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Tuesday, August 25, 2009


by Richard Quek

There were two patients in a small hospital room. They
were Tom and Bob. The room has only one window, and it
happened that Tom’s bed was by the window. Everyday,
Tom would relate to Bob about the beauty of the outside
world he saw through the window. He told Bob about the
trees with green leafs, the flowers blooming, the
weather, the children playing outside, and cars passing
by. This kept Bob entertained since he was unable to
see it for himself. However, as time went by, Bob
became envious of Tom. He thought to himself, how nice
it would be if he could see everything for himself. One
night, Tom was very sick, and he asked Bob to call for
help. Bob could have shouted for assistance, but he did
not do so. He secretly wished that Tom would die, so
that he could occupy the bed by the window. Tom did
die, and Bob was moved to the bed beside the window.
Bob was excited now that he had the opportunity to see
the outside world with his own eyes. However, to his
utter shock, the only view he got was a brick wall. He
realized that he had lost a true friend in Tom, but it
was too late now!


In life there are people who care and love us. Our
parents, wives, children, friends and others do care
about us. In most cases we tend to take things for
granted until we suddenly realize that they are no
longer with us. Take care of them and treat them with
respect and you will have all the joy in the world.


"Remember not only to say the right thing in the right
place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid
the wrong thing at the tempting moment."

Sunday, August 9, 2009


by Richard Quek

Ben Hogan was one of the greatest golfers of all time.
One day he was approached by a blind man, who praised
him for his great skill of golf! Ben Hogan asked the
blind man what he could do for him. The blind man said
that it was his life long dream to play a round of golf
with the great Ben Hogan. He added that he also wanted
to have a bet with Ben. Ben was of course hesitant
about the bet since there was no way that the blind man
was going to beat him. He did not want to win money
from a blind man. But the blind man kept on insisting,
and eventually Ben agreed to the bet. Ben looked at the
blind man and asked, “What time shall we play today?”
To which the blind man replied, “I will meet you at
this golf course at 9.00 pm tonight!” By the way during
those days there was no “night golfing”.


To win or succeed we must have a plan or strategy, and
position ourselves to our advantage. Do not dwell on
our weaknesses but rather focus and build on our
strength. All of us have been endowed with the seed of
greatness, and we are capable of achieving great things
with our present abilities. Do not under estimate


"No one ever attains very eminent success by simply
doing what is required of him; it is the amount and
excellence of what is over and above the required that
determines the greatness of ultimate distinction."

Nasihat Yang Menghasilkan Diam


Kalaamuna lafzun mufeedun kastaqim…

Itu petikan daripada Alfiyyah Ibn Malik, kitab yang digunakan semasa belajar Nahu Arab.

Kalam di sisi kami ialah lafaz yang bermanfaat seperti, “beristiqamahlah!”

Ibn ‘Aqil mensyarahkan Alfiyyah Ibn Malik dengan penjelasan yang menarik. Menurut Ibn ‘Aqil, KAMI yang dimaksudkan di dalam bait syair di atas ialah Ahli Nahu. Kata Ahli Nahu, “di sisi kami apa yang dikatakan sebagai kalam ialah lafaz-lafaz yang bermanfaat”. Contohnya ialah ‘istiqamahlah’.

Bagaimanakah lafaz ‘istiqamahlah’ boleh dianggap bermanfaat?

Ia dianggap bermanfaat kerana ia adalah lafaz yang menghasilkan DIAM, tanda mesej yang mahu disampaikan itu difahami seperti yang sepatutnya. Berbeza dengan ungkapan, “saya pergi ke”. Ia tidak difahami dan tidak menghasilkan DIAM. Orang pasti mahu bertanya, “pergi ke MANA?”

Itulah definisi Ahli Nahu.

Saya turut menumpang sama.

Setelah dua buku berkaitan cinta dinukilkan, harapannya ialah banyak soalan terjawab. Tetapi email di bawah memberikan indikasi, ada sesuatu yang tercicir daripada dua buku saya.

Ikuti perbualan kami:


“Assalamualaikum ustaz.

Saya sudah membaca buku ustaz, Aku Terima Nikahnya dan Bercinta Sampai ke Syurga. Terima kasih atas buah tangan ustaz yang banyak membantu saya menempuh kehidupan. Teruskan menulis.

