Showing posts with label books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label books. Show all posts

Saturday, July 03, 2010

Photo Hunt :: Open

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When my son opened page A54 of his Harcourt Science book, he saw this Model of an Insect project.  I helped him create an ant model.  We didn't have all the original materials so we substituted some of the things. Good thing I still had some googly eyes left in my craft box. Yohan was happy about the final outcome -- a fiery red ant.

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Friday, November 06, 2009

Team Edward of Team Jacob?

I read New Moon around November of last year. It was also in November 2008 when I watched Twilight on the big screen. Now, a year later, I can't wait to watch New Moon.

Even my son knows how much I'm looking forward to the movie. He spotted the large movie standees at the mall and I couldn't resist taking some pictures.

Here are two of my favorite quotes in the book New Moon:

"I thought I’d explained it clearly before. Bella,
I can’t live in a world where you don’t exist."

~Edward, New Moon

"Who’s afraid of the big, bad wolf?"

~Jacob Black, New Moon

Are you Team Edward or Team Jacob?

I'm fond of Jacob but I've been dazzled by Edward from the start.
Team Edward!

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Sunday, October 04, 2009

The Big Fat Duck Cookbook

I have heard raves about the popular international restaurant called The Fat Duck. It is run by chef Heston Blumenthal. The restaurant's popularity is attributed to its unique menu. The restaurant's famous dishes are snail porridge and bacon-and-egg ice cream. The restaurant offer unusual dishes that trigger the curiosity of many diners. I find it amazing how chef Heston Blumenthal use the advantages of chemistry, physics and psychology to capture the attention of diners in his restaurant. His ingenuity and creativity in experimenting with dishes made him highly claimed around the world. His restaurant's success has been evident.

A book called the big fat duck cookbook is out in the market. It's a huge book with a sophisticated cover. The book uncovers the story of chef Heston Blumenthal and The Fat Duck's rise to fame. People are fascinated by chef Heston Blumenthal's undeniable success in the food business. It's incredible that he is entirely self taught. The Fat Duck has been said to have broken every rule in the world of restaurants but despite that, it has been voted twice as Best Restaurant in the World by acclaimed top chefs.

Check out Book Shop. Find great deals at on an extensive selection of Books, CDs, DVDs, Magazine subscriptions and more, all with FREE delivery to stores.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Photo Hunt :: Book(s)

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These photos were taken last October 2008 at Yohan's school during their Jurassic Book Fair. I support school activities like this one because it draws students and families to appreciate the wonderful world of books.

Below is my son (wearing a hat) looking at the books on display. I don't mind buying him books because different kinds of literature foster his interest and love for reading.

Related Posts:
Reading Festival
Benefits of Reading Aloud

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Thursday, March 26, 2009

First Days of Summer

I realized I haven't updated my blog since Monday. I've taken the time off to enjoy the first few days of summer vacation. I'm sorry for my late visits. I'll be returning your visits soon.

What have I been doing lately?

  • Extending Zzz - I love summer. No need to wake up to the sound of the alarm clock. I can sleep late and wake up late as I please.
  • Watching DVDs - I enjoyed watching a few DVDs at home like Australia and Bride Wars.

  • Reading - I finally had time to read Breaking Dawn (the last book of the Twilight Saga).
"You and me. That’s the only thing that matters. The only thing you’re allowed to think about now. Do you hear me?"
Bella Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 4, p.69
  • Malling - The mall is a good place to go to escape the summer heat with the family. We've been to TriNoma last weekend where we had some delicious ice cream cakes. We also went to Glorietta recently where hubby and I bought Yohan a foldable mattress. We're gradually training Yohan to sleep on his own bed. He has been sleeping on his own (beside our bed) for three days now. So far so good.
  • Going to the Movie - I watched Race To Witch Mountain with my family. We enjoyed this Disney movie starring Dwayne Johnson, Anna Sophia Robb, Alexander Ludwig and Carla Gugino. I like Dwayne Johnson. He easily makes me laugh.
The movie was great but I certainly did not appreciate a group of teenagers coming late inside the theater and making irritating noises as they went to their seats; not to mention blocking our view. I think they were totally rude. Noisy movie goers is one of my pet peeves.

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Thursday, February 05, 2009

3 Word Thursdays #13

3 Word Thursday Small 125x94
meme rules:
*photo must have 3 words in it
*post your photo on your site with a link
back to Ma Vie Folle (or grab button)

Tell Me Why is a book featuring answers to hundreds of surprising questions. It's an interesting and fun book for the whole family.

Why does a giraffe have a long neck?

The giraffe is the tallest of all living animals. The strange shape and build of the giraffe is perfectly suited to enable it to obtain its food. A giraffe only eats plants, so its great height enables it to reach the leaves on trees which grow in tropical lands where there is little grass. (p. 60, Tell Me Why)

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

I've Been Dazzled Too

I just finished reading Twilight (which I borrowed from my niece). Finally I can now relate to the blog posts about this popular novel. I first heard about this book from Toni of Wifely Steps and it made me very curious.

I enjoyed reading the book. I'm captivated by the intense feelings of Bella and Edward and their unusual love story.

Here are some of my favorite one-liners in the book:
  • "Stupid, shiny Volvo owner."

  • "Stupid, unreliable vampire."

  • "Do I dazzle you?"
I'm looking forward to watching the movie soon. I returned the 1st book and borrowed my niece's copy of New Moon. I guess I've been dazzled too. :)

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Monday, November 17, 2008

Travel Detectives Guide Book

Traveling to a new destination is very exciting but you are not always guaranteed a safe and fun trip. Visiting a new place has its positive and negative sides. Discovering a new place and being exposed to a different culture can be rewarding. On the other hand, going somewhere you are not familiar with has its risks. You can never be too sure about your safety in a new city or country.

It's always advisable to read about your point of destination before deciding to pack your bags to go there. If you plan to travel somewhere you've never been before, remember to research about the venue and listen to the feed backs of other people who have been there. Pay attention to client testimonials to give you an idea if the place is really worth visiting.

There are available travel books about different places around the world. Travel books are often found in bookstores. Each book highlights the positive aspects about a particular city, province or country.

There is a book that gives a person a different perspective about traveling. Instead of focusing on the positive traits of a place, it exposes the negative aspects of an area. The book called don't go there warns travelers about the places they should avoid visiting.



Sunday, November 16, 2008

Weekend Snapshot #50

To join this weekly meme, click here.

My BIL's Birthday

These photos were taken just before the weekend. It was my BIL's birthday last Thursday and he invited us to have dinner at my in-law's place. Sadly, hubby was not able to join us because he had a scheduled badminton tournament. Below are photos of the food served that night.

asparagus soup

pork BBQ


fried chicken


ref cake

That same night, my niece let me borrow her copy of Twilight. Finally I can now relate to the Twilight posts in the blogosphere. :) I'm greatly looking forward to the movie.

"Max" with Twilight book

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