Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Craft Day!!

Here are three more pages for shimelle's class, a DLO for the weekend as I was really not feeling too well and a SLO of my bed for the same reason!! I'm starting to get boring now, must try and get better!
Have been watching craft day on QVC but have not seen much to rave about, will have a nose at Kirsty soon. I find there is too much of the same thing and a lot of it is aimed at beginners, don't I sound snooty, I am too advanced now, lol.
Ian has been out and paid our yearly subscription to the bowls club, just need to get fit enough to play now.
On a happier note, I was well in budget last month, just shows what a bit of effort and planning can do.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Not well

Have not been feeling very well over the last few days so have not been blogging. It was a good excuse to catch up on reading though and I have read two books!
Did manage to finish off these pages for shimelle's class though still have some catching up to do.
The third page has a photo taken when we visited the WW1 war graves last week. Having three sons it made me so thankful not to have been around at that time. So many young lives lost, such a terrible waste, hopefully they will never be forgotten.

Monday, September 22, 2008

My girly boys!!!

Here are my next two pages for shimelle's class, after a phonecall with both David and Peter I was pleased and amused to be discussing S.C.D. with them!! and after last weeks visit I can at last play my sims without the awful lag, thanks David!

After a beautiful weekend it has been miserable here and quite cold, our weather, at least it gives us something to talk about!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Nearly time again!

It's nearly the 25th of the month again so I thought I'd better do August's pages quickly.
Apart from that, I've had a very lazy day, reading a very good book by James Patterson called Cross which David lent me and watching Morse on tv. We did go out for a long walk this morning after I had a soak in the bath, it's a hard life!!
I watched SCD last night and was imressed with a few of the men, the first two were very good but I also have a fondness for John ( Jo Brand ) Sargeant, I hope he doesn't go out.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Can't wait!

Here are my next three pages for Shimelle's class, I can't believe I'm up to date with this!!

The 17th is about me doing my good housewife bit by making chutney with my homegrown tomatoes. When the children were young I used to watch Little house on the Prairie every week and liked it so much I read all the books too. My favourite one was about the long winter when it snowed for about 6 months, thankfully that doesn't happen here. After watching the programme I always had the urge to bake my own bread and grow my own vegetables and be just like Mrs Ingalls!! Reality is I am just too lazy, but I like to dream!
The next day's page was about a moment in a busy day when I walked outside and saw about 10 beautiful butterflies, it really lifted my spirits standing still and watching them.
The last page was yesterdays when I was feeling a bit stressed about doing this class so had a break and did another layout instead. I have to remember that I do this for enjoyment and shouldn't put pressure on myself to do things it is ok to do something different if I want to.
Today I am happy, I have already watched Mark and Karen, my favourites, winning again. We are having pizza as it is buy one get one free, and I can't wait. STRICTLY COME DANCING is BACK!!!!

Who am I?

I did this layout for the challenge on the scrummy stash cafe, the colour has come out a bit funny, I blame David!! I enjoyed doing the challenge and I'm looking forward to the next one tomorrow.

I have lots of new stash to use after my birthday just need the inspiration!

It has been another lovely day here, we walked along by the sea again and enjoyed it while we can. A yacht was having quite a battle against the high tide and the wind, we sat and watched it for a while and were glad it was ok.

sudoku - 310

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


My next two pages for shimelle's class are really linked. I had a lovely birthday with all the family but unfortunately took some photos which confirmed what I already knew I AM FAT!
I can lose weight, I have done it many times before, so that is my aim up to Christmas, yet again!!
I had an add up of what I spent last week and it was way over budget but I am back on track this week with only £50 spent in sainsburys. Also picked a lot of tomatoes and have made a yummy chutney to put by for Christmas.
sudoku - 392

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

catching up

I managed to do three more layouts for shimelle's class this afternoon. The first about going to a new butchers. The second, watching Ed playing rugby and the third about how tiring having the family here can be, I love it too though! And yes, I know the photos are in the wrong order but I am too tired to change them now.
This morning Ian and I went out for our usual walk by the sea as we had to go and stock up on a couple of essentials after our busy weekend. We really should do the garden but the look of horror on Ian's face showed me I was on a loser there today!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Just a quickie!

