Showing posts with label Come Walk With Me. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Come Walk With Me. Show all posts

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Walking the mountain

I had forgotten how peaceful and recharging it is with a walk. For over a year I have more or less given up on my walks because of a stubborn "runners heel" (plantar fasciitis). The other day, a beautiful autumn sunny day, I went for my old loop up the mountain. So relaxing. So refreshing. So quiet. It gives space for my thoughts. It is slow. I'm very much for slow lately.

I love when season changes and autumn is a big time favorite of mine when it comes to the magnificent colors. Autumn calls for new crochet projects (Yaaay!), lighting candles at night and curling up under blankets for movie nights. It also calls for spending time outside and filling your lungs with that fresh crisp air. Collecting pine cones and nuts, smelling pine trees and wet leaves under your feet on small paths in the woods. Seeing birds getting ready to move south for the winter, making incredible dance shows on that blue bird sky. I can watch them forever...

I hope to make more walks like this. That my foot will allow me to. It is so good for me. For my heart and soul. I really, really miss it.

Walking has come and gone in my life during the last decade. Somehow it is an exercise that remains with me and hopefully will stay with me for the rest of my life. I see my landlord (and neighbor), Mme Debonneville (89), taking her daily walks around the village. How full of life she is still, only needing a walking stick for balance. I hope I will do that too at age 89. That would be fantastic.

PS All photos taken with my iPhone 5.
PS 2 Once I had a Come Walk With Me club going on here on the blog. Please visit again to get walk inspired. Click on icon below. :)


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Saturday, October 25, 2014

Walking for peace of mind

Living in Switzerland is good. This country is so pretty and overwhelmingly well taken care of. Clean. Colorful. Historic with fantastic nature and dramatic landscapes. But I have to say, living close to Lac Leman, also known as Lake Geneva, is essential to me. The lake makes me feel close to the coast even though I am stuck in the middle of Europe. It opens up with the big Alps on the other side, which comfortable makes you feel safe. It makes me feel free, like I can take off on an adventure any day I want.

It takes me about 10 minutes to drive down from the Jura mountains where I live, to a pretty village called Rolle, and this is a wonderful place for a stroll on a sunny Friday afternoon. Yesterday was such a beautiful autumn day with sun and clear blue skies. A little bit frisky and very refreshing. The mountains could be viewed behind the haze and the beach walk was quiet and calm. Not many people was out, which is very rare here.

I truly enjoy these moments that I capture and just enjoy my surroundings to see the beauty in life. Often I am so caught up in every day chores and often stressed to the bones that I seem to hold my breath for days in a row. How can someone survive that, I wonder, when I slowly walk, breathe and snap off iPhone pics along my walk. How can someone not suffocate when put all that pressure on themselves.

I should really do this more often. Maybe it is time to catch up with my Come Walk With Me (Check the cathegory Come Walk With Me for more information) mission I once started a few years back. Because taking a walk is an investment in life, health and peace of mind. So why don't we do it more often? Take a break, a walk for peace of mind.


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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Can you do a Cross Training Walk?...

The answer is: YES! I've been doing a different walk lately. This 30 minutes path is lined up with 10 different work out stations along the road. It is a Cross Training Walk path.

I sometimes even jog instead of walk as it is just about 1-2 minutes of jogging in between work out stations.

I jump over tree trunks, run around trees, do knee bends, jumping jacks, the plank, step up on stumps, push ups.

The day after my first round I was incredibly sore. I guess I over did it a bit, thinking 10 reps was easy peasy and showing off by adding another 10 reps to it... The soreness just shows what bad shape I am in. I might be good at walking nowadays but my muscles still needs a bit of a tune up. Especially my bum... Anyone feel the same? :) So I decided to collect some great simple exercises, easy to squeeze in a few times a week in the morning or the evening.

My favorite bum exercises are these:
1. Hip Lift
2. Lunges
3. Squats

And I try to combine these exercises with these abs exercises:
1. Plank
2. Bicycle exercise

I am curious to try something like this too, for variation:
1. Pass the block
2. Balancing act

I've done this beautiful Cross Training Walk twice now and am actually looking forward to the next one. Because I am choosing to jog in between sometimes, it feels like I am releasing more endorphins, which is a great energy boost!

