Showing posts with label Travel & Holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Travel & Holidays. Show all posts

Monday, October 29, 2018

Craving peace, facing fears and traveling the Grand Canyon of Europe

We made a very spontaneous last minute decision to do a mini road trip to the Gorges du Verdon in France, also known as the Grand Canyon of Europe. If you've never visited before, I urge you to put this place on your Travel Destination Wish List. It is A M A Z I N G. We had three days and two nights away on a small budget. It was fab-fantastic, especially this time of the year. The October break, or Mid term break, is the perfect time to visit this place. I need to warn you. This post needs a Photo Overload Alert! But I just have to share our adventures so make yourself a cuppa and make sure you're comfortable. This is a big one.

"If you've never visited the Gorges du Verdon before,
I urge you to put this place
on your Travel Destination Wish List."

We first visited Gorges du Verdon in October last year when autumn was peaking in vibrant colors. It was a squeezed in 24 hour stop at the end of our Italian road trip and we all said we have to come back to explore and see more. This year we found the most adorable apartment to rent, Maison Chasteuil, situated in the small authentic mountain village Chasteuil with only 17 inhabitants. Our hosts was a Belgian retired couple who fell in love with this village on a hike in 2013, saw a house for sale and bought it. They are now living here permanently since 2016 and started their AirBnB business this year. The apartment was in perfect condition: clean, well equipped, cozy and charming. Just perfect for the five of us.

When we first arrived, Jay and I quickly found our spot in the garden with views over the mountains and the house tops. We sat there in silence for a long time, filling up on calm and peace. All the stress in my life just disappeared in an instant and I felt so free in my spirit. Jay felt the same. We looked at each other in understanding and agreed that this will be our future escape for recharging. I see us come back here regularly for years to come. Sometimes just the two of us, sometimes as a family and other times maybe with friends. Within minutes the kids declared they wanted to stay forever in this cute little apartment. I think they found this place just as soothing as we did.

"We brought soups and stews from home,
which showed to be a great idea as it  
saved us the hassle of cooking as well as some money."

For the next couple of days we walked hiking trails, played Monopoly and just unwind. We brought soups and stews from home, which showed to be a great idea as it saved us the hassle of cooking as well as some money. This whole trip was made on a small budget and I'm pleased to say it worked out perfectly fine. From now on I think we will always pack a food bag to bring for occasions like this. So practical.

After finishing my second Autumn Poncho, my crocheting has come to a stall a bit. I stepped back from Instagram for a good two weeks, feeling overwhelmed by all the visual impressions that hits me as soon as I open up my feed. I'm craving some peace and quiet in my life. I think it is all the stress around this selling and buying houses that has made me want to take a pause from everything that requires the smallest effort or energy. With this in mind I brought some yarn in neutral colors and commenced on a blanket of granny stitches. It is a perfect project to mindlessly work on in the car, with my coffee in the morning, in front of the TV at night or between house chores. I find autumn to be the best time for reflection and recharge. slowing down. Figuring out what is important and what is not. Make plans. For a brighter future. Taking a deep breath and just be. And I couldn't ask for a more perfect place to do all this. Slow down. Recharge. Move. Be. In nature. The best remedy for stressed out souls.

On our second day we wanted to walk the Blanc-Martel trail because last year, when we stopped to enjoy the astonishing views, we discovered the view point actually was the end of the wonderful Blanc-Martel trail through the canyon.

"Not only did I show to myself I could do it,
but I also showed my children that we all have secret powers
to do whatever we put our minds to."
If you start this trail at Point Sublime, which is considered the end of the trail, you soon will have to walk through a couple of tunnels through the mountain pass, one of them being 670 m long. Last year we walked up to the tunnel but we never entered it and I remember thinking I would never be able to walk through that pitch dark tunnel. Ever! You see, I have this great fear for tunnels... I would actually say I'm a bit claustrophobic. So here we were one year later, me and my family entering this tunnel. I put on a brave face thinking it can't be that bad... A couple minutes in I declared to the rest of my family I had to turn back, the claustrophobia getting to me and a panic attack rapidly coming on. I truly thought I wouldn't make it. The pressure over my chest was so heavy. My breath suffering... My heart pounding... Tears burning in my eyes... We were about 200 m in and the thought of not being able to see the entrance and neither the exit made me feel like I would faint any second. My family came to my rescue with head lights and flash lights, firm hands and soft encouraging voices, assuring me I could do this. We could do this.

With Luca Bo and Nelly Bo walking ahead of me, Emmy Bo right by my side and Jay behind me, I fought the fearful thoughts in my head, focused on putting one foot in front of the other and not looking back or ahead. I pushed through the fear and came out on the other side of the tunnel, bursted into tears in relief while my family applauded me for my courage.
" Mama! You made it!"
I did it. I faced the fear and did it anyway. And I am so happy I did it. Not only did I show to myself I could do it, but I also showed my children that we all have secret powers to do whatever we put our minds to. What an achievement! The rest of the walk was pure bliss.

The Blanc-Martel trail takes about 5 hours to complete, but as we are not such experienced hikers we walked for 1 1/2 hour, had a picnic on a lovely little pebble beach by the river and then turned back home. The water was crystal clear and we saw trout moving in the currents, took our shoes and socks off to cool ourselves down in the fresh cold water. I'm proud to say that walking back through the 670 m long tunnel was not nearly as scary as the first time. I walked with confidence, a calm heart and I wasn't even close to the panicky feeling I experienced the first time. The fear factor had dropped from a ten to a five in an instant. That shows how much we can grow by facing our fears. I would have missed out on all that beauty if I hadn't persevered. So grateful that I found my inner strength when I needed it. So proud.

On day three we left in the late morning while the mist was still covering the mountain tops and fields. Driving through the Gorges this region is breathtaking, magnificent and thrilling at the same time. This mini road trip was exactly what we needed. It is the small things in life that are the big ones we will remember. This spontaneous trip is such an event. It beats any fancy trip I can imagine. I see us doing these mini trips a lot more in the future. To find peace and quiet. To reconnect. With each other and ourselves. And to slow down the pace of life. Slow living also leads you somewhere... And yes, that last picture is of me on the other side of the tunnel after wiping away all those tears and catching my breath. It represents a feeling of pride, strength and being alive. I did it. Now, does that mean I can do anything? I hope so.


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Sunday, September 23, 2018

Weekend in France, garden surprises and busy September

The winds are changing from warm and smooth to a bit nippy and chill. I find myself reaching out for a long sleeve shirt and even my light duvet vest when going outside. Our garden is a mess of dried out and dead plants. What happened with the garden this year? I think it must be a consequence of the hot and dry summer. We certainly did not get the amount of rain we could have needed. Well oh well. I'm seeing a day of ripping out dead plants and weeds coming up in the near future. I'm actually looking forward to that. I find garden work to be very calming.

A big happy surprise are those beautiful yellow flowers reaching for the sky ("To infinity and beyond!!!"), a result from some seeds we planted earlier this spring. It's some sort of alternative artichoke seeds we tried out, and those tall and steady stalks are now performing in full bloom. We had no idea  they would be so beautiful! I think we will have to plant this particular artichoke seed every year from now on because I just love these yellow bright flowers against the blue bird sky. I love how they wave in the wind on wobbly stems. So so beautiful!

We had a lovely time in Nevers, France last weekend, just hanging out, me and Jay. We are not spoiled with time away and to be able to leave the kids for a couple of days for some quality time  just the two of us, felt like a true luxury. We needed it.

Once again we did our favorite concept: a couple of track days for Jay to enjoy some speed and adrenaline rushes while I'm chilling out by the tent crocheting and absorbing the motorsport environment with raveling engines and Super Heroes dressed in leather. That is how we like to do it as neither one of us are much up for holding hands and drowning in each others eyes over lit candles. It is just not our style, never was. But nice dinners and a drink on a plaza while people watching is nice as well as just being together doing our own things side by side and share the joy of each others passions.

We stayed at a nice hotel, enjoyed one terrible dinner (How can a Chinese restaurant fail to deliver??? I thought that was impossible...) and one very nice meal at a fancy French restaurant. We started to watch the Poldark series (season 1 - no spoilers please...) tucked into the hotel room bed with the lap top balancing on top of our bellies (!!!), and I was surprised when Jay said he wanted to continue to watch this series as I thought it was waaaay to much of a "romantic periodic drama" for him to handle... He surprises me sometimes. Still. 17 years... its a long time. We are reconnecting after all those years of parallel parenting team work, figuring out who we are now individually and who we are as a couple. It is scary and exciting at the same time. Anyone who can relate?

A new week is laying ahead and my agenda seem to never ease up, being full of scribbles with no blank spaces. What is it with September? Why is life so busy this time of year? I'm longing for some breathing room. Time for reflection and a day shining bright and white without obligations in my agenda. Do you feel the same way as I do?


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