Character Naming

As an Author naming your Character is an important step right after coming up with the plot. I am here to help you choose the right character name for you and your story.

Make sure your character name is Genre Appropriate. Make sure if it's a Historical Fiction novel or takes place in a real time period that the name was used then. Or if it's a fictionalized place then you can be as creative as you wish.

Just have fun with naming your character. It is after all your story.

Showing posts with label Macedonian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Macedonian. Show all posts

Thursday, May 28, 2015


Meaning: (The Greatest, Wonderful, Charming, Magical, Handsome, God Miracle Maker, Russian, Belarusian and Macedonian form of MAXIMUS, as well as a variant transliteration of Ukrainian MAKSYM. Variant of Maxim, Variant of Maximilian: Three Roman Emperors and various Saints.)

Origin: (Russian, Macedonian, Ukrainian, Latin, Hebrew, Roman)

Pronunciation: (mahk-SEEM (Russian), MAX-im, Mah-KS-IYM)

Gender: Uni-Sex

I really love the look of this name and I love the various meanings and variant names that it comes from. I however love the pronunciation MAX-im better but I do see it being mahk-SEEM much more often. Though I love it I can see the variants, Maximus, Maxim, and Maximilian, being much more popular. If I were to have a character I would probably go with Maxim as it seems to be a hot person’s name. But I love Maksim’s unique look and it has a very foreign sexiness to it.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Elena / Eleena

Meaning: (Sun Ray, Shining Light, Bright One, Light Bearer, Wicker, Reed, Shoot, Torch, Basket, Cognate of HELEN, and a variant Russian transcription of YELENA. Elena variation of Helen dates back to the 12th century.)

Origin: (Greek, Italian, Spanish, Bulgarian, Romanian, Macedonian, Croatian, Slovene, Lithuanian, Russian, German, Medieval Slavic)

Pronunciation: (E-le-nah (Italian), e-LE-nah (Spanish), ye-LYE-nah (Russian), ee-LYE-nah (Russian), eh-LAY-nah, ah-lay-nah, eh-LAYN-ah, el-AY-na)

Gender: Female

I was watching the movie The Mask of Zorro a few weeks ago and there was a lady Elena played by Catherine Zeta-Zones in the film. So I thought to add this to my blog because a few years ago I used the name Eleena as a minor characters name in my trilogy. So hearing Elena in The Mask of Zorro it reminded me of Eleena and also reminded me I have yet to add this name to my blog. The meanings are pretty and the name it's self is very beautiful. It's got a great look and it easily pronounced.

I try to have the most accurate Meanings, Origin and Pronunciations for the names on this blog. It is best though to do research into the names you decide to use for your characters as there can be errors on my blog. Or meanings, origins, and pronunciations I have not seen thus not been able to add to this blog.

Try some of the leading Baby Name Sites and Baby Name or Character Naming books as well.

The baby name sites below are where I collect many of the Names, Origins, and Pronunciations I use on this blog.

Baby Names Sites: