Fractured Facade

"A fathers death...a daughter's life...a sociopath's vendetta...FRACTURED FACADE ...a novel written as memoir. Only $3.99 and available wherever eBooks are sold. Click here for direct link to Amazon.


THE VALENTINE'S DAY CURSE -- A Short Story, Free everywhere...except on Amazon (boo! hiss!) where it's $.99 to buy! Click here for direct link! Let them know it's free at these stores and they may price match it! Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books...more to come.
Showing posts with label Brooklyn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brooklyn. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Monday, July 6, 2015

Coney Island Fireworks

A couple of shots taken while watching fireworks in Coney Island from the boardwalk...

Fireworks every Friday night in Coney Island at 9:45pm.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Greenwood Cemetery in the Spring

No matter what season it is, Greenwood Cemetery looks beautiful. Here are a couple of springshots taken earlier this month...

One of the many lakes throughout the cemetery.

Just discovered this lake which is behind my parents' resting place and through the trees

Many trees grow in's a magnolia

Lots of pink dogwoods and cherry trees in Brooklyn

I took a sprig from one of the azalea bushes my mother had planted many years ago in the backyard and placed it for her for Mother's Day

Father and Mother names, no dates, but they look very old.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Brighton Beach

With winter breathing down my neck I thought I would warm up the day with a couple of shots from Brighton Beach in Brooklyn.

On the Brighton Beach Boardwalk looking towards Coney Island. The parachute and ferris wheel  loom ahead.

From Bay Ridge it's a quick jump (if there's no traffic) on the Belt Parkway, a nice drive along the shore, just a couple of exits down. Be warned when exiting the Belt to immediately slow down as NYC has put speed cameras on many of the exits, and if you do go above 25mph, in a couple of weeks you may find yourself the recipient of an expensive love letter...

And just like that...the seasons change...the shore, sun, sky, and sand stay the same, yet, as the sun changes its mood, so does the shore, sun, sky, and sand.

At the top of the shot there are two seagulls standing on each side.

That's the elevated train, now called the B from the D which takes you to Brighton Beach.  I can't figure out why they switched the B & D line names and it drives me crazy,
This used to be the lobby to an old movie theatre, now it's the entrance to an expensive food forum of sorts.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Bay Ridge's Gingerbread House

If you live in Brooklyn, especially in the Bensonhurst/Bay Ridge sections, you've probably visited the Gingerbread House more than once.

It looks like a home taken straight out of a fairy tale and plopped down in the southern tip of Brooklyn.

Built in 1917, this house is on the market for a mere $10.5 million. I wish I had that type of dough because I would buy it in a heartbeat. To see more pics and the inside, click here. It's a beautiful neighborhood to live in with the shore a mere block away.

For Halloween the house across the street has decorated, and based on their warped tastes I wouldn't mind having them as neighbors...

My cuz with the Verrazano Bridge in the background
After taking a couple of shots we jumped on the Belt Parkway and headed to Brighton Beach, passing under my second favorite bridge...the Verrazano.

The ever elusive "Stairway to Heaven" shot. I think every Brooklynite has attempted to capture it.

When I get a chance I'll post the Brighton Beach pics...bye bye Bridge!