Saya ada satu masalah peribadi yang sangat rumit, dan saya memerlukan pandangan daripada ustaz.

Saya sudah bertunang semenjak setahun yang lalu. Tunang saya adalah seorang lelaki yang baik. Tetapi kami tidak pernah berjumpa dalam erti kata keluar makan atau bersiar bersama-sama. Hanya sesekali berhubung dengan telefon dan sms. Saya di Kuala Lumpur dan beliau bekerja jauh di seberang.

Masalah peribadi yang saya maksudkan ialah, saya jatuh hati dengan seorang jejaka di tempat kerja saya, dan beliau pula ada suami orang. Kami sering bertemu di tempat kerja, dan urusan kerja seharian rupa-rupanya tanpa sedar membibitkan percintaan di antara kami. Saya tahu yang beliau suami orang dan beliau juga tahu yang saya sudah bertunang. Tetapi kami tidak dapat membohongi diri masing-masing tentang perasaan ini.

Saya khuatir perbuatan saya ini menzalimi tunang saya dan isteri jejaka tersebut.

Saya sudah puas bersolat hajat meminta petunjuk dari Allah, membaca al-Quran dan berdoa, tetapi saya masih belum mempunyai kekuatan untuk menolak cinta ini.

Saya memerlukan satu nasihat yang tegas dan kuat dari ustaz. Mudah-mudahan dengan nasihat itu saya bertemu dengan kekuatan yang tidak saya temui selama ini.

Terima kasih atas kesudian membaca email saya. Harap ada balasan daripada pihak ustaz. Saya setia menanti.

Wassalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.

Gadis KL”


Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakaatuh.

Terima kasih atas kiriman email saudari. Terima kasih juga kerana membeli dan membaca buku saya.

Sesungguhnya segala yang perlu diperkatakan, telah saya perkatakan di dalam kedua-dua buku yang saudari baca. Justeru jika saudari masih memerlukan satu nasihat lain yang lebih tegas dan kuat dari saya, hanya yang satu ini sahaja yang belum saya nukilkan.


Ambillah lilin, nyalakan ia dan letakkan satu daripada sepuluh jari saudari di api lilin itu. Hitunglah berapa saat saudari mampu bertahan akan kepanasan api lilin yang membakar dan menghanguskan satu daripada sembilan jari saudari.

Jika saudari melepasi proses pertama ini, letakkanlah pula jari kedua hingga ke jari yang ke sepuluh.

Rasalah sendiri panasnya api.

Sesungguhnya kepanasan api lilin itu, hanyalah secebis daripada kepanasan api Neraka dan Murka Allah yang menanti manusia yang menzalimi manusia yang lain.

Dalam lambakan kata-kata yang banyak dan pelbagai itu, mungkin kepanasan api Nerakalah yang sudah dilupakan manusia.


“Dan demi sesungguhnya, Kami akan merasakan mereka sedikit dari azab dunia sebelum azab yang besar (di Akhirat kelak), mudah-mudahan mereka itu kembali (bertaubat)” [Al-Sajdah 32: 21]

Rabbanaa Aatinaa fi al-Dunyaa Hasanah, wa fi al-Aakhiraati Hasanah, wa Qinaa ‘Adzaaba al-Naar!


68000 AMPANG
24 Julai 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009



A big flood hit a village. Everyone was evacuated and
fled for safety, except for one man who said, “God will
save me. I have faith.” As the water level rose, a jeep
came to rescue him but he refused help and said, “God
will save me. I have faith.” As the water level rose
further, he went up to the second story, and a boat
came to help him. Again he refused to go saying, “God
will save me. I have faith.” The water kept rising and
finally he climbed to the roof. A helicopter came to
rescue him, but he said, “God will save me. I have
faith.” Finally he drowned. When he came face to face
with his Maker he angrily commented, “I have complete
faith in you. Why did you ignore my prayers and let me
drown?” The Lord replied, “Who do you think sent the
jeep, the boat, and the helicopter?”


We must be accountable for what we do and not blame
others for our shortcoming. We have to take the
necessary action to help ourselves, rather than
waiting, wishing and wondering what is happening in
life. Nobody will help you unless you first decide to
help yourself.