Here are two more pages for shimelle's class, we had a quiet evening stroll on the 10th which was lovely and enjoying the children's company on the 11th.
Things are very hectic here at the moment, it's lovely though to have the family all together. There are a lot of cheers and moans going on in the living room as they all play on the x box, I tried a wrestling game but was picked on too much, I think more intelligent games suit me better!

Friday, September 12, 2008


Getting your own chickens seems to be very popular at the moment, I often visit this blog http://down---to---earth.blogspot.com/ where there is good information about looking after chickens as well as living the " Good Life" How I wish Ian was like her husband!!!
I've been busy today getting the house straight and shopping for the weekend. I've spent about £95 this week because of the boys coming but hope to even it out by the end of the month. I'd rather go over budget and see my sons though!
I need to do my next pages for shimelle's class, I know what I'm going to do which is the main thing. We had a good time with the children yesterday playing Guess Who and Connect 4, I remember playing these games with my children but I'm sure they were a lot better made then.
Ian and I watched a good film after the children had gone home, called Prestige, wasn't sure I was going to like it at first and then got hooked.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Evening stroll!

Just a quickie today as we've just been out for an evening walk by the sea as it was so nice. I came back and did this page quickly as I want to watch tv at 9pm. The photo is of the matchboxes I have been painting, it is taking a long time to do and I have realised, well I always knew really, that I am not a very patient person. I will not give up though, I'm also a determined one!
We did our weekly shop this morning and spent a bit more than last week as we have Peter and David coming, I will have to adjust things next week. I've also made a chocolate cake and some fairy cakes ready for the children tomorrow.
We finished the Terminator series which was very good, can't wait for the next series now.
sudoku - 314

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Buying shoes!

Here are my next two pages for Shimelle's class, the first is about starting to do things from scratch again and the second is about how easily pleased I am, a sunny day with the washing out on the line and I am happy.

Jenny and I went to the shops this morning to try and find a bag and some shoes for her, needless to say we came back with neither. Are we the only two women in the world who hate buying shoes!!

I'm still busy painting my matchboxes, they seem to need several coats or perhaps I am just a perfectionist. My lesson today is to take my time and be patient.

sudoku - 346

Monday, September 08, 2008


Just a quick blog today as I have nothing to upload. I have been very busy painting 24 matchboxes!! I am hoping to make this http://www.bubblyfunk.co.uk/article_info.php?articles_id=39&osCsid=2b8cee6118237fe287250d9428d6d50d for Christmas. I tried to make the boxes but gave up after two as they were too fiddly. Ian very kindly went out and bought me some matchboxes and it is taking several coats of paint to cover them. It's great fun answering the phone with paint all over your fingers. I will try and do my shimelle prompt later.
My lesson for today, incase I forget is - it doesn't take much to make me happy, just a dry sunny day so that I can put the washing out.
I kept well within my budget last week spending £71.54. I feel I will be spending more this week as David and Peter are coming to help me celebrate my birthday. I feel chocolate cake and crunchjacks etc will be made this week!

Sunday, September 07, 2008


This is my next page for Shimelle's class, now I know why I hate the hairdressers! Mum used to have my hair cut like this and I can remember the hairdresser cutting my ear too. I am scarred for life!

Catching up!

Here is my page for Friday, that dreaded instrument, the phone! Sometimes I feel I spend all day on the phone, so I have decided, just occasionally, to let it ring!
Today I have made a lemon traybake and picked runner beans and tomatoes again from the garden for dinner. I have loads of flowers on my butternut squash plant but may have put it in too late, will definitely try again next year as they can be expensive to buy.
Looking forward to the football match tonight, was so pleased Jo Cole did well last night for England even though we couldn't see it, he is a star, must be all that West Ham experience!

