Saturday, June 8, 2013

Camera Critters

At this time of the year, we often have uninvited visitors in our backyard and one of them are those yellow crested cockatoos. They like to eat the fruits of our pecan tree which is growing in our backyard for more than 15 yrs. 
The photos were taken one afternoon while I was in my garden when I noticed their noises. 

Interested to join or want to see more Critters from all around the world please click, here


Rajesh said...

You have beautiful visitors.

eileeninmd said...

Eden, your crested Cockatoo is beautiful. I would love to have these visitors in my yard. Great shots.

Joy said...

Oh I wish I have pecan trees here too so they can visit me:)

Unknown said...

Gorgeous birds!

Jeevan said...

Lovely captured and the last one is gorgeous

DeniseinVA said...

A great post Eden, thank you so much for sharing these pretty flowers and birds.

Wishing you a happy day,
Today’s Flowers
An English Girl Rambles

chidimma said...

