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Showing posts with label coward. Show all posts
Showing posts with label coward. Show all posts

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Missouri's Senator Blunt Takes a Deserved, Fair, Earned Beating at Daily Kos Today

Yes, it's a brutal write up on Missouri's Senator Roy Blunt today over at the Daily Kos but really, with him making excuses for this Republican Party President Trump of theirs and his denying our vote, our votes, our election and Democracy.....  Well... What can I say but he earned it all? And it's fair. Very fair. And yes, deserved.

Just a bit from the article today but I really recommend all voting Missourians read the entire piece at Kos.

Republican Sen. Roy Blunt of Missouri is a coward. Sen. Blunt has a storied career of being absent from the job he reportedly has as a senator in the United States Congress. In a Senate run by arguably the least legislative senator ever, Mitch McConnell, Blunt stands out in his sheer cowardly laziness. This has made it considerably less surprising to watch Sen. Blunt, over the past couple of weeks, do the Republican anti-Democracy dance of first vaguely insinuating that there is voter fraud that rigged the national election, and then outright pushing the theory that the outcome of the election was in doubt. The best that can be said about Blunt is that he’s a good bellwether for telling you what talking points the Republican leadership has passed down to its underlings—or hasn’t. He’s a coward.

On Sunday, as the worm has turned and the almost forty cases Trump and his band of Keystone fascists have lost or had thrown out in court settles in, Blunt and friends went on the Sunday shows to tell America that they were still technically acting like democratically elected representatives. They also wanted to remind their base that our election system might need to be rigged more for the minority of Americans in the Republican Party. Especially if all of these Black and Asian and Latino people are going to come out and vote!

Host Dana Bash began by trying to see if Sen. Blunt might join the meager trickle of GOP officials recognizing that President-elect Joe Biden won the Nov. 3 election against one term white supremacist executive Donald Trump. Blunt began by not acknowledging that, but reporting that “well, we are certainly moving forward as if that what is going to happen on January the 20th.” He then attempted to soften the Trump administration’s withholding of the transition funds by remarking that it “is a relatively new thing in American government that the elected president would have to have government money to make their transition is available.”

Sen. Roy Blunt basically reported what has only recently begun to happen. Sen. Roy Blunt said nothing. He then went on to argue that the semantics of calling Biden the victor or the “President-elect” are all just words...

As I said, it's brutal...but it's fair. And I say again, it's earned. And deserved.

Thanks, Senator Blunt! Thanks for standing up for us! And our vote! And votes! And election! And Democracy! Heck, for that matter, for decency and truth.


Sunday, November 3, 2019

Quote of the Day -- Timely Edition

Image result for stupid trump

“Choose your leaders with wisdom and forethought.
To be led by a coward is to be controlled by all that the coward fears.
To be led by a fool is to be led by the opportunists who control the fool.
To be led by a thief is to offer up your most precious treasures to be stolen.
To be led by a liar is to ask to be told lies.
To be led by a tyrant is to sell yourself and those you love into slavery.”

― Octavia E. Butler, Parable of the Talents

Monday, April 30, 2018

Remember When Our President Wasn't a Coward--and Had a Sense of Humor?

Really. Remember this?  Remember when our President wasn't a coward and he could, would and did show up at the White House Correspondents Dinner? And he laughed? And laughed at himself, too?

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Religion May Well Have Brought Us, Once Again, to This Mass Shooting

There are actually not just some times but many in which religion, which is to otherwise espouse love and love for humanity, has brought us, yet again, to this horrific slaughter of innocent American lives in Orlando, Florida today where 50 people were gunned down and at least 53 maimed.  Check out this recent video from Orlando dated April 16 this year.

Check this out. This is from Orlando and just this past April.

This is not an assault on my part against the Muslim religion nor Muslims nor followers of Islam. My position is that this man, above, in this video is deeply wrong and irresponsible and calling for murders.

Let's be clear on this, too. The shooter last night was a coward. A coward with a gun.

He was angry because he saw two men kissing. 

At a gay bar. Imagine that. 

So rather than confront them, he got weapons and gunned innocent people, innocent Americans down. 

He was a freaking coward. As so many of these people are.

Then there's this:

This is proof right here so no one can claim background checks for mental stability and/or criminal history can't stop at least some of these killings and slaughters of American innocents. If even one life is saved, let alone one mass shooting is avoided and lives are saved, we've made improvements.

We need to get busy, everyone. Please contact your Congressional representatives and tell them we need, at minimum, required background checks for all weapons purchases in the nation, for mental stability and criminal history. No, it won't stop all these shootings and killings and maimings, as I said, but if we at least reduce them, we've advanced as a people.