Saturday, September 06, 2008


For a change today I thought I would do a class from the scrummy stash cafe by Samm, I wanted to do a 12 x 12 and use my lovely sarah's cards kit.
I had to do this in two stages as I had the hairdressers at lunchtime, something I hate as it takes so long, over 2hrs. Anyway, the grey has gone and my hair is much more tidy now and I won't have to go back until near Christmas.
Spag bol is on the stove and I'm also making a sweet chilli and red pepper relish, hope it turns out ok.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Back to Tuesday!

I suddenly realised I hadn't done Tuesday's LO, the prompts are coming a day later this time and it was obviously too much for my old brain to cope with! Anyway, it was soon sorted and I used today's sketch from Shimelle to do Tuesday's lesson, taking time out to play with the grandchildren. Becca was having a good try at bowling herself, the bowl trickled down the lane but she still did very well.
I've been in a funny mood this morning, don't know why. I've done all the housework early and settled down to do some crafting but can't seem to decide what to do, this is when Shimelle's prompts prove very useful as one arrived in my emails just in time to motivate me.
I made some flapjacks yesterday for Andrew and along with the weetabix brownies, he should be ok for a few days unfortunately Ian doesn't like either of them so I am trying to decide whether I can be bothered to do anything else. Still on track with the spending though which is the main thing.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

I lost!

After winning the last three games of bowls against Ian, today I lost. He was looking a bit fed up so I had to let him win one!
It's been a miserable day here, I've put a casserole in the slow cooker and I'm going to add dumplings but try to resist having one as my diet is still going well.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008


Today Ian and I did the weekly shop, we went to Sainsbury's and spent just over £50, then on to a farm shop where we spent about £7. This afternoon we went to the local butchers and spent another £7, so well on target for my challenge.

I love going to the farm shop and seeing all the fresh produce, I just got a bit lazy with my shopping wanting to get it over with quickly in the supermarket.

I decided to have a go at making pizzas from scratch, so made the dough and then put lots of toppings on, that, with homemade coleslaw, was our tea and very yummy it was too.

Ian and I also went for a walk and found a small bay we didn't even know was there, not far from our bungelow, there was a nice cliff top walk there which we hope to do soon.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008


My first page for Shimelle's Learn something new everyday class. The lesson I learnt yesterday, I can get organised, it just takes time and a bit of effort!!
We had a nice morning going bowling with Jenny, Ed and the children, that was my exercise for the day. Then it was home for lunch and the next episode of The Sarah Conner Chronicles, I loved the Terminator and I'm enjoying this series too.
Next on my to do list is working out the weeks menu and making a shopping list, trying to stay within budget.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Get organised!

As it is September 1st, I have been getting ready for Shimelle's Learn something new everyday class, you can find it http://shop.shimelle.com/store/product/learn. I did this last year and thoroughly enjoyed it, this year I am trying to make it a bit different adding some of my own touches!
I've also been looking at http://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/showthread.html?t=1122887 for inspiration and have decided to play along, setting myself £80. with this in mind I have been through all my cupboards sorting out what I have in them and making a list, so many times I buy something only to have Ian say "how many pkts of sugar / rice etc to we need?" I'll show him, I will get organised!! I've just picked some tomatoes and a yummy tomato compote is simmering on the stove as I type, Andrew went to work with a homemade tuna pasta for lunch and some of my shortbread and I'm thinking of making some bread.
On the diet front I have been good today, yoghurt and blueberries for breakfast and a sandwich, without butter but with a little cheese for my lunch. Pizza topped jacket potatoes are planned for tea.
So my lesson for today must be, when you are organised and get off your lazy backside, you can succeed and enjoy the process!

Other news, we had Jamie stay the night last night, after having both Alex and Becca. He watched a lot of football and we all watched the Fantastic Four. This morning we went to the park and I got 30mins of exercise playing football with him and Ian, can't be bad!!

sudoku - 392