Showing posts with label collecting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label collecting. Show all posts

Friday, January 4, 2013

2012 Was Expensive...

Because I bought so many damn games!

I took a whole bunch of pictures of the stuff I bought last year and this post was going to look SO PRETTY!
But somehow I deleted them all and that dream died on the rocks.

So here is a list of some games I bought, or the ones I can remember right now, in no particular order.
Some of them look to be useful for the campaign I'm currently working on, others for the RPG I'm writing.

I may review some of them at some point this year. If anyone has any questions or any requests for more detailed information, please let me know what interests you and I'll create a crazy conglomeration of crap that will KNOCK YOUR SOCKS OFF, BABY!! YEAH!!!

Too much coffee.

Basic and Expert D&D boxed sets, Erol Otus art
Marvel Superheroes 1st edition, TSR
Gamma World 1st edition boxed set
Compleat Alchemist and Adventurer
Arcanum and Bestiary
Warhammer 1st edition hardback
Warhammer City
Stormbringer GW hardback
Judge Dredd GW hardback
Starblazer Adventures
Legends of Anglerre
Kerebos Club
Fantasy Gamer's Compendium
Gamma World D&D 4th edition (Which is actually Gamma World 7th edition, if you know what I mean.)
Chill 2nd edition
Dungeon Crawl Classics
Warmachine/ Hordes
Iron Kingdoms
MYSTERY MEN! (Hi +John Stater)

Weird West (Hi +Stuart Robertson)

That's about all I can recall right now.
Who wants to play what?

Saturday, October 22, 2011

My Collection ~or~ Is This Normal?

I collect comic books and games I rarely play.
I haven't found a group around here to play anything with, so I just buy the games and read them.
One of the reasons I started blogging is to share my interest in gaming.
Anyone out there just buy games to read or for nostalgia?

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The horrors...the horrors...

Well I finally got my "giant book" in the mail yesterday. After months of waiting and watching the mailbox, the Tome of Horrors has arrived. I got the Pathfinder version because I've been collecting the main books for that particular game. I've never played Swords & Wizardry. I'm sure it's cool and all, but I already have the original Monster Manual 1 and 2 and Fiend Folio. Besides that, I can always back fit any Pathfinder stats into an older school game if I need to.

Pepper is not impressed by the Tome of Horrors.

This book is huge. There are 799 pages including the open game content legal document in the back. And then there's about ten pages of ads in the back for both Pathfinder and Swords & Wizardry products. I really don't mind the ads given the size of the rest of the book and the fact that about half of them feature art by Wayne Reynolds.
The first monster in the Pathfinder version of The Tome of Horrors is..The Tome of Horrors!
It is a chaotic evil construct worth 307,200 XP. An intelligent animated book that can fly, swallow victims whole and summon any monster within it's pages. It sounds kind of silly, but maybe just possible to use as a powerful arch enemy.
Bronson understands the scope and majesty of such a tome and is as enamoured with it as I.
With over 750 monsters there's enough to fill a solar system. Some of them are silly or redundant, but I like seeing the classics like the Forlarren and the Froghemoth. Plus there are several options for PC races.

I also bought the book as a collectible. I use to collect comic books, but in recent years I have tried to pick up various limited editions of games, especially Call of Cthulhu or older D&D stuff. Some for nostalgia some as investments.
Anybody else just buy stuff to collect? Sounds like an idea for future posts.

The horrors...the horrors...
 Over all I am very pleased and think it was worth the wait. This could make a lot of wandering monster tables!