
SF Marathon Goals

Last year I never thought I'd run a full marathon again. (More on my blog post I'm Over the Marathon.)This year I'm about to run three! My first full of the year was the OC Marathon May 1st (race recap here), my second is the SF Marathon July 31st (this weekend!), and my third will be the Marine Corps Marathon October 31st. 

Each time I train for a marathon I create a 8-20 week training schedule and then commit to it. In this training round I committed to it, but I missed a lot of my training runs because of work travel, personal travel, triathlon training, triathlon racing, and a short lived injury. Unfortunately the injury came during my peak training weeks and for a while I thought about dropping back to the half. D'oh! (More on that decision here.)

The San Francisco Marathon course is tough. Why do you think its called "Worth the Hurt"? The hills are hard but the course is beautiful. I ran the full marathon back in 2006, ran the first half last year in 2010, and now I'm back to run the full again.

SF Marathon 2006 with my Dad

With any race I set a goal, but recently I've set multiple goals to make the race more enjoyable. My goals for the OC Marathon were: 

  1. Complete the race without getting injured
  2. Complete the race without a total emotional meltdown like last time
  3. Complete the race with a smile
  4. Complete the race feeling like I've pushed myself as much as I could
  5. And as always... complete the race under 4 hours! 
Now that I'm not as emotionally scarred about potentially running a bad marathon, and because I know I haven't trained half as hard as I should have, my goals for the San Francisco Marathon are quite different. My goals? Drumroll please....

  1. Complete the race without getting injured
  2. Complete the race with a smile
  3. Complete the race in under 4:24:17 (My 2006 time)
  4. Complete the race period

This is the first marathon where I really have no time pressure on myself. Whew! I know I haven't trained hard enough, I know I have my "A race" later in the year (Marine Corps), and I know the weekend will be fun regardless. And you know what? I LOVE marathons. Check out the 26 reasons I love marathons here, and if you want to see what gear I'll be wearing/using for the race click here.

I'm going to have fun on Sunday! How can I not? I'll be wearing a tutu. :o)

Want to track my progress on Sunday? Well if you're cool and have an iPhone, iPad, or Droid phone you can download an app here or here. If you're not as cool (I'm not either, I have a Blackberry) you can track me online here. Bib number 7083 baby!

San Francisco Marathon Gear - Head to Toe

Its now THREE DAYS until the San Francisco Marathon! Eek! From my first marathon to my thirteenth, I've always been nervous before a race. Marathons remind me of Bikram Yoga. You show up to do the same routine each time, but you never know for sure how the day will go. Part of that makes things fun, but it also makes things scary! Especially for a stress case like me. I've found the best thing I can do to keep myself from worrying about something too much is to plan, plan, plan. With that said, I have already planned out everything that I will be wearing and carrying for the race. Here's my gear review from head to toe.

On My Headpiece
I almost always run in a running hat or visor to keep the sun out of my eyes and to keep my hair out of my face. My favorite brand of running hat by far is Headsweats! I have several of their hats and visors and LOVE THEM! The caps are floppy and soft and stretch to cover my big melon. I also have hats from Brooks and Sugoi, but after a couple of washes those hats and many others have shrunken, resulting in a collection of running yamakas. :o(

Aside from my hair the other important thing on my head is my face! I work in marketing at a medical aesthetics company (medical devices for cosmetic surgery) and spend a good portion of my day looking at pictures of people with wrinkles. Nothing will scare you into wearing sunscreen daily faster than starting at pictures of sun damage and wrinkles all day. SCARY! I'm lucky enough to get some great skincare freebies through connections in the industry and currently I'm using this incredible moisturizer with sunscreen by Neocutis called Journee

Being in the industry (or maybe because I'm just vain) I always wear light eye make-up during a race. I'm not so silly that I put on make-up before tumbling out of the door each morning for a run, but if I'm going to get ready for a race and want to do all I can to prevent horrible race pictures, I'm going to wear eyeliner and mascara. (Check out some of my horrible race pictures on my blog Race Photos: the good, the bad, the ugly)

I discovered a mascara last year that is completely waterproof and incredible! It doesn't paint your lashes like most mascaras but coats them instead. This stuff is so waterproof that I've even worn it in triathlons. Check out Blinc at Sephora if you're interested. It doesn't give you the volume that you can get from regular mascara, but its the only thing you should ever use if you are going to be getting your face wet.

