Well, I had a dream
I stood beneath an orange sky
Yes I had a dream
I stood beneath an orange sky
With my brother standing by
With my brother standing by
I said, "Brother, you know you know
it's a long road we've been walking on
Brother, you know it is you know it is
Such a long road we've been walking on."
{Alexi Murdoch, lyrics}
when you've been feeling like crap,
a good thing happens in the middle of the pity party you've been throwing.
a good thing happens in the middle of the pity party you've been throwing.
Your brother sends you cute photos of your little nephew.
Photos of his family
and some play time in the water.
And the sunshine smiles brighten your {otherwise} miserable day.
And the knowledge of how
your brother is brings tears to your eyes.
The good kind of tears.
And then...
you really start to miss him.
And feeeeeeeeeeeel all those many miles that separate you.
And you get all nostalgic
and start looking at scrapbooks.
because you're already nursing the worst cold in the history of mankind,
and this is, after all, a pity party,
and this is, after all, a pity party,
you get all
"woe is me"
"where did the time go"
"why am I not on a beach...."
you go to bed.
And dream.
And, as is often the case,
when my brother is on my heart,
he is also very close to me in my dreams.
At some point last night,
as I fitfully slept and coughed and slept some more,
we swam together.
And for that moment
there was no cold,
no melancholy,
no distance...
only peace
and laughter
the two of us.
Still together.
As close as ever as we navigate this
long road called life.
Joining Kathy for
there was no cold,
no melancholy,
no distance...
only peace
and laughter
the two of us.
Still together.
As close as ever as we navigate this
long road called life.
Joining Kathy for