Showing posts with label SAHM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SAHM. Show all posts

June 8, 2010

Ramblings of a SAHM-cuti sekolah

Dear Boys,
Hari ni officially 1st day of cuti sekolah..hmmm bermakna bermulalah hari-hari yang penuh bingit, penuh sepah dan penuh penat..Ammi suka waktu-waktu cuti gini, coz ammi leh bangun lewat sikit tak payah siapkan yaya awal2 ke of the luxury of being a SAHM ;)
Tu kira rest ammi la kan coz once u boys dah bangun, alamatnya no rest for ammi until all of u dah tumbang..and tu pun paling awal kul 12 tgh malam..ammi seronok tengok bila yaya and syaik main sama-sama, main educational games online together..suka juga time u all sama-sama buat adik waidi gelak-gelak dgn telatah lucu u all. Juga time korang tiba-tiba baik hati tolong kemas mainan yg korang main (tanpa disuruh that is)..Suka dan berbesar hati apabila korang makan je apa yg ammi sediakan tanpa merungut/mogok/banyak soal...

Dear Boys,
Ada juga kadang-kadang ammi tak suka tengok bila yaya buli syaik, syaik lak amik kesempatan kat yaya just becoz u are younger. Yaya dan syaik gadoh-gadoh, jerit-jerit, adakala sampai pukul-pukul each other...Ammi sangat tak suka bila ammi tengah buat kerja both of u tak layan adik, sampai dia nangis-nangis nak attention..Adakala boys merungut tak nak makan apa yg ammi masak, time-time macam tu buat ammi agak frust, agak tension dan penat nak layan karenah u all...

Dear boys,
Ammi kadang-kadang terfikir kenapa ammi jadi SAHM, kadang-kadang rasa mcm nak quit and start kerja macam ibu/ummi/mama orang lain...tapi ammi fikir balik, ini adalah amanah yg Allah berikan, ammi ni kira bertuah becoz dapat tengok anak-anak membesar depan mata, dapat homeschool kan syaik di rumah, dapat direct breastfeed waidi all the time, anytime, anywhere..dapat spend time with anak-anak...Lagi-lagi bila dapat tengok suasana macam kat bawah ni buat ammi cair..buat ammi emosional..buat ammi terharu..betapa kuatnya keakraban adik beradik, buat ammi nekad nak jadi the best ammi, buat ammi seronok jaga kalian..

Adik dan syaik teruja tengok abg yaya main games di hp baba.
Abg yaya sambil main sambil terangkan how to play the games.
Syaik and adik angguk-angguk macam faham je...

Sebenarnya saja ammi nak membebel..ammi cuma nak remind myself bertapa bertuahnya ammi dgn profession ni...ammi kadang-kadang leka , ammi kadang-kadang selfish..
Anggaplah ni just sedikit luahan rasa dr ammi...
Ammi loves u all...

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April 22, 2010

Since i became a mommy...

Dear Boys,

Since i become a mommy.................EVERYTHING is different than the life i had before i became a wife and a mommy to all 3 of you...

In Multitasking :

  • Seven years ago (when there was only Yaya) - I read my novels while breastfeeding yaya. While sms ing love notes baba at work :-)
  • Four years ago (when there is yaya and syaik) - I watch my favourite drama on the telly while breastfeeding syaik, at the same time helping yaya with his colouring & selang seli with folding the laundry.
  • One year ago (waidi was born,there's 3 of you now)- I'm trying to watch a movie, while waidi is breastfeeding, while trying to leraikan a fight among the 2 boys, while trying to halang myself and waidi from being hit by the ball thrown around, while trying to lipat kain..........not enough energy anymore ;).

In taking daily shower :

  • Seven years ago (when there was only Yaya)- My shower is about 20 minits long, (before yaya was born it was about half an hour).I do have long hair to wash.. Sambil2 tu jenguk kepala di luar bathroom monitoring yaya. No need to lock the bathroom door.
  • Four years ago (when there is yaya and syaik) - Daily shower is about 10 minits,hair is shorter pun, (rimas), jenguk-jenguk kepala lagi kerap, worry that yaya might kacau little syasyaik. Need to lock the door, yaya can open it on his own.
  • One year ago (waidi was born,there's 3 of you now)-Dapat 5 minit of shower pun dah bersyukur, itupun dengar jerit/gadoh/teasing/nyakat from outside the door. Double lock the door, as one or the other will come to ngadu/nangis/merajuk....or little waidi with his little walker come a  knocking on the door....

In having a proper meal :

  • Seven years ago (when there was only Yaya)-Meals was taken at the proper time and at the proper dining place, enjoying it together with the boys's baba. Looking lovingly into each other's eyes....haha!
  • Four years ago (when there is yaya and syaik)- at times makan bergilir, as 1 boy or the other meragam /nak nenen etc..still at the dining table but not really enjoying it as before.A boy for each of us
  • One year ago (waidi was born,there's 3 of you now)-Dapat makan pun dah cukup baik, baba makan at 8am, ammi might eat at 8.30,making sure the boys eat 1st, which they prefer in front of the telly. Not good habit i know, but our dining table currently is small............

In 'going jalan-jalan' :

  • Seven years ago (when there was only Yaya) - Jalan-jalan holding hands with baba,while pushing yaya in the stroller. 
  • Four years ago (when there is yaya and syaik)-Jalan lebih kurang seiring, baba pimpin or dukung yaya. Ammi pushing syaik in stroller. No more holding hands/linking arms with baba.
  • One year ago (waidi was born,there's 3 of you now)-Baba walks miles ahead, pushing waidi on stroller/ dukung waidi, while ammi is way behind pimpin yaya on the right and syaik on the left.Mana tangan mu baba nak hold ammi...

Sekadar catitan ammi for u guys to read when u're older,
Smile always my boys...:-)

April 16, 2010

Thank You Boys...

Dear Boys,
Thank u guys for constantly 'adding chores and a bit of sufferings' to me..

Thank you WAIDI for:

  • Eating anything i made/cooked/prepared for you without many fuss. Also thank you for being ammi's "vacuum cleaner", picking up and putting into ur mouth every tiny little things and papers, not forgetting the scissors left lying around by syasyaik resulting in ammi screaming her head off.
  • Being a good little owlet. Sleeping mostly in the daytime and being wide awake at night, forcing me to play with u until 3am. Beauty sleep? who needs them? i sleep when u sleep, we have our CUTE sleep together...
  • Making ur sad little puppy eye look, wanting ammi to pick u up most of the time..You do know nobody thought ammi how to do chores with only one hand..I simply fail at it..

Thank you SYASYAIK for:

  • Being the creative one in the family, leaving bits of cut out papers around the house. Thank u for the 1/10 that u picked up and thrown in the bin, leaving me the 9/10 to clean up. Not to mention leaving the scissors accessible to little waidi..
  • Commanding ammi in ur nicest possible way to make u 5 different drinks during the whole day...If not to ur liking, e.g: 'tawar, pahit, masam, wrong cup, wrong straw' then ammi will get "free lectures" from u over and over again until these ears can't take it anymore..."kelape (kenape) ammi salah?? hah, hah, syaik nak yg ni, bukan yg ni, ammi ni salah je.."in ur NICEST POSSIBLE  way...
  • Loving ur brother waidi toooo much, kissing n hugging him even tho he's asleep, waking him up and made him cry...resulting in baba having 'burned sambal tumis' for lunch..
  • Leaving playdoh all over the house, on the floor, the table, the bed. YES, they are pretty aren't they....STUCK on the CARPET.
Thank you YAYA for:

  • Being cranky/moody/ bad tempered coming back from school. Yes i know ur tired of the looong hours  at school (7.45-5pm), but its no reason to yell or hit poor syaik who just misses u and wants to play with u...
  • Eating chocolate ice cream  without taking ur school shirt off first,and leaving it dribbles all over ur shirt. . It's not at all  appaling  having extra muscles in my arm having scrubbed ur dirty shirts. Those stains!  VANISH LIQUID pun kalah.
  • Leaving ur scrumpled, dirty, smelly socks in ur pocket pants. It frustrated me after finding out AFTER the machine finishes it cycle. In goes the socks again...
  • Just eating 'plain nasik and kicap' after i went to all the trouble cooking a balanced and perfect healthy meal for the whole family..

Thank you BOYS for:

  • Making me 3 or 4 'happy ammi's day card' daily..and using ammi's finest 0.4 ballpoint pen.,until the ink ran out..
  • Taking ur bath without having told to do so..AND emptying half the 2 in 1 bath soap liquid AND playing bubbles in Waidi's little tub.,making a BIG mess in the bath room... I know.., i missed that bath tub in Adelaide too...
  • Cleaning up after playtime, maybe in ur terms, 'campak everything on to the study table' is considered cleaning up... 

Thank you ABANG for:

  • Buying the ice cream in the first place..
  • Letting the boys have my pencil case...
  • Allowing them to play 'a little' bit of bubbles...
  • Being an owl yourself, studying at need to thank us for keeping u company.

Thank you boys...
Maybe thats why i just love being a SAHM..
Well, people does say "BOYS WILL BE BOYS'.
Love u guys no matter what...