My new Come Walk With Me challenge is to do this Cross Training Walk twice a week.

I have heard from some of you that you are doing great with your walking missions. I am so happy to hear that. :D Keep it up girls!

Today is yet another beautiful day. I walked uphill to the tunes of  Christina Aguilera, Lil' Kim, Mya and Pink's fabulous version of cool Moulin Rouge. It was great. :D

Now I am off to some fabric cutting and maybe some play with yarn. I am not sure which one to choose. Something crafty will come up soon. Until then take care, pick wild flowers, hook a granny and take a walk. :D


Sunday, May 6, 2012

Come Walk With Me Report - Week 9

Jay and Emmy Bo finds a field in the middle of the woods. We will come back for pic-nic next time. :D

I am proud and happy for my great efforts of walking this week. I have been walking my butt off. This is my report from Come Walk With Me - Week 9:

Monday : 45 minutes
Tuesday: 45 minutes
Wednesday: 40 minutes up hill
Thursday: 30 minutes
Friday: 45 minutes up hill
Saturday: 45 minutes
Sunday: No walking so far...
TOTAL: 250 minutes (4 hours 10 minutes) :D

My goal was 30 minutes a day. I have done even more than that...  It comes down to 41 minutes a day, excluding Sunday... Well done me!!! :D

And this is a report that just came from Simone at Kolora. It made me very happy!
"Well done :)))
I ran for 4 km this week (3 km is normally the limit) and sadly had bad headache the rest of the day...but the rest of my body was happy! And I still walk a lot upstairs and downstairs as we live in the first and second floor of a really old house with lots of stairs. I walked the kids to school and had to pick them up due to the broken foot...I cycled to the physiotherapist twice with my son! Hmmm, it was a good week I think! Enjoy the rest of the Sunday! Simone"

My favorite walk this week was when we went for a walk in the woods, me and Jay and Emmy Bo with a friend. The woods are so lush and green right now. It is just amazing. Wild flowers popping up everywhere. All muddy after all the rain, but with boots on - who cares?

Lets make a list of our Top 10 Walking Songs, shall we?
I have to admit that I am starting to get tired of my Walking Music selection on my iPod at this point. I have actually started to walk without the iPod just having nature as company for my ears. It is very calming and nice. But at work for example, I really miss the beat to get a really brisk walk done. Any suggestion on good songs to add? What do you listen to when walking? Let me know and I'll publish our Top 10 Walking Songs list later this week. :D

Bottle belt or not?
As weather is getting warmer I am also starting to get more hot and thirsty when walking. I think I am going to purchase one of these for my longer walks. A bottle belt. Is there anyone of you girls who has one of these and can tell me if they are good or bad? I guess I could just bring a bottle and hold it in my hand but having a belt seems more comfortable somehow... And it makes me look more sporty, which is a plus. :D

So, how did you do this week. Are you still enjoying your walks? Are you still getting out there?

Come Walk With Me - Week 10
I will keep on walking, hopefully just as well as I did this week, a minimum of 30 minutes a day. Little Emmy Bo's birthday is coming up which needs quite a lot of attention but I'll do my best. And just like last week I am gonna do the up hill challenge. Up up up. Maybe I will be able to sqeeze in 3 days of walking up hill this week. That will be my goal. Yes. What is your goal?

Happy walking ladies and see you soon.


Sunday, April 29, 2012

Come Walk With Me Report - Week 8

Who would have known that COWS would be such a source for love? I am so happy to hear you share my love and that my cow sharing was worth reading. Your stories about cows, childhood memories built around this creature and how they make you all just as happy as me has been truly joyful reading. Big thanks, girls! And yes, isn't she lovely the licking Madonna? Ha ha ha! It was pure luck to catch her in that moment.

This time I want to share one of my most precious walks this week. My work has some fantastic forest and field surroundings. I have 3 different routes that I can choose from depending on length of my break and weather. My favorite route is a 15 minute walk through the woods.

This Friday the sun came out for the first time in days if not weeks. Things are exploding around here. Just look at all these mini daisies I had to walk through!

I adore these white precious spring flowers. In places they cover the ground like a thick blanket, like here. At my office I have a teeny tiny vase on my work desk where I can stick a teeny tiny bouquet of flowers like this to brighten my work space. :D

This day I had forgotten my iPod which was a great thing. There are so many sounds to listen to in the woods. Birds, the breeze, the small creeks...

I remind myself how lucky I am having this type of nature next door to our dull office building. Isn't that just fantastic? It doesn't really feel like I am at work when I can escape out here on the small curvy paths in the woods on my coffee breaks.

Friday was a great day for walking this week. I really felt happy being out there. Did you have a special moment this week to? Would you like to share it with me? I sure want to hear all about it. :D

So lets get back to Come Walk With Me Report - Week 8. It is not overly great but it is good compared to the Easter weeks. Please share your report by sending me an email or comment and I'll add you on to the list. This is my walking report.

Monday : 2 x 15 minutes in the rain at work
Tuesday: 2 x 15 minutes in the rain at work
Wednesday: No walking, only lots of nice sandwiches and baked goods at my Swedish Club meeting. Naughty...
Thursday: No walking. sofa delivery and a complete upside down house needed ALL my attention and still does...
Friday: 2 x 15 minutes walking in the woods at work and loving it!
Saturday: No walking
Sunday: 45 minutes in the morning. Very windy today!!!
TOTAL: 165 minutes (2 hours 25 minutes)

Come Walk With Me - Week 9
Next week I am going for the uphill challenge again. Summer is just around the corner and I feel like I have to make a REAL effort now to get into summer shape. This upcoming week I WILL walk every day, no matter what conditions or happenings. And I will walk 30 minutes every day, at least. What are your goals?


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Come Walk With Me - Week 8

My spring flowers are pretty when the sun sneaks out behind the big big clouds here...

Well, everybody knows I fell off the wagon. That is not a secret.  And unfortunately some of you came with me in the fall... I am sorry about that. The truth is, it can happen to anyone so what can we do now? Lets get back to walking!

Easter is over. The weather has been terrible, IS still terrible - I know. But we can still do it. Like I said when I started this - if we can only squeeze in 15 minutes a day, that is FANTASTIC! And that is absolutely better than NOTHING!

My goal for this week is a minimum 15 minutes a day, preferably 30 minutes a day. Because it is a little bit like starting all over and considering the weather reports I think this is a fair goal.
To inspire you a bit to put those walking shoes on I have collected an benefits of walking list below. Enjoy!

Short brisk walks helps to control your blood pressure.

Walking reduces the risk of breast cancer and colon cancer.

Walking strengthens your heart and can reduce the risk of a heart attack with 35%. This is if you walk a minimum of 3 hours or more a week on a regular basis. :D

Walking prevents Type 2 diabetes. Walking a minimum of 1 hour and 30 minutes in combination with loosing some of your extra kilos can reduce your risk of diabetes with approx 50%. :D
Walking releases endorphins and can help beat mild depression. Scientific studies shows that walking can be just as efficient as an antidepressant for mild depression. Do you get the blues this time of the year? Take a walk!

15 minutes of walking can reduce your sugar cravings. Are you craving chocolate or sweet treats? Take a walk!

When walking uphill you burn up to 30% more calories than walking on a flat and it helps toning your bottom and thighs. That is great! :)

Walking downhill helps toning your bottom and thighs as well.  This is even better. :D

After just one day of walking you have increased your metabolic rate and start burning more calories faster.
After a few weeks of walking your quality of sleep gets better. You sleep deeper and feel more rested in the morning.
After a few weeks of walking your immune system in general gets better. :D

Walking is proven to be one of the most efficient ways of getting a slim waist and narrow hips if that is what you wish for (at least I do wish for less love handles material...)

The list can go on of course. Just surf the Internet about walking and you can't help but feeling a NEED to get out there. I have to admit I have felt a bit fatigue and down lately and this might just be a result of me not getting my daily boost of fresh air, endorphins and blood flow. So come on girls. It is never to late. It is not over yet. Come Walk With Me again. Explore how nature is becoming a firework of flowers, leaf buds and green grass fields right now. Share it on your blog. This week I will share a walk from work because I am so lucky to have a teeny tiny forest close by that I usually walk through on my coffee breaks. So, see you later my friend. And don't forget to write down your minutes. And to report next Saturday if you can.


Monday, March 19, 2012

Come Walk With Me - Week 3

Hello Walking ladies. Sorry for the report delay. I had some problems with my mail. This is how many minutes of walking we have done this week:
(PS If you still haven't reported your efforts please do, but only if you want to. :D)

Annette (me) - 300 minutes (5 hours)
Jay Nic Knit Knacks

Stel - 60 minutes ( 1 hour) Well done Stel!
Henny Designs
Blandina Aracne - 210 minutes + more ( 3 hours 30 minutes +more)

Happy Little Cottage
Mrs Stenlund - 240 minutes (4 hours)
IA Nyckelpiga
- 220 minutes (3 hours 40 minutes)
Tea With Hazel - 195 minutes (3 hours 15 minutes)
Gilly Flower - 270 minutes (4 hours 30 minutes)
Kolora - 30 minutes

Lynne -  185 minutes (2 hours 45 minutes) even though it was raining most days. Well done!
Anonymous from California - 360 minutes (6 hours)

This is not a competition - this is about creating a habit.

I am so proud of you all and of myself. Looking at the numbers I am blown away by how well we have done. And for a moment I lost focus this week. Became competitive. " If Jane can do 8 hours I am gonna do 9..." So I started to feel guilty and stressed when I didn't managed to squeeze in another 30-40 minutes of walking a day into my busy schedule this week. Even though I was doing so much better than last week... So I asked myself by the end of the week "What am I doing?".

This is not a competition. This is about creating a habit. We are all different. We live different lifestyles and have different starting points. We set our personal goals. If that goal is to walk 15 minutes a day and we manage to stay to that goal that is fantastic. If someone has a goal of walking 1 hour a day that is fantastic too. So, when taking a step back and reflecting it all, I threw away the guilt and patted myself on my shoulder instead. Because my goal was to walk 45 minutes every work day and 30 minutes on all the other days and I did that plus more. So I have done REALLY good this week. And it feels like I am getting into a routine of walking. Wanting to walk a little bit every day.

Only compare your progress and efforts to your own goals. Don't compare yourself to others. You are doing great just doing your thing. :D

My Walking Mission - Week 3

• 45 minutes every working day

• 30 minutes all other days

• 2 of my walks will be uphill walks this week.

Now you set your goals for the week. As we are all different it is easier to follow your own plan this way. Add on some more time to your walks if you feel like it.  Or keep to the same goal as before. Walk up some hills on your walks. Do some interval walking, 5 minutes high speed - 5 minutes normal - 5 minutes high speed... The most important thing is to get into a routine and do it.

Good luck and enjoy!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Come Walk With Me - Week 2

Hello Walking ladies

This is how many minutes of walking we have done this week:
(PS If you still haven't reported your efforts please do. :D)

Annette (me) - 200 minutes (3 hours 20 min)
Jay Nic Knit Knacks - 120 minutes ( 2 hours)
Jane - 480 minutes (8 hours, walking the dog every day + 60 min extra on the weekend. NICE!)

Stel - 30 minutes
Henny Designs - 27369 steps (That is probably about 4 hours walking - well done!)
Blandina Aracne

Happy Little Cottage - No walking yet... But I think this week will be different, right? :D
Mrs Stenlund - 210 minutes (3 hours 30 minutes)
IA Nyckelpiga - 210 minutes (3 hours 30 minutes)

Tea With Hazel - 135 minutes ( 2 hours 15 min)

Gilly Flower - 240 minutes (4 hours)
Home Schooled
Kolora - 185 minutes + a swimming session (3 hours 5 minutes and 20 minutes of this was running!)
Rita Baccaro

Lynne - 160 minutes ( 2 hours 40 min)
Anonymous from California - 360 minutes (6 hours - WOW)

My best motivation tips:

• Music - download your favorite tunes, preferably upbeat high tempo songs, to your iPod or MP3 player and get walking. It makes all the difference in the world, believe me. Even when I am in a bad mood my favorite songs can turn that around for me. Or I give in to the sulking and listen to some tear dripping, beautiful, heart breaking songs and let the tears flow for a bit (make sure to bring paper napkins...). Therapy at its best. Finish off with an upbeat song, get rid of the frustration and you come back with all smiles. Some of my favorites right now are:
FloRida - Good Feeling
KT Tunstall - Black Horse & the Cherry Tree
Cobra Starship - You Make Me Feel...
Maroon 5 - Moves Like Jagger

• Pedometer - This is my best friend ever! Without my pedometer I feel completely lost. I love seeing the stats on how I have done on my walks, short or long. It is so motivating to see that even to walk down to the grocery store on the corner to get milk gives me a few hundred steps to count to my daily step routine... Once you get a pedometer you don't want to let it go. This is by far the best motivation for a beginner. Get one! and start counting your steps.

