If you get to travel to Taichung, why not choose a great ice cream parlor for some desserts?
Here is a really awesome place I would love to share with you guys.
I've only been to Taichung for half a day partly because of this and to settle dinner over at a nearby night market.
After reaching Taichung via railway train, we cabbed over to this place. (address shown below this post)There were only a few people seen in the shop at that point of time.
I guess it might be due to the cooling "air-con" weather (around 20 degree celsius), which was why there wasn't as many patrons as I thought there would be.
Imagine yourself in an air-conditioned room with an icy treat.
Doubt many would be as crazy as I am to enjoy that feeling eh?
Look out for this flag post upon turning into the "alley".
Love the Japanese-styled woody interior that made me feel like I've stepped into a different portal while I was there in Taiwan.
These fake plastic food figurines were enough to make me salivate in spite of the weather.
A mini teevee which acts as a picture menu.
I SCREAMM FOR ICE CREAMM!Mister ordered the signature Honeycomb ver (TWD 130 ~ S$5+).
You can choose whether you want it in a cup or on a cone.
The honeycomb was absolutely unforgettable upon the first bite.
It was really really good because you can genuinely taste the natural honey and not the typical artificial ones which are commonly used.
I had a hard decision choosing mine because I wanted something special.
So in the end I chose this, Caramel Brandy w cone (TWD 100 ~ S$4+).
Gwahh, and of course this was really awesome as well.
I swear.
There are many other flavours you can choose from : https://www.facebook.com/rojitaiwan/app_117784394919914
If you are feeling rich, why not try the one with edible gold flakes?
Well that would cost around TWD 299 ~S$12+ for your luxurious experience.
Oh! And let's not forget the tatami bench while enjoying your icy treat!
There is also a flight of stairs leading up to level two if you are interested in the local designers' art pieces.
We didn't went up because we were rushing for time, so do check out if you have some time to spare!
Ahhh, while updating this post, I am missing Taiwan all over once again.
Do hang around more for more updates ya!?
N.17, Lane 117, Section 1,
Meicun Road, West District, Taichung City, Taiwan 403
Mon - Sun : 12noon - 9pm