Showing posts with label bfp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bfp. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

SJP's surro's got nothin' on K

Not only does K have a uterus to envy she also has some serious mad camera trouble-shooting skills. K played with my camera today and figured out that I had it on some multi-focus setting. She changed it to a single focus setting and was able to take some great photos of the beautiful, darkening hpts!

Today's test (6dp5dt):

The progression of tests: (they are definitely getting darker!)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

So pregnant

My camera does this annoying auto-focus thing, so I can't get a clear close-up photograph of the tests. However, I think it's pretty obvious that K is pregnant and the tests already show darkening. Take a look for yourself ...

Oh and in case we couldn't tell from the 2 lines K surprised me with this photo (a little blurry, but clearly says "Pregnant"):

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Thank you & Amazing K

Thank you so much for all of your amazing support! I can not tell you how much it means to me to have others remembering Myles with us. We survived the one year anniversary of Myles's death and are now remembering the days leading up to the day we buried him. At this time last year I was planning my son's memorial and burial service and quite honestly I don't remember much of it. I do remember that I cried very little during this week because I was in complete shock. Furthermore, I was so focused on having the perfect memorial service for Myles that I spent hours preparing for it. I figured that I'd never plan a birthday party or any other party for him, so I had to do this one thing right. I didn't want to have any regrets and honestly I don't have any. The memorial service and burial were a great tribute to Mr. Myles. I will post pictures from both services this weekend.


All is well with K. Today she is 5wks 5days pregnant. She's feeling very pregnant too ... super tired (ready for bed by 7pm) , hungry all the time, sore/swollen boobs, and lower abdomen twinges. She hasn't had any spotting or m/s (she didn't have m/s with her boys either). K's boys have been reading to the baby(ies) in the evening. K said that her oldest son (7) rested his hand on her belly while he read to our little one(s). So cute! When K tells me about the things her boys do and say it always makes me smile. K's boys are wonderful little guys with big hearts and melting smiles! With a mommy like K it's a no-brainer that her kids are terrific!

Our 1st u/s is on Monday, February 23 (not Jan. 23 like I said in one of my previous posts, but I'm sure you figured that out), and it can't get here soon enough! I'm anxious, excited, and nervous. I have been trying to not worry about the bad possibilities and focus on the positives. Please keep praying for our little one(s)!

Friday, February 13, 2009

No Beta #3

First I want to thank all of you for the congrats! I feel so fortunate to have such a wonderful following in the blogosphere and am lucky to have people standing by my side who "get it". Hugs and love to all of you this Valentine's weekend!

My RE was happy with the 2nd beta rise and did not feel the need to have a 3rd beta. I had a VERY hard time not begging for one! I really wanted to push to have a 3rd level to obsess over, but decided that I should probably just let go and try to relax a little (ya right!) I had to ask myself what is the point of another beta? Sure it could give me more added comfort in knowing the pregnancy is progressing, but if it's not a "perfect" rise it could cause me tons of potentially unnecessary anxiety and lord knows I already have enough of that! So, I controlled my urge to demand beta #3 and will wait for the viability ultrasound on Monday, February 23. It seems like forever away and can't get here soon enough!

I am staying optimistic, which is much easier with K being so positive, and I'm trying to constantly remind myself that my baby(ies) is in K--a new and very much improved environment! Sure there is a risk of m/c just like there is with every pregnancy, but the likelihood with K is much less than it was with me. K's symptoms are ever-present: very tender and swollen breasts, constant hunger, and tired. K didn't have much nausea or m/s with her boys, so it doesn't bother me that she's not having any of that (and actually I hope she doesn't!). I didn't have much of that either with Myles. K hasn't had a single drop of anything other than Endometrin leave her girly parts, so that's encouraging too!

It's weird because I don't have an overall feeling of gloom, which I had with my last two IVF cycles. I feel good. I feel hopeful. I'm even allowing myself to dream ... I'm dreaming about K having our baby in the fall. I'm dreaming about what my summer in 2010 might be like with a little one (or two) to play with. This is huge for me! I never allow myself to dream of the possibility of a baby, so I'm taking this is a good sign!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Beta #2

After much waiting, worrying, and dealing with delays at the lab Beta #2 is in ... 150! :)

The 1st beta was 50, so we tripled in 48 hours! We're over the moon excited with this news, but still being cautious! I'm guessing my RE will want to do a 3rd beta on Friday and then we'll schedule the 1st u/s.

