Wednesday, October 13, 2021


October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  Go get a mammogram. It's worth it .

Made with a design by Jenny of Elefantz for Breast Cancer Awareness

As someone who has had cancer twice...uterine and breast.... I am more than aware that you should get a mammogram at least once a year. In my case twice a year.  

So far no issues in years.....:)

I didn't get tested last year because of Covid but I did finally get a call on August 19th this year to go to a new clinic that they had just opened. In a very weird building. Like a huge factory and absolutely no one about. Kinda spooky. I had my test and went home.

Then I waited. And waited. Covid has delayed a lot of things I guess. Then I got a call to go into the breast clinic at the hospital on September 14th......oh oh. The last time I was there it meant surgery. So with a bit of trepidation I went. 

I was there for three hours. After three mammograms...ouch.... and an ultrasound they sent me home. Usually you get a to see a doctor to give you the results but not this time?

And....I waited to hear the outcome. Nothing. No calls. No letter. I finally had to call my family doctor to get the results. Because he isn't seeing patients in person I had to make a "telephone" appointment for the next week. More waiting.

My poor doctor was upset. He didn't realize that I hadn't heard anything back from the clinic.

So the outcome...two months that I have a benign cyst. The reason for the multiple tests was because they just couldn't get a good enough picture.  The wait was because everyone/someone assumed I had my results.

I feel like I've been holding my breath. Needless to say the stress on me and my family wasn't fair but Covid has changed a lot of how things are dealt with these days I guess. The hospitals are dealing with bigger issues. I know I should have called earlier but the system has always worked in the past and I waited. It took a month to get back to me with my first test results right? No news is good news maybe?

I get to go back in February...lucky me :)

Take care and keep safe.



  1. I'm very sorry to hear about the endless waiting. Let's hope for continued stable health.

    1. Well next time I'll be a bit quicker to look for results :)

  2. So pleased for you the news was not bad after all that waiting. There is nothing worse than waiting for results. Stay safe and well. My Doctor is only doing phone consultations but if you really have to see him the footpath has become the waiting room!!. I hope I can stay away.

    1. Thank you:) Yes I had to do the footpath route for blood tests. It was a very hot day too.

  3. Needing any sort of medical attention during these times is a lesson in frustration for all concerned. I'm hugely relieved that the news you got was good. Perhaps the medical people involved will learn a lesson from this and not assume that someone else has done their jobs for them.

    1. No kidding. To add to the misery of all us ladies waiting the necessary Covid distance apart in our little spaces of nervousness was the fact that the radiologists was late!!!!


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