Showing posts with label Mutant Future. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mutant Future. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Shadow of Yggdrasil Campaign: Introduction

An ash I know there stands,
Yggdrasill is its name,
a tall tree, showered
with shining loam.
From there come the dews
that drop in the valleys.
It stands forever green over
Urðr's well
-- Poetic Edda, Völuspá, Stanza 19

The Children of Odin
Long ages ago, the sons of Odin Star-Father sailed the skies, bearing His light and life throughout the nine worlds.
Among them were also the daughters of Odin, whom we  call the Norn.  Their's is the gift to sense the flow of fate, to peer into the abyss between the stars and to hear the Star-Father's voice from his throne in Asgarth.

When they arrived in this world, they found it rich with many beasts and metals to claim in the name of the Star-Father.  But the air and the waters were filled with poison and the lands and seas were rife with giants and demons that were an abomination in the eye of Odin.

And so they planted the roots of Yggdrasil, the tree of life, deep into the stone.  For many centuries and lifetimes it has grown and purified the airs and waters of this world.

Eventually the sons of Odin departed and left a generation of pilgrims to defend the world tree Yggdrasil.
They sometimes return to Yggdrasil to collect the holy tithe of Odin or to call the pilgrims to war.

Some few Norns remained behind. It is their task to guide the pilgrims in their good works and ensure the tithe is worthy of its divine purpose.
And they alone possess the knowledge to preserve the world tree and to listen for the voice of Odin Star-Father.

The tree of life towers above the mountains and the clouds. By day it commands the Sun and at night it chases the Moon.
So colossal is Yggdrasil millions of pilgrims make their homes inside its trunk, some never realizing there is an outside world.

The source of one dozen rivers, each one as large as the Amazon or the Nile. The Well, as it is called, is technically older than Yggdralsmir.  It was constructed to start the process of purifying the air and waters so the tree could grow strong and true.
It provides life giving water to thousands of square miles of jungles and swamps to the south.

This heavily fortified enclave is the ascendancy of the Norns. Their main concerns are ensuring the tithe by any means and maintaining the world tree.  They are skilled in the arcane arts of science and technology.
The forges of Urdarbunnr are capable of creating a wide variety of tools for maintenance and defense.
The typical pilgrim would never suspect the extent of this technological advancement.
It's veiled in layers of ignorance and superstition.

This is a lawless land of jungles and swamps. Mutants and criminals run wild, confident that they are safe from the watchful eyes of the Norns. 

This fortress city provides many resources from the sea and also serves as a base for further exporation of the islands to the south.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Weirdhammer Science Fantasy Roleplay

Mutant Future
Warhammer Fantasy 1st edition

Realms of Chaos
WH 40K: Rogue Trader


~ The Mutant Future stuff ~
1. Roll 3d6 for each ability, in order. ( MF page 10 )

2. Choose race. ( MF page 11 )
--> Human (+3 to CHA, INT and CON)
--> Mutant / Psyker
--> Beastigor ( Mutant Animal )

3. Roll 2d4 for number of mutations. ( MF page 21 )
--> Psyker Mutants may choose two mental mutations to represent the focus of their wyrd powers.

--> Bestigors may choose two physical mutations to represent what kind of animal breed they are.

--> Roll remaining mutations randomly. Choose to roll each on either physical or mental mutation tables.

~ The Warhammer stuff ~
Each of the Mutant Future races will count as specific Warhammer races for rolling on the skill and career tables, thusly:

--> Humans always count as humans.

--> Mutants may count as humans, elves, dwarves or halflings.

--> Beastigors will be described as predator, herbivore or scavenger.
----> Predators count as elves.
----> Herbivores count as halflings.
----> Scavengers count as dwarves.

1. Choose a career class. Ignore ability restrictions. ( WH page 16 )
--> Warrior
--> Ranger
--> Rogue
--> Academic

2. Roll 1d4 starting skills. Ignore age modifier and mandatory skills.
 ( WH page 17 )

3. Roll or pick basic career. ( WH page 18 )

4. Determine hit points as per Mutant Future.

5. Record trappings and roll 3d8x10 for gold. ( WH page 18 )

A Note on Magic
Magic is weird.

Option A: Use the Warhammer magic rules with saving throws or ability rolls from Mutant Future.

Option B: Do not use magic. Instead, give the magic user types some bonuses to use weird technology.

Option C: Treat magic similar to spells in Call of Cthulhu. The characters may know the theories behind magic, but it is dangerous and unpredictable. You could even say it's chaotic.