Thank you, in advance.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

The Truth About Guns in America -- Hard Data

Here, ladies and gentlemen, is the truth, the ugly, raw truth of it all--guns in America:

"This is why we have the headlines all wrong: Guns are not being abused or wielded incorrectly in America. They are not “falling into the wrong hands,” ill-begotten by “evil people” and “crazies” and “psychopaths.” This is not true in the slightest.

Just the opposite, actually. When yet another mass killing occurs, when another woman is murdered by her ex-husband (which happens every single day in America, BTW), when another despondent teen kills herself with her dad’s gun (ditto), when more males – and it is almost always males – shoot each other in the street, when more schoolchildren die at the hands of effortlessly well-armed adults, these are not tragedies. It’s exactly what we expect to happen.

The guns are, in a very real way, just fulfilling the destiny we instilled into them. They are doing exactly what we designed them to do, what we demand they do, as physical extensions of our fear and rage. You can’t shove 10 billion tons of carcinogens into the atmosphere and not expect massive outbreaks of cancer. You can’t put 300 million precision tools of death into the culture and not expect their latent, intrinsic objective to be realized, every single day.

This is why all religious and spiritual traditions the world over agree: Guns are for cowards. They provide only the thinnest illusion of authority, the ugliest veneer of control, the most artificial aspect of authentic manhood.

Proof? Simple: Just remove any gun fetishist’s (or terrorist’s, or mass shooter’s) stockpile of weapons, and watch what happens. They are instantly deflated, lost, rendered vulgar and human. All illusions of power and machismo vaporize, leaving only the base energies of hate and fear they often don’t understand, much less know how to transmute into something like kindness and love."

Link:  Shooting up America: Guns are a national disgrace 

Friday, August 23, 2013

Observations, August, 2013

Observation No. 1

People punish honesty.

Observation No. 2:

Our machines, our computers, our pocket phones, more than anything, are turning us into a nation of cowards.

We don't face situations we've created or people that we ought to otherwise face. Instead, we ignore them if they call or we text back, if/when forced into a "conversation."

Monday, April 15, 2013

Cowardice of the worst and most vile

By now, you've likely heard that 2 bombs went off in Boston, Massachussetts today at the finish line of the Boston Marathon.

The people who did this, for whatever bizarre excuse (they'd say reason), there is not only no excuse for this but it must be said that whoever did it are cowards of the first order.

How anyone, anywhere, could do this to civilians, innocent civilians, whether in Boston or Afghanistan or Iraq or any spot on the planet, it's unconscionable and has no place not only in a civilized society but on the planet, period.

This makes us all citizens of the world. This should unite us all. Acts like these make enemies of the perpetrators to all the rest of the world.

I don't believe in hell, personally, but if I did, I would be of the opinion that the darkest, hottest place there would be reserved for the instigators.

Truly, whoever did this is of the lowest life form.

I also don't believe in capital punishment but this is one of those times and events that comes close to changing my mind.

Link:  Two explosions at Boston Marathon: reports

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Quote of the day

"You always know the mark of a coward. A coward hides behind freedom. A brave person stands in front of freedom and defends it for others." --Henry Rollins, American spoken word artist, writer, journalist, publisher, actor, radio DJ, activist and former singer-songwriter.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

On "Anonymous" commenters and the cowardice they display

"...for the sweaty mobs of posters going incognito as they drop poison on others, they are simply gutless. Forums should put a yellow stripe beside their words." --Froma Harrop, The Real Problem with Online Anonymity; Link:

Sunday, April 18, 2010

An ugly anniversary for the country

"Echoes of the NRA's insurrectionist rhetoric can be heard from the leaders of the gun activists who plan to converge on Washington, D.C. on April 19, a date with great emotional resonance for the "gun rights" movement and, for different reasons, for the rest of us. It is both the anniversary of Lexington/Concord and of the tragic federal assault on the David Koresh compound in Waco, Texas in 1993. It also is the anniversary of what was, to that date, the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history - Timothy McVeigh's 1995 bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City."

From Dennis A. Henigan of the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence ( via the Huffington Post (Link to original post here:

Unfortunately, coincidentally, tragically, to me, anyway, it is also the date my Mom was born.

It was one more reason to resent Timothy McVeigh's cowardly, stupid, irresponsible, ugly actions that day in Oklahoma City.

It would be nice if, one day soon--today?--the ignorance of what Timothy McVeigh did that day were a lesson for the Right Wing extremists of today.

As I so frequently say here, hey, I can dream, can't I?