Bella asks, "Why Rabbit, Rabbit and no Puppy Puppy?"
Well, according to Wikipedia, and we all know that site is the most accurate one, ha!...
"Rabbit rabbit rabbit"is one variant of a common British Superstition" which states that a person should say or repeat the word "rabbit" or "rabbits", or "white rabbits", or some combination of these elements, out loud upon waking (or first moment) on the first day of the month, because doing so will ensure good luck for the duration of that month.
The exact origin of the superstition is unknown, though it was recorded in Notes and Queries as being said by children in 1909:
In response to this note another contributor said that his daughter believed that the outcome would be a present, and that the word must be spoken up the chimney to be most effective; another pointed out that the word rabbit was often used in expletives, and suggested that the superstition may be a survival of the ancient belief in swearing as a means of avoiding evil."
I tried this one month, don't remember which, but had I had extraordinary good luck I probably would have remembered. Maybe I didn't experience the full effect of good luck because I didn't speak up the chimney. I do have one, so if I awake tomorrow morning and remember, I will give it a go. Hey, I got nothing to lose!
The following two flower shots have nothing to do with superstitions, but I thought they were pretty so there ya go...