(Super lashes brought to you by the letter L for Latisse!!)

On the Top
Thanks to the wonderful San Francisco Marathon Ambassador program, I'll be running in my 2011 Ambassador singlet from Brooks! I don't normally wear singlets because my shoulders tan really easily and I hate tan lines. I usually wear short sleeved technical shirts for races but do tend to heat up pretty quickly. I like the breezy feel of the singlet and hopefully because of the early start time for the race and the reliable San Francisco cloud cover my shoulders should be safe this Sunday. Fingers crossed.

Under the singlet I'll be wearing two sports bras. Yes, two. I'm not flat chested and one  sports bra just doesn't do the job. I found out early on in my running career that two sports bras work perfectly! Sure the girls are smashed a bit, but they don't bounce too much which is what you want during a marathon. I've tried some of the bras meant for larger chested women before and really don't like them. Not only do they cost a fortune,  they're hideous! Not like they're seen -  but still, I know! 

Some of my favorite sports bras are Brooks Epiphany, Zoot RUNfit, and Moving Comfort Contour.

If its going to be cold at the start of the race I often wear my Asics Arm Warmers which feel like heaven! Unlike most other arm warmers they aren't made from a slick technical fabric. Instead they are made from mostly polyester and nylon and feel like a fine-knit sweater. I love them! I usually heat up by the second mile of a race and these arm warmers are light enough to tuck into the waistband of my shorts. 

On the Bottom
In all of my prior marathons I've worn the same type of shorts - Race Ready V-Notch shorts. These shorts are the best distance shorts ever invented for marathons! They have two pockets with Velcro in the front which are great for keys or chapstick, and they have five mesh panels in the back which are perfect for energy gels, energy gummies, Kleenex, etc. 

Although these shorts are my favorite marathon shorts in the world ... I will be running this race in Skirt Sports
 compression shorties instead. Why? Well, mainly because they look better under my tutu. Running is all about how I look, hello! jk. I started wearing these shorts during my triathlon training a few months ago and have fallen in love with them. I don't have to worry about the liner in a pair of shorts riding up, and even though these shorts don't have the awesome panel with five pockets in the back, there are still two pockets in the back which are perfect for holding gels. And hey, they're compression shorts, hopefully they're a bit slimming too. :o)

(Model's butt, not mine)

When I'm running on a regular training day there are several other types of shorts that I like. My Zoot Energy Shorts are favorites of mine as well as my Sugoi Verve Shorts. Unlike many other runners, I'm not in love with the Nike Tempo Track Shorts. I have several pairs but don't think they are very flattering on me.

Speaking of my tutu .. I will also be wearing a SF Marathon color themed Glam Runner tutu! A friend and I have been fundraising for Girls on the Run San Diego by selling tutus over the past few months. Through the support of friends, family, Girls on the Run girls, and various strangers who have found our website or who have heard of us by word of mouth ... Tara and I have both exceeded our fundraising goals! Whoo hoo! I was trying to raise $1000 by the SF Marathon as as of today I'm 102% to my goal with a few additional tutu orders coming in this week.

On My Feet
When I started training for my first marathon back in 2005 I was fitted with the Nike Structure Triax stability shoe ... and in the past six years that is all I have worn. I've considered getting fitted again to see if another shoe might work for me, but I figure if its not broken, don't fix it. I've never had problems with these shoes so I'm sticking with them! 

Inside my shoes I have custom orthotics from a podiatrist, they are laced up with Yankz laces to make transitions easier when I'm doing triathlons, and to make sure I'm identifiable if something were ever to happen to me on the run, I have a RoadID ShoeID

For marathons and runs over 16 miles I almost always wear my Injinji toe socks or my Drymax socks.  These are the only running socks I buy these days. They're great! While they don't completely prevent me from getting blisters (even with lubed up feet), the do the best that they can.

Misc Gear
If you looked inside my purse you'd see everything but the kitchen sink. The most recent additions to my Mary Poppins sack are Mace and a CPR kit from the Red Cross. Hey, a girl can never be too safe! With that said, I carry a lot of stuff when I run too.

