Wednesday, February 28, 2007

my celebrity lookalikes

This is an awful photo of me but couldn't resist doing this, I prefer looking like Goldie Hawn to Carol Vorderman though!


Peter went back today and as usual it makes me sad, I had a cry when David went on Sunday too. No matter how old your children are they are still your babies, I will have to cuddle Andrew instead (he will love that). That is why I like playing EQ2 as it keeps me in touch with them even if I die all the time!
Anyway I have been able to do the week 4 challenge which is good I haven't done a page since last Thursday.

Sunday, February 25, 2007


We have had a busy few days as David and Zen have been staying and Peter has come back too. Thursday we took Becca to Wingham Wildlife Park, we had a lovely time even though it was a bit wet! Becca loved the deer but got very frightened by a chicken following us around!

Friday everyone came to tea and then Saturday we went bowling. Alex won and had to be restrained from pulling his tshirt over his head and running round the lanes,I think he has been watching too many football matches. Jamie did very well as he tried to do it without any help, I was glad of the bumpers as it stopped my score being too pathetic.

David and Zen went home today and I felt a bit sad, I do miss not having my little boy around, all 6ft 4 inches of him!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Name dropping!

Have had a very nice day discussing favourite films with the boys and Ian.
1. Witness with Harrison Ford
2. Bladerunner " "
3. Dirty Dancing with Patrick Swayze
4. The Sting with Paul Newman and Robert Redford
5. A few good men with Tom Cruise
6. The great escape with Steve McQueen
7. Notting hill with Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts
8. Star Wars with Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Alec Guiness and Carrie Fisher
9. Raiders of the lost ark
10. High society with Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby and Louis Armstrong

That was a welcome relief after a lengthy discussion on David Beckham playing for England. I got my own back by playing my westlife cd!

This is an experiment, can anybody guess what I am doing?

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Beauty and the Beast!

This is my LO for the Pencil Lines sketch #20, I think these photos of Jamie and Becca are lovely especially the one where they are singing together. I love Jamie's imagination, he really becomes involved in whatever he is watching at the time and Becca looks beautiful.
Went to the shops with my new ideas for economising and spent £100! I blame David and his bottles of fizz! Oh well never mind will try again next week.
We are hoping it is dry tomorrow as we want to take Becca out for the afternoon perhaps to a farm as she loves animals. I bought the children some chocolate Monday and Jenny and Ed ate Jamie's bar, how rotten is that? It will take a lot of grovelling before they are forgiven!
sudoku - 467

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Purple brain

This is my page for ukscrappers Feb week 3 challenge which I have spent all morning doing! I have always loved this photo Tich took of Andrew when he was just a few days old and have finally scrapped it!
Did jenny's brain thingand found I was purple, this makes me very imaginative, clever etc so it must be right!
Back at school today and as I was in the dinner hall it went very quickly, the children had to come in early as it was raining so I enjoyed myself telling them a story and doing some singing.
sudoku - 344

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Joss Bay

The grandchildren came round this morning and we decided to go down to the beach so that they could run off some energy and I could get a bit of exercise and photos for my scrapbook! Jamie informs me I spend far too much time playing with the younger two and need to spend some time with him!
I did join in the football for a while and have promised him he can watch spurs this afternoon so I hope I am in his good books.
Jenny persuaded me to buy yet more stash ( don't look Ian ) and managed to find what we were after in the U.S.A. shame it is cheaper to buy there.
sudoku - 505

Friday, February 16, 2007


Our first snowdrop and crocus have finally appeared, I will be able to use pictures in my scrapbook journal for February also the picture we took of an advert for Churchills being shot on the pier, all makes for something different to do. It's funny now, Jenny and I don't go anywhere without our cameras!
Haven't really much news have been busy doing housework and played a little on EQ2 but I am loathe to get out craft stuff as it is so tidy now!
sudoku today - 546

Thursday, February 15, 2007

basic grey day

Postman came today with our new basic grey collections plus a little bit extra! Jenny came round with the children and when we were allowed, we had a good look and stroke! I thought I would get started straight away on the ukscrappers house challenge which was do a layout of a nursery rhyme, these pictures of Becca were perfect for Polly put the kettle on so I was able to do it quite quickly, the papers were so lovely it was a pleasure to do, and I have beaten Jenny at something!
Andrew said good-bye to his car this morning and now needs to find another one before Ian gets fed up of getting up early and taking him to the bus.
sudoku - 382
Regarding Ed's comment "that roast dinner is looking less likely by the minute!"