You find them in a sport shop or on the Internet. I just ordered a new one from Make sure you get a good one, go for one costing around 30-50 dollars. I only have experience of Silva pedometers and it has worked great. I just clip it on to my waist line and boom. Every step I take is counted and I can actually see how much or little I move. Health researches recommends us to do 10000 steps a day (counting every step we take...) to live a long and healthy life. The average for an office working person, that doesn't consciously add walking into his day, is between 1500-3000 steps only. That is shocking if you ask me. So Come Lets Walk.

Trainers! - Comfort is king. I have a pair of old sneakers hidden under my office table at work. I am not really a high heal girl and if we are going to a park or longer outing I always make sure to wear trainers. I even have a pair of Gortex trainers to motivate myself to get out in snow and rain as well. Because it can be refreshing - you just have to wear the right clothes. :D

• Find a walking route - I have a walking route that takes 10 minutes, another that takes 15, a third that takes 20 and a fourth that takes 30. This makes it easier for me to really fit some walking time into my daily schedule. If I have a busy schedule I know I can squeeze in a couple of the 10-minutes routes into my day - at least. If I have a 30 minute window I do my 30 minute route. This is really helpful girls. You could time up the route around your block or time how long it takes to bring kids to school. Does it take 10 minutes? Good. Then you know that dropping off and picking up kids equals 20 minutes in a day. That is great! You can do one or more laps around your block depending on how much time you have.

And now we a ready for next weeks challenge aren't we?

Walking mission - Week 2
• Just keep walking minimum 15-30 minutes a day depending on your level. This week you can make it if you didn't last week. You've got all the tips and tools for it. Just do it!

• Speed up your tempo a bit and get that heart rate going, it makes a big difference.

• Keep your head up high. Look around. Reflect on what you see. This is great for your posture, gives more space for your breathing. And you will love paying attention to your surroundings.

Good luck and enjoy!


Saturday, March 10, 2012

Walking - a story of 12000 steps a day...

To go for a walk can be so much more than just a road walked upon...
Hello Walkers! How are you doing with your Walking Mission of the week? I am doing pretty well. Not really reached my goals but I sure have made an effort to walk every day at least. I am looking forward to receive your reports on how you have managed this week. Email me the amount of minutes you have walked this week and I will put together a weekly report on our progress! :D But now - let me tell you a story.

Right here I almost got knocked over by a deer who came jumping - flying!!! - cross the road I was walking on...
She was so beautiful!
I read an article about walking in a Swedish magazine at the end of last summer. It said that you could easily walk off 2 inches/5 cm around your waist in just a couple of weeks. WITHOUT making any changes to your normal diet. "Ha! Sure...", I thought. And of course I had to take on the challenge as I already had given myself a serious go at jogging throughout the whole summer - and failed. Jogging is soooooo NOT my thing... no matter how expensive and flashy shoes I have, no matter what surroundings, no matter what good looking outfit... it is just NOT my thing. Period.

These trees will soon be full of apple blossoms... I can't wait!
So, get the idea that I had been pretty active throughout the summer but still had not lost those cozy, mushy love handles of mine... The article said to walk 12000 steps a day (approx 90 min, 6 miles/ 9,5 km) and absolutely not less than 10000 steps (75 min). I should add that my average steps done on a working day without active walking is around 2000... So 12000 is quite a lot more.  I found this article with some statistics on how many calories you loose when walking 12000 steps a day, the health benefits and more that might be inspiring to read. Check it out. :D I s

Anyway, I got started. Measured my waist line, upper arms, thighs and bottom. Weighed myself in... I left the house more often to go for walks. I started out with 15 minutes first thing in the morning. I swopped chatting and cookies in the cafeteria at work towards three 15 minute brisk walks outside on my two coffee breaks and lunch break. I soon had company on my walks and today I walk and chat on my coffee breaks. :D