So what do skills do, then?
When a character tries to do something involving a skill or special talent they have, they won't completely suck at it.

Character Advancement

Use the career advancement system from Warhammer.
--> Each attribute bonus from Warhammer converts into a +1 attribute bonus to the Mutant Future attribute listed below.
--> New skills, talents and new careers are handled in Warhammer.
---> Optional: Find a way to use special talents from Necromunda.

Warhammer Ability  =  Mutant Future Ability
Move = Speed
Weapon Skill = Melee Bonus
Ballistic Skill = Ranged Bonus
Strength = STR
Toughness = CON
Wounds = Hit Dice
Initiative = Initiative
Attacks = Attacks
Dexterity = DEX
Leadership = CHA
Intelligence = INT
Cool = WIL
Willpower = WIL
Fellowship = CHA

Weapons. Combat. Critical Hits.
Use rules from Mutant Future for weapons, equipment, combat.
When a character reaches zero hit points,  make sure you use the Warhammer critical hit charts so things get all grim and gory.
There shall be mud and blood and skulls shall be shattered.

Thank you.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Calling All Road Warriors, Wastelanders and Mutant Dregs

Do you have a Gamma World, Mutant Future or other post apoc RPG blog or website? Old school or new and shiny.
Or maybe you have favorite websites with art, fiction or science news that might serve as inspiration for these games.
Please tell me about them and provide some links.
I'm going to create an index on my blog and on G+.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

New Mutant Future Monster: Observer

Here's a new mysterious mutation for your Mutant Future adventures.

No. Enc.:  1d2 (1d3+1)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  120' (40')
Armor Class:  5
Hit Dice:  8
Attacks:  1
Damage:  by weapon
Save:  L8
Morale:  9
Hoard Class:  III, IV, IX, XXI
XP:  4060

Observers are alien humanoids from some other strange dimension. They appear to be visiting Earth to perform scientific and behavioral experiments on any seemingly random various lifeform that may pique their interest.
Often they will simply appear via teleport and silently watch events unfolding before them.
At other times they will use their empathy mutation to manipulate emotions to instigate fights or other situations they find interesting.

If two or more observers are encountered, they may attempt to possess other lifeforms bodies from a hidden location while using their damage turning mutation simultaneously.
They will then join in combat using the possessed bodies, testing their physical capabilities and limits, but always relinquishing control before death.

Observers rarely communicate with what they consider to be lesser beings. If they do, they never speak, preferring to use their neural telepathy instead.

Mutations: Damage Turning (Only during Possession use), Empathy, Force Screen, Neural Telepathy, Plane Shift, Possession, Teleport

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Monstrous Mutated Monday: Noose Golem, Gundroid

Two new monsters presented for your approval:
the Noose Golem for Labyrinth Lord and the Gundroid for Mutant Future.

Please see The Other Side Blog for details on Monstrous Mondays
and The Savage After World Blog for Mutated Mondays.

Noose Golem
No. Enc.:  1d4 (1d4)
Alignment:  Chaotic
Movement:  60' (20')
Armor Class:  3
Hit Dice:  5
Attacks:  5 (nooses)
Damage:  1d4 (per noose)
Save:  F5
Morale:  12
Hoard Class:  None
XP:  800           

Noose Golems are often created as assassins by evil magic-users. They have all the special attributes of both golems and undead, meaning they may move silently and are immune to mind effecting spells such as hold, charm or sleep. They can be turned as undead, however.

They may attack five separate victims up to ten feet away. Their nooses choke victims when they successfully attack, and deal 1d4 hit points of damage each per successive round. For each noose that is choking a victim, the victim suffers a cumulative attack penalty of -1.
A noose can be cut off if a total of 6 hit points or more is dealt with one blow.
Blunt weapons will only do half damage to a noose golem.

Hit Dice:  50
Frame:  Armature
Locomotion:  Treads
Manipulators:  None
Armor:  Reactive (AC 1)
Sensors:  Class VI
Mental Programming:  Programming
Accessories:  Weapon Mounts (7), X-Ray Sensors, Self-destruct System
Weaponry:  Arm Mounted Maser Rifles (4), Arm Mounted Stun Pistols (2), Head Mounted X-Laser Rifle

Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Beastmen Drawings of Charles Le Brun

These are just some visual ideas for games like After the Bomb, Gamma World or Mutant Future from various drawings by Charles Le Brun.

Wait. What's up with the brain?
That makes no damn sense...