Character Naming

As an Author naming your Character is an important step right after coming up with the plot. I am here to help you choose the right character name for you and your story.

Make sure your character name is Genre Appropriate. Make sure if it's a Historical Fiction novel or takes place in a real time period that the name was used then. Or if it's a fictionalized place then you can be as creative as you wish.

Just have fun with naming your character. It is after all your story.

Showing posts with label Writers Block Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Writers Block Tips. Show all posts

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Writers Block Tips

Yahoo Answers is full of questions on how you get rid of Writers Block. I don't think there is a sure fire way to rid yourself of Writers Block. I have had it before and to be honest I am having a little Writers Block right now.

Most people say to keep writing and don't stop. I do the opposite. Writers Block with me means my mind needs a break. So I will distance my self from my story for a few weeks to a few months and let my self recoup. Then I can come at the work with a fresh pair of eyes and a well rested imagination and mind.

When I start getting annoyed with what I am writing or want to just finish that too is when I see I need a rest. Pushing through and just trying to finish is not the right thing to do. Because when you look back you see it was probably rushed and not what you would have written if you would have taken a break.

After the break come at the story again. Hopefully you are then able to write. Never give up on a manuscript even if you take a break from it for years. One of my favorite stories I wrote I left it alone for two years while I went on to write other novels. When I came back I finished it in a matter of months.

Tips I have read may help:

*Listen to Music*

*Play a Game of Cards* I find this helps sometimes.

*Read a Book*

*Watch T.V*

*Video Games*

*Take A Walk Somewhere Inspirational*

*Make a Paper Airplane and throw it at who ever is in your house* be cautious with this one as they will likely throw it back at you, LOL. Just play around and distance your self from the writing.

*Hang With Friends*

And Remember Writers Block happens to the best of us, LOL.

Happy Writing!

I try to have the most accurate Meanings, Origin and Pronunciations for the names on this blog. It is best though to do research into the names you decide to use for your characters as there can be errors on my blog. Or meanings, origins, and pronunciations I have not seen thus not been able to add to this blog.

Try some of the leading Baby Name Sites and Baby Name or Character Naming books as well.

The baby name sites below are where I collect many of the Names, Origins, and Pronunciations I use on this blog.

Baby Names Sites: