the new book ($30 grrrr) but we were supporting local business right!?!

After the signing we had lunch at a burger place called Habit and checked out Rich's Fossil store.
We picked up the kids and hung out and then had dinner at Sauced (a BBQ place) 
My nachos were HUGE and so good.

Saturday we went to the Farmer's Market and then I was itching to sit in the sun.
The kids' pool was having an opening BBQ so we went over so they could swim 
and I could get my sun fix.

 I am grateful for technology....I could see my kids and Ethan before they left for the day.

 Saturday night was the KILLERS concert which is a post of it's own.