I wonder what these flower buds are???...
When I got home at night I checked my step counter and after dinner I squeezed in what was missing. It could be 15 - 30 minutes. And believe it or not... When measuring myself two weeks later I had lost 2 inches/5 cm around my waist, 1,2 inches/3 cm around my bottom, 0,8 inches/2cm around my thighs and 0,4 inches/1 cm around my upper arms. WOW! It actually worked!!! And I have to add that I was feeling so great these weeks. I got up easy in the morning. I slept like a dead person at night. My short temper disappeared and I felt more relaxed and mellow. I laughed more and just in general felt more energetic and focused. Happy! And I think that that is worth more than loosing those inches. To feel one with life is the ultimate satisfaction and joy!

There is something special to walk in "the wild". Get off the road and walk the fields, be one with nature.
Aaaahhhh... even on a cloudy day like this.
The end of the story is not as great though as autumn kicked in full speed with storms and rain, cold and ice and my walks quickly died off... Christmas came knocking on my door and let me put it this way - I need to start all over again. But this time I have faith. I actually know that this work. Without having to live on a crazy diet that I can't stick to as I love cream, sugar, bakery goods and good food.

I love love LOOOOVE dirt roads. They are my favorite and my best!
Did you know the following about walking?

• That you don't have to walk a loooong time to get a benefit from it. If you want to make 60 minutes a day you can break this up in 5 minute walks, 10, 15, 20 or 30 minute walks throughout the day and still get almost the same benefit as if you did it all at once. That is GREAT news isn't it? So break it up girls, and reach your goal by doing mini walks if you have to. :D

• That a brisk walk burns about 30% more calories than a normal slow walk. So speed up your tempo a bit (ditch the sniffing dog and walk by yourself) and see even greater benefits from your walks.

• That in 10 minutes you take approx. 1000-1200 steps

Keep up your good work girls. Spread the word about Come Walk With Me. I would love to post a weekly report on how we are doing Sunday together with next weeks challenge, some tips on how to squeeze in those mini walks into our busy everyday schedules and add some crafty stuff as well. The crafty corner has been in a bit in a slumber lately. Guess I got my focus somewhere else... I hope you dear followers don't mind my side tracking for the moment. All the best to you all. And join in at any time. Everyone is welcome!


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Walking yet?

Photo from here.

 Hello walking pals and creative beings! 
Not so much about crafts today. No, my focus is lying elsewhere... How are you all doing with the walking mission? I am delighted to see that so many of you are joining me. I heart you all!

Welcome to Walk With Me girls:

JayNic Knit Knacks
Henny Designs
Blandina Aracne

Happy Little Cottage
Mrs Stenlund
IA Nyckelpiga
Tea With Hazel
Gilly Flower
Home Schooled
Rita Baccaro

Anonymous from California (whoever you are:D)

In this post I have collected some information about this challenge. Feel free to suggest additions to it that might make this even more fun. I am not a professional at all, I only follow my own experiences and tips and tricks I read in magazines, on the Internet and in books I have.

Come Walk With Me information

For 12 weeks we walk towards a healthier life

Every Sunday we report our walking stats that I will publish in a blog post to see our progress

The comment field in each post will work as our chat room. By replying on the spot we will cheer on, share tips and tricks, stories and chat along :D

See my Come Walk With Me button in my right margin? Feel free to grab the button to your blog (Add picture gadget with the button and the link info underneath) and talk about this challenge. The more we are the merrier. By clicking this button you will come directly to the category Walking and all the posts about Come Walk With Me will appear.

Every week I will present a challenge that we focus upon

Equipment needed, basics: comfortable shoes (preferably trainers)

Equipment needed, extras: pedometer (step counter) and iPod, walking sticks

Week 1 - Welcome

• Walk minimum 15 minutes a day, set your own goal and write down your efforts in a calendar. On Sunday we all report our weekly effort. :D

• Measure your waist line, your right thigh and left upper arm with measuring tape. Write this information down. (You don't need to share this information with us, it is only for you to enjoy your personal progress).

