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Showing posts with label boots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label boots. Show all posts

Monday, November 29, 2010

I Love Boots

This year I'm being shmart with my Christmas shopping. I made a list, am sticking to it, cutting coupons and going out when no one else is. I went the Wednesday before Thanksgiving when all the shops were deserted, and then I went Sunday after Thanksgiving when all the shops were deserted. If I hadn't gotten thrown out of stores because they were closing at 6:00pm I probably would have gotten even more shopping done.

The best part about yesterday's shopping spree was that the quest to find the perfect winter boot has come to an end. So I deviated a wee bit from the list to put myself on it. Normally I wouldn't spend $135 on a pair of boots, but these boots are Bare Traps which are waterproof, soft leather and have faux fur lining all the way inside them.

They're also extremely comfortable and I can wear them three different ways. So I splurged. But I didn't spend $135. Belk's was running a 40% off all boots sale and I had an additional 20% off coupon so I spent $65.00 with tax.

A couple of weeks ago I bought a different pair of boots from Marshall's for only $19.99 -- yes, my kids' mother wears combat boots.

But those boots did not keep my footsies warm so I decided I needed something more practical. I love boots. I have about a dozen different boots -- cowboy boots, ankle high boots, knee high boots, clodhoppers, Frye boots, leopard skin cockroach killers, you name it, but none of them are comfortable enough to wear for traipsing through the streets of Manhattan for hours on end. Some of them are just too heavy or just too stylish. I tried about a hundred different pairs during the last couple of weeks and nothing but the cheap prices had appealed to me. I almost bought a gorgeous pair at TJ Maxx's that were "discounted" to $235.00 but I just couldn't justify the price, although I really, really wanted them.

At this stage of my life I realize that comfort is more important than money (only if the final price is under three digits) so that's why I treated myself to an early Christmas present. One thing I've found is that no matter how much weight one gains, or how lousy a hair style one gets, one's feet can always look good, but more importantly one's feet must be happy.