Showing posts with label music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label music. Show all posts

Thursday, September 19, 2013

mom and Add go out on the town.

Mindy Gledhill was putting on a show in Provo for her new album.  
Ethan and I talked about it, it was on a school night and didn't start until 8 pm.  
Addi absolutely loves Mindy Gledhill so Ethan said I had to take her and bought us tickets to go.
Add was so excited.  
We went out to dinner first.
She chose Chik Fil A.
She was hilarious....talked my ear off the whole time.
I loved it.

The tickets said the show was at 8 so we got there around 7:30 and got in line.
We heard some people say that the doors wouldn't open until 8 and the show would be at 8:30.
Add did great in line even though we waited outside almost an hour.

Once we got inside we had to buy a t-shirt.
We were going to share it because I didn't want to buy two.
After Add put it on she said, "Can this just be mine and you can get your own?" haha.

We got right up front:

The opening band was pretty good....we were anxious for Mindy to come out.
She didn't come on stage until around 9:45.  

It was all worth it when she came out on stage and was within arm's reach.
Add was beaming and singing her heart out.
She didn't last too long and we left early.
We stopped for a water on the way home and then she promptly fell asleep in the car.

Cute girl ready for school:

Oh, how I love this girl.

Friday, August 02, 2013

mindy gledhill!!

Mindy Gledhill was headlining the Rooftop Concert Series, so of course we had to go.
Playing cards while we wait:

Kade brought his wallet which has his passport photo in it:

Ethan met us after work and we got dinner there.

The boys decided to head home and Add and I went up to the front of the stage.
She sang her little heart out.  It was so, so fun.

We saw my friend, Amy and she took these pics for us.
Thanks Amy!

Justin Hackworth helped us get this shot with Mindy.  
Add was in HEAVEN.

Sunday, April 28, 2013


I knew the Killers were going to be in California this spring and was happy to find out they were playing in SF the weekend I was there.  We went to the Saturday night show and it was a blast.

We drove into the city and found parking pretty easily.
We walked around a bit and then decided to eat at a place called The Grove.
Our meals were delicious.
Then off to stand in line. When we got to the venue the line was crazy long, luckily the doors opened fairly quickly and we were inside.
The whole thing was general admission and we decided to grab seats.

Opening song, Mr Brightside.  They played it with the lights up like they did at the Orem show.

The whole thing was fantastic.  Ash and I sung our hearts out and danced lots.

Playlist from instagram:

 We got back to Livermore late and stayed up talking for a while.  
Our 4:15 am wake up came quickly. I was on the plane and back in SLC by 9 am.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

music for your wednesday.

Ethan showed me this music video that he found on failblog.
I love when he finds things he thinks I will like.
I'm a big fan of school supplies and color.