April 15, 2010

SAHM or WOHM- Part 1

Dear boys,
Today ammi nak cerita sikit tentang pengalaman ammi sebagai tajuk di atas..ammi pernah alami both of those world, currently now as a SAHM, ada beberapa pros and cons in both. Ammi just nak catit for u boys to read dah besar nanti..juga buat tatapan kawan-kawan ammi yang pernah dan tak pernah alami being either one. Hari ni ammi akan sentuh dulu the pros and cons of being a SAHM (strictly ammi's personal experience, tiada 'copy and paste' dari mana-mana pihak).

Sebagai permulaan nak cerita sejarah ammi sikit la...
Ammi dulu kawen dengan baba agak muda awal la kut, age 23, just fresh grad from UPM, time tu dah suka-suka kenal-kenal dengan baba, bertunang pun time ammi final sem, baba lak dah kerja di UPM. Ammi grad bulan Mac, kawen akhir Mei, Konvo bulan Julai. Lepas grad terus busy dengan wedding preparation, dalam tempoh dua bulan tu masih sebagai SAHD ammi is proud to tell u boys, ammi made sendiri over 1000 pot pourie untuk dijadikan door gifts for guests..So u all boleh bayangkan betapa busy nya ammi..tu pasal la tak dan nak carik keja, time tu tak fikir la pasal job hunting, gatai busy dgn wedding prep.

After that, alhamdulillah ammi terus pregnant kan yaya, ammi mabuk teruk, baba time tu setuju sangat if ammi tak kerja ,baba happy nak dapat ammi pun time tu jadilah SAHW, baba pasangkan Astro siap HBO so ammi tak kan boring kat umah sorang-sorang..later on ammi dah  better in 2nd trimester,mama tati kakak baba mintak tolong jaga anak-anak dia abg hairi n zubair jaga berbayar tapi ammi ikhlas  sebab mama tati nak duduk JB sementara dia  sambung degree, before that dia cuma ada sijil perguruan. So about 3 bulan ammi jaga abg2 tu di bangi, jadilah ammi SAHA.. Masa tu yaya makin besar dlm perut, ada juga ammi apply kerja sana sinun tapi tak ada rezeki kut.

Bila ammi dah sarat ,abg2 dijaga nenek di serdang. Bila yaya lahir, u had our full attention...ammi dgn rasminya jadi SAHM, selepas bergelar SAHD, SAHW and SAHA. Baba suka sangat if ammi jadi a SAHM, baba lagi suka anak2 dijaga ammi sendiri...Best sangat kan yaya.......Time tu ammi ada baba and yaya je nak dijaga...tak banyak sangat tanggungjawab. Tapi, kadang2 ada la rasa teringin nak kerja........jadi ammi 'being an organized and perfectionist as she is' buat dua column atas sekeping kertas dan mula menulis..

Pros of a SAHM:

  1. Ammi suka boleh main and lihat perkembangan yaya hari-hari...1st laugh, 1st crawl, 1st smile, 1st tooth, semua yg 1st's lah..semua ammi catit..kalo tak ikut macam dalam buku, mula ammi risau..u yaya, memang agak slow dlm all ur 1st's, ammi ni yg over anxious...rimas yaya dibuatnya kan, sorry yaya.
  2. Ammi tak perlu EBM utk yaya, breastpump ada tp cuma utk if breast engorge, other than that yaya direct feed daily. 
  3. Ammi tak perlu risau pasal work yg pening-pening kepala, no boss coz i'm my own boss. Ammi cuma perlu tumpu at house chores and taking care of yaya and baba at night ;p makan minum baju baba etc..
  4. Baba sangat suka. balik lunch hari-hari..walaupun time tu masakan ammi tak berapa sedap. Baba jarang makan luar..
  5. Jika yaya sakit ,ammi ada nak jaga, nak gayut nenen selalu pun tak apa..ammi bagi ubat right on time, tak perlu pesan pada sitter/pengasuh. Ammi tak perlu amik MC or EL.
  6. Jika kita nak berholiday time not 'peak season' cuma baba saje nak apply cuti, ammi anytime boleh jek.
  7. Penjimatan dari segi duit minyak, duit makan lunch n duit belanja luar becoz cuma baba je working. Only need 1 car. Juga jimat dari segi ammi tak perlu belanja pakaian dan aksesori wanita yg sesuai utk org berkerja coz ammi ni nak gak melaram if a working mom. Pakai biasa2 je..Juga jimat duit bayar pengasuh/sitter/nursery :)

Cons of  a SAHM:

  1. Kadang-kadang ammi jadi penat/ tak terurus, tak kisah dengan penampilan. Agak selekeh..rambut dan pakaian ala kadar je, 
  2. No income of my own, even though baba bagi elaun bulanan tapi tak sama lah, bukan duit hasil titik peluh sendiri..
  3. Yaya terlalu bergantung dengan ammi, if orang lain pegang yaya akan menangis, tak mau dengan orang lain..yaya jadi 'ammi centred', ammi jadi rimas dan tension.
  4. Jika ammi sakit, ammi still kena jaga yaya, tak boleh nak antar yaya ke rumah sitter so ammi boleh rest.
  5. Ada kalanya ammi boring tak ada rakan sekerja, everyday 'baby talk' dengan yaya je. Baba la jadi mangsa dengar ammi bebelan bercerita bila balik kerja. Baba lak boring nanti.
  6. Being a SAHM means no 'me' time and 'no day off'. Always dahulukan anak and husband.
  7. Degree ammi in 'Food Science majoring in Food Management' takle digunakan...sekadar hiasan dalam fail je..
  8. Adakala dengar benda2 yg tak best dari orang2 lain yg menyakitkan hati, contohnya rugi tak kerja etc...,belajar tinggi2 tapi duduk rumah je etc...tapi ammi pekak kan aje and anggap orang2 tu jeles coz ammi leh jaga anak sendiri

Itulah sedikit sebanyak pengalaman ammi as a SAHM time yaya kecil dulu...
Tengok list lagi banyak column second dari 1st. Haha...
SAHM sekarang lain lak ceritanya with 3 of u..
Actually ammi lagi suka istilah DOMESTIC MANAGER..or GRADUATED HOUSEWIFE...bukan desperate housewife ye, tak desperate pun...canggih gitu..hehe..
Nanti la ammi citer...
Lain kali ammi sambung kisah ammi kerja time yaya 9 bulan...
Ikuti kisah Part 2...
Now dah pukul 3 pagi, tapi your little brother waidi is still wide awake, kena 'deactivate' dia..
Jom waidi, off to bed my little owlet..


March 1, 2010

Ammi's 'off' days

Dear boys,

Alhamdulillah while baba attended a workshop at The Gurney Hotel, Penang, ammi got a few 'off' days. The 'Off' days does not means ammi ran off, abandoning u boys, or 'off' in terms of "moon come", but 'off' from  the daily chores, off from cooking, cleaning, off from washing laundry etc..
For 3 whole days, the workshop under baba's Supervisor Dr Norhashimah Hashim that is undergoing a  research under The Education Grant USM. Baba as her favourite student are among those involved. We are the lucky one boys, with all the facilities of the 5 stars hotel. It's just a bonus for us as accomodation & meals 3x daily are all supported under the Education Grant for participants of the workshops & their whole families. Yippee!!

Ammi's off days only lasts for 3 days & 2 nights but ammi had soo much fun:

1) I do not have to worry about keeping the place clean-there's housekeeping.

2) No hassle to get u boys to bathe, both of u willingly put urselves in the jacuzzi bath & the swimming pool that comes with water slides, just like a mini waterpark.(more than twice daily)

3) Meal time is a breeze, -soo many choices at the buffet table. Just eat whatever u desires.

4) While baba is at the workshop & it's too hot to swim, theres movies & cartoons to watch, also drawing & colouring for u boys to enjoy

5) Not once i heard boys complaining about the hot weather as there's two aircond in the suite.

Here are a few pixs ammi really loves..:


This is my favourite ever!..

Despite all the nice & lovely things..
There are a few things that sometimes embarrasses me a little at hotels:

1)When u boys acted as if never set foot in a 5 star hotel-presssing all the buttons in the lift, and touching  everything  u sees

2) When u boys are like jakun with all the variety of food choices & the way u go berserk in public in order to put everything piled up on ur plates.

3) When either 1 of u drop a spoon/fork/knife to the floor & it makes the 'waiter person' looks towards us 

4) When baba eats his breakfast/lunch/dinner The East meets West way, e.g: nasi lemak + baked beans + french toast + buns + mee goreng ALL in 1 plate.;-) -"semua pun akan bercampur dlm perut kan, lagipun tak payah bazir2 pinggan" -quote from baba

5) Whan a MALAY hotel staff TRIES her/his best to speak fully english even though berabuk/pasar/tak betul grammar semua. I'm embarrased FOR him/her

6) When u boys are super excited in the pool & don't want to get out as if ammi & baba never brings u to pools.

7) When muslim guests's swimming attire 'mengalahkan' non muslims. 

8) When the housekeeper comes & sees our suite is like 'tongkang karam/tempat kucing beranak'..

All in all it was a nice sweet little vacation, right? 
Smile always..