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

little miss bossy

have spent all evening finishing this layout of Becca, asked Ian and Andrew for words to describe her, they thought of lots!!!
Had some sales people come round this afternoon as we need guttering e.t.c. done, they were here over 2hrs, I don't know why they have to go into the history of the company as all we want to know is the cost, and then it is amazing how much they are willing to take off when you say it is too much, I really hate it but it needed to be done, I said the work couldn't be started at the moment as some birds are building a nest again above our living room window and I didn't want ot disturb them so we have settled for late June, can't wait!
Andrew's car has finally given up the ghost, we have found a very good garage as the chap said he wouldn't charge for looking at it and will also see it is disposed of for free so Andrew is a bit happier.
Finally finished 24, cant say anything about it as Jenny and Ed haven't seen it yet but Ian even started to enjoy it by the end, can't wait for the next one now.
sudoku - 461

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Pencil lines sketch 19

Have had a nice day today, the weather has been lovely so we walked down to the front and had a pot of tea with Jenny and the children. It was so warm we could sit outside and look at the sea.
This afternoon I had a go at the new pencil lines sketch. I quite enjoyed chopping up the photos, it's great to be able to scrap so many at once.
sudoku today - 481

Monday, February 12, 2007


Have spent a pleasant afternoon scrapping, using an idea by scrapdolly. I have to say it wasn't as easy for me as she said but hopefully the more I do the easier it will become. I have been wanting to do these pictures of my grandchildren for a long time and thought her idea was lovely, I am quite pleased with the result.
Apart from that I have not done much as I seem to have picked up a bug and don't feel that well. Went to the library to try and get some Agatha Raisin books but they had none so have reserved three, I really enjoyed the first one and give it 8 out of 10.
Tried to do the sudoku but messed up so will try again later.
tried again and got 656 - a bit better!

Saturday, February 10, 2007


I have been brave today and put three of my scrapbook pages on ukscrappers, hope someone looks at them! Jenny and I have also put our names down for a new team, should be interesting and give me a challenge, I'm really looking forward to it.
Today has been very busy with Jenny and the children round while poor Ed had to go to work. We have done painting, sticking, puzzles, matching pairs and football, no wonder I am tired! We still managed to browse on the internet at the new basic grey papers, now I have the big descision of which ones to buy, I really can't get them all, can I?

Friday, February 09, 2007


I have always loved birds and have an assortment of food in my garden for them, Ian says they are better fed than us! We have had quite an assortment of birds over the 3 years we have been here but by far the most exotic are these two! They walked up our drive early one morning and settled in our greenhouse for a couple of days.

sudoku - 376 I thought this was good until I heard Jenny got 155!

Have done the housework, ironing, meal in the oven, cant get on EQ2 so have been browsing on ukscrappers. At the tender age of 51 I am thinking of being adopted, I am worried though that my pages are not good enough, but perhaps this will be a way to improve, will ponder some more on it.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

snow is falling!

Got up at 7.15 am this morning and it was snowing, I am a little girl where snow is concerned,get very excited so had to take a picture, not as much as the rest of the country but will see if it comes down during the day, if so crop will be off.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Rare picture

It has been a beautiful day today, it started out very frosty then has been cold but bright. Ian and I decided to take advantage of it and go for a stroll down to the sea, hence the very rare picture of me, I must have been in a good mood!
The real reason for the photo is the crop tomorrow, we are doing a mini scrapbook and Jenny gave me the idea to do a day in my life. After photos of my morning cuppa, the frost, shopping etc I thought I needed something a bit more interesting so when Ian suggested a walk, just after I came back from work, for once I was keen, I needed those photos of the sea!
Have got a new author recommended by a friend at work,M.C.Beaton. It sounds like Midsummer meets Miss Marple so it should be good, the heroine is 53, plain and a stocky figure, sounds too close for comfort!
Sudoku - 565

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

on a roll!

decided to try the Pencil lines sketch which I saw yesterday as I feel I need to get out of my comfort zone where scrapbooking is concerned. I used papers I had for christmas and even managed, after a struggle, to download/upload (never know which) a christmas font, so I am feeling very smug at the moment!
Got 452 for my sudoku today which is a bit better, it would help if a certain person didn't talk to me while I do it!
Have tried to start another library book but soon put it down as there was too many swear words in the first few pages,if that is meant to be true to life then I'm glad it's not like my life.
I'm over halfway with 24 and have to stop myself going straight on to the next episode, it is certainly very gripping

Monday, February 05, 2007

new week, new page!

I really liked Jenny's page she did from her new calender so thought I would try and copy it. Do not have all her gadgets ( I'm working on that ) but have done my best. Jenny and Ed gave me some lovely papers in the Collectionz Paperz range called summer collectionz and now I've started using them I want to use them all!
Had a better day at work today, kept my head down, played with the children which is why I took the job and although it was freezing quite enjoyed myself. A colleague of mine bought a scrapbook at the weekend and is very keen so I have someone to share ideas with there.
sudoku - 572

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Peaceful Sunday!

the children came round this morning as usual and as usual a certain little fellow managed to stay for a curry and football! Ian made the curry and I made a weetabix cake and lemon flan.
Lemon Flan
1pkt digestive biscuits
2 tbsp sugar
3oz marg
tin condensed milk
1/2 pint double cream
3 lemons

crush biscuits, melt marg, mix together with sugar
spread into flan dish
whip cream, condensed milk and lemon juice together until thick
spread over biscuit base
chill in fridge for 4hrs

this pudding has proved popular with all my guests and even a cream hating son!

Peace reigns now as the spurs game is about to start!

have decided to keep a record of my scores for mousebreaker sudoku, today was not so good as I got 636, hope to improve on this over the weeks.

Finished 2 books recently, one a light weight novel from my daughter called Ten steps to happiness by Daisy Waugh, which I have to say I quite enjoyed and finished in a few days. marks out of 10 - 6
The next book was Avenue of poplars by Elizabeth Daish, this started quite well but became a bit silly at the end. Marks out of 10 -5

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Jamie's race!

It has been a lovely day today, almost like spring is here, probably means we will have blizzards next week! We have been out this morning watching Jamie do a cross country race, which he came higher up the field than last time so we are very proud of him, Uncle Andrew says he will take him out on sunday mornings for a jog so that the pair of them can get fit. Here are a few photos he let me take!

After the race Jenny, Jamie and I went to the docrafts demonstration at the garden centre I spent far too much as usual but was inspired to get out my scrapbook i am doing of this year and complete a page of me and mum taken on new year's eve.
Must be feeling nostalgic as I have been listening to the Monkees while doing this, they were the first group I saw live at Wembley at the tender age of 10! I wanted to marry Davy Jones but alas by 12yrs I was too tall for him!
Looking forward to tomorrow as Ed has a present for me, will keep you all posted.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

I can do it!

Have taken a photo of a set of cross stitch kits I have completed to try and encourage me to finish some more! I really enjoy cross stitch when I get it out, I would love to be able to paint or draw things but I am useless, doing cross stitch is the next best thing as I know if I follow the pattern the result will look like what it is meant to look like and not like a child of 4's painting!
Have had the children and Jenny round for tea and had to do a roast dinner as jenny said I
would do it for her brothers! I am now tired so I am going to sit with my sewing and watch t.v.