K always tells me to smile and today I'm smiling huge! :D

Sunday, February 8, 2009

K's Pee Party

Yesterday J and I went to K's house. I took the above picture while we were visiting to show the blogworld the results of K's pee party. The tests from Friday and yesterday are definitely darker than the earlier ones!

We brought K two more hpts--CBU digital! I love to see the word "Pregnant" and wanted the pics for my scrapbook. K took the test right after we left and "Pregnant" immediately popped up on the test's screen. She photographed it, but the photos are a bit blurry. Nonetheless I could still see the word "Pregnant" and it made me smile huge! We also took the following photos. K and I were holding the pee sticks from 8dp5dt and 9dp5dt.

J is being silly (as usual), but I still thought it was a cute photo. We are so excited and can't wait for the results of beta tomorrow!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

K's bum says NO & Digital Test says "+Yes"

I'm still thinking of K's poor bum and wishing the soreness away. The 2x/day PIO must be killers! I never had to do more than one per day. I'm a little worried about what K's bum is going to look like after 5 more weeks of this if it already looks like this! Seriously, K you are one super duper trooper to go through this!

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I appreciate the congrats, well wishes, prayers and all the wonderful comments you are sending our way! It means so much for all of you to be so genuinely excited for us!
I didn't want you worrying, so I thought I'd let you know that the digital test confirms what the other tests have been telling us ... "+yes" we are PREGNANT! I am still excited and somewhat in a state of disbelief. I'm nervous and worried about the beta on Monday. I keep telling myself that K has a rock star uterus, so my little ones are probably nestled in for the long haul. I have to remind myself that my early miscarriages probably had to do with my f'd up uterus. Please keep sending sticky dust our way!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

6dp5dt - SDFL

SDFL = Slightly Darker Faint Line

K is so wonderful and took this picture for me this morning! She understands my obsession and my need to scrapbook everything! As you can easily see the line is getting darker and I'm getting more and more excited! Last night while having dinner with our wonderful friend, "Deej", she said that pretty soon the acronym of the day is going to be HSIP = Holy $hit I'm Pregnant! J followed this with a comment about a potential acronym that scares him: HSIT = Holy $shit It's Twins! ;) We're just happy to get a bfp and are hoping, praying, and pleading with the universe to let this one (or two) stick!

Thanks for all the congrats! I have the best blog readers in the world! I'm hoping that as we progress through the week I'll have more photos of darker and darker hpts to post!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

5dp5dt - VFP

Okay, blog readers. My wonderful, amazing GC, K, coined a new term for us--VFP! I think she gets a kick out of all of the acronyms we IFers use. So, what does VFP mean? Very Faint Positive! Yep, you got that right K did a hpt this morning at 5dp5dt and got a bfp!!! She said that she peed on it, set it down, put in the progesterone suppository, and looked at a double line! K said is was light, but definitely there. I wouldn't expect a super dark 2nd line at 5dp5dt and am hoping that it darkens each day this week! K wasn't going to test until 7dp5dt, but had the urge based on her symptoms. Plus, K admittedly isn't a patient person! ;) K will test again tomorrow morning. I'm hoping that she'll get a + dark enough to be easily seen on a photograph of the test, so I can post it for all of you to see! As you can imagine I'm over the moon excited while simultaneously being scared to death! Please blow sticky dust K's way and soothing thoughts to her sore bum from the 2x daily PIO!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I finally conquered the pee stick ...

... at 7pm using way too dilute urine, but I saw a faint 2nd line. My instincts were correct and I am indeed BFP!! I used FRER and immediately ran to my neighbor's to have her confirm the presence of a 2nd line (J was at a meeting). I tried to take photos, but I can't zoom in close enough to see the light line. I will retest tomorrow using FMU and am hoping for a darker line!

Although I am very happy and grateful for the BFP, it doesn't mean that I should start picking out names and getting the nursery ready. I've had two chemicals and 1 late 1st trimester miscarriage, so I'm viewing this as the first step in many. Please send tons and tons of sticky dust my way because I need all I can get!