• Weigh yourself first thing in the morning and write this information down. (You don't need to share this information with us, it is only for you to enjoy your personal progress).

Okay girls. Enjoy your walk today!


Sunday, March 4, 2012

Come walk with me! - Welcome

Photo from here.

I invite you to Come walk with me! I am about to make one of my dreams come true by walking myself into a healthier and hopefully longer life. Why don't you come join me on my journey?

My daughter Nelly Bo walking the fields behind our house.
After 3 kids and a busy vagabond life we finally have settled here in beautiful Switzerland. We have routines. A completely normal everyday life. We are loving it but... Since leaving my Stay-At-Home-Mother-of-Three-Young-Kids lifestyle 2 years ago for an office job, sitting on a chair for 8 hours straight a day three times a week,  my shape has gone - pear shaped???!!!

A snowy walk on the mountain with my brother and nephew in 2010.
So, dear crafty friends. How many hours a week do you spend on the couch crocheting? How many hours do you spend by the sewing machine? And how many hours do you spend on the Internet reading blogs, updating yours, surfing Pinterest and dreaming away? We could take just 15 minutes a day from this precious time and go for a walk. Just 15 minutes. And these 15 minutes will soon grow to longer walks, into a daily habit, a slimmer waist line, a less humping and puffing breathing, a more energetic view of life.
A late summer walk with the cows on top of the mountain where we live.
I have too many friends, family, colleagues and just people around me with serious health problems like cancer, diabetes, over weight issues, heart problems, depression, lack of flexibility... Walking is known to lower the risks in all of these areas. We can all do some walking. Every day. One step at the time. Towards a lighter future, a longer and healthier life. Come walk with me!

I want to share my journey with you for two big reasons:

1. Because with support from you I will keep walking and not give up.

2. Because if I can inspire just one person to live a healthier lifestyle and walk with me, that would be the greatest satisfaction of all. :D

A family hike with pick-nick packed in 2010.
This morning I went for the most beautiful walk (50 min/5400 steps/4,7 km/210 cal). And this idea about sharing this journey came to my mind. I have to admit I am no longer a beginners-beginner but I have been there. When  starting working I cut down my daily movements with 75%. Yes, that is shocking isn't it. No wonder I have put on weight but more so filled up around my waist since sitting myself down on that office chair.
Nature is fantastic to observe on my walks, like these bright yellow fields in spring.
I know a few tricks on motivating myself, equipment that might be good, I have tips on music and how to make a walk a wonderful place to be in. I am sure you can add your tips and tricks to it too. This is supposed to be fun. A place where we share our progress as well as our struggles. A place where when things feels rough someone else can cheer you on and push you to at least get out for 10 minutes if you can't do more.

What exercise is the best exercise?
The exercise that we do.

I am not sure where this idea will take us or myself from a blog perspective, but I am excited. I really want to do this. And why walking? Because I've tried it all... Jogging, gym, swimming, cycling... But my time is limited and I find it hard to make it to a class, a certain location or keeping a special time... Walking I can do everywhere and whenever I have a moment left over. I can break it up in short coffee break walks at work or go for a long weekend walk. I can walk early in the morning or after dinner in the evening. I can walk in snow, in grass, on roads, in woods, on beaches, in towns... I can walk on my holiday, at home, at work, by the train station... And the best thing of all - I can do it every day and that is the key to a long and healthy life more than any hours spent in a gym a couple of times a week.

So again - I invite you -  Come walk with me!

 This week I challenge you to:
• Walk at least 15 minutes every day. Do more if you feel like it but if you are a beginners beginner, start slow.

This week I will:
• Walk 45 minutes split on three sessions on my morning coffee break at work, lunch and afternoon break.
• On my days off I will walk at least 30 minutes.
• I will look at the nature and take it all in as spring is just about to break through over here.

Let me know how you are doing. Lets walk.

Added info:
To make this a place for cheering on, feed back, brainstorming and to communicate with one another I will start replying directly to your comments. Anyone can jump in with questions, suggestions and cheering on.

Tea with Hazel suggested we report back every week on how much we have managed to walk and I think this is a great idea. Lets make Sundays our report day. I will bring up this information again in the next Come Walk With Me post to make sure everybody reads it. Move it girls. This is so much fun!

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