Take action right now and do not waste any minute. You
are responsible for your own failure or success!!


"Our life is what our thoughts make it. A man will find
that as he alters his thoughts toward things and other
people, things and other people will alter towards

Saturday, July 18, 2009



Dexter Yager turned down a scholarship to Yale
University because he wanted to start his own free
enterprise business. He started with a jug of Kool-Aid
business and moved on to selling cars. He was involved
in a few other ventures but without much success.
Dexter and his wife, Birdie were later introduced to a
network marketing business in November 1965. With sheer
determination and commitment they built one of the most
successful and largest network in the world. Today,
they have achieved the highest possible level in their
network marketing business and have helped thousands of
people become successful. They have indeed achieved
their dreams of financial independence, and helping
people around the world to have a taste of freedom.
Dexter’s favorite saying is, “Don’t let anybody steal
your dream.”


Dexter has the leadership qualities to be successful.
We may face challenges, but if we know where we are
going, and proceed towards the direction of our dream,
we will surely see success. People can take away what
you have; your money, your properties, your job, and
you can still start all over again. But if you let
others take away your dream, you have lost!


"Failure is a part of success. There is no such thing
as a bed of roses all your life. But failure will never
stand in the way of success if you learn from it."



Once there were two eggs discussing what they wanted to
be when they hatched. The first egg said, “I want to be
an oyster when I hatch. An oyster just lay in the water
and never has to make any decisions. The currents of
the ocean move it about, so it doesn’t have to plan.
The ocean water passing by brings its food. Whatever
the ocean provides is what the oyster receives, no
more, no less.” The first egg continued, “That’s the
life for me. It may be limited, but there are no
decisions and no responsibilities. There is a secured
existence controlled only by the ocean.”

The second egg said, “That’s not the life for me. I
wish to be an eagle. An eagle is free to go where it
wants and to do as it pleases. Of course it is
responsible for hunting its own food and making
survival decisions, but it is also free to fly as high
as the mountains.” The second egg continued, “The eagle
is in control, instead of being controlled by others. I
want no limits placed on me, nor do I want to be a
slave of the ocean. Consequently, I am willing to
expend the effort required to live the life of an


The eagle is a symbol of strength, speed, height, and
freedom. It is able to soar to great heights and have a
beautiful view of the world. However, the eagle has to
pay the price for what benefits it has, by having to
work, risk and fight for its survival. For freedom and
success there is always a price to pay. Of course to
play it save we can choose to take the course of action
of the oyster to be in our comfort zone and achieve


"Look up, laugh loud, talk big, keep the color in your
cheek and the fire in your eye, adorn your person,
maintain your health, your beauty and your animal

Friday, July 17, 2009


Di hadapan orang yang kita cinta, hati kita akan berdegup kencang…
Tapi di depan orang yang kita suka, hati kita akan gembira…
Di depan orang yang kita cinta, musim sentiasa berbunga-bunga…
Tapi di depan orang yang kita suka, musim itu cuma berangin sahaja…
Jikalau kita lihat di dalam mata orang yang kita cinta, kita akan kaku…
Tapi jikalau kita melihat ke dalam mata orang yang kita suka, kita akan tersenyum…
Di depan orang yang kita cinta, lidah kelu untuk berkata-kata…
Tapi di depan orang yang kita suka, lidah bebas berkata apa sahaja…
Di depan orang yang kita cinta, kita menjadi malu…
Tapi di depan orang yang kita suka, kita akan tunjukkan imej yang sebenar…
Kita tidak boleh merenung mata orang yang kita cinta…
Tapi kita selalu merenung mata orang yang kita suka…
Bila orang yang kita cinta menangis, kita akan turut menangis…
Tapi bila orang yang kita suka menangis, kita akan turut membuat dia
Perasaan cinta bermula dari mata,
Perasaan suka bermula dari telinga…
Jadi, jikalau kita berhenti menyukai seseorang yang kita suka, umpama kita
membuang telinga kita…
Tapi jika kita cuba menutup mata, cinta berbuah menjadi airmata
Setiap orang yang akan mengalami ini dalam hidup mereka, cuma fikirkanlah
bersama-sama siapa yang anda cinta.