I *always* run with music and currently I'm using an iPod shuffle with SnuggBuds earpieces. I recently received a Sony Walkman W Series MP3 player as part of a new ambassadorship (details to come), but I'm too close to race day and don't want to make any changes to my gear. I'll take the Walkman out for a run starting next week.

After a MP3 player, the next most critical piece of gear I could be wearing is my Garmin Forerunner 205 watch. I sometimes wonder if the watch helps propel me forward because without it I feel sad and draggy! I'm obsessed with data and this watch gives you more data than you could ever want! If you haven't run with a Garmin before you need to try one out .. and then prepare for your life to change! Garmin is doing a promotion with Girls on the Run right now where you can get a $50 credit when you trade in your old watch! You get a deal and the watch is spruced up and donated to the Girls on the Run Solemates program. Win, win!

In addition to having energy gels tucked into my shorts, a big watch wrapped around my wrist, and an iPod clipped onto me ... I also need to carry my own water. I want water exactly when I want it in a race. I hate waiting for an aid station and losing time having to stop and refuel. For years I ran with a 2 or 4 bottle Fuel Belt which always annoyed me as it bounced around or pinched my waist. I recently discovered the Fuel Belt single-bottle hand held option which works much better for me. 

Sure I have to refill it a few times and holding something is a bit annoying too, but its wayyyy better for me than having to wear the belt. One drawback of the handheld bottle over the belt though is that I don't have an extra pocket for more Gus, my keys, Kleenex etc. I'm thinking that I might end up wearing a Spibelt as well. If its sitting in the right place at the small of my back its not that noticeable and its way more comfortable for me than the Fuel Belt. I usually carry 4-6 gels with me during a marathon and I'll probably put two Gus, some Kleenex, and possibly my phone in the Spibelt.

Well, what's left? I'm all geared up and ready to go right? Well one last step is some preventative lubing. I usually use Body Glide on areas that might chafe, but step up to the big guns for blister prone areas like my feet. I use a much thicker product called Sports Slick on my feet .. and I still sometimes get blisters. Argh! I heavily lube up my big toes with Sports Slick, put on my moisture wicking socks, and then say a prayer that my feet won't be bleeding by the time I cross the finish line. Sexy right?

So there you have it - that's what I'll be wearing and using this weekend! My dogs have reviewed and approved of everything I've chosen ...

And even though they DO match my outfit, unfortunately they won't get to run with me. Wouldn't we all look cute together on the course though? :o) 

Gu Giveaway Winners

I loved everyone's entries to the Gu Giveaway contest! The San Francisco Marathon is known as being "Worth the Hurt". 

I wanted to hear what else the race was "worth" to my fellow runners though. The challenge was to complete the sentence:

I love the San Francisco Marathon because
its worth the _________________

The entries:

I love the San Francisco Marathon because
its worth the weight in Gu and wrist bands!

 I love the San Francisco marathon because
it's worth the move to California for the company of great friends
and great runs in great Glam Runner style!" ;)

I love the San Francisco Marathon because
its in such an amazing city !

I love the San Francisco Marathon because
its worth the distinction of being the first one
I'll ever run in my lifetime...here's hoping it goes well.

I love the San Francisco Marathon because
its worth the pain of conquering those hills!

I love the San Francisco Marathon  because
its worth the chills...the slopes...the time....the heat....the hurt!

I love  the San Francisco Marathon  because
its worth the airfare, hotel and race reg fees to be
able to run on the Golden Gate Bridge!

I love the San Francisco Marathon because
its worth the 4am wakeup call!

I love the San Francisco Marathon as it is my 1st run!
It has taught me the power of the mind & dedication.
Running over the GG Bridge is a huge bonus!

I love the San Francisco Marathon because
its worth the free stuff at the finish line.

I love the San Francisco Marathon because
its worth the...time spent to talk my friend
into doing her 1st marathon!

With the help of some of my San Francisco Marathon friends we've picked the top four entries. They are:

I love the San Francisco Marathon because
its worth the distinction of being the first one
I'll ever run in my lifetime...here's hoping it goes well.
- Jose

I love the San Francisco Marathon because
its worth the pain of conquering those hills! 
 - Olivia

I love the San Francisco Marathon  because
its worth the chills...the slopes...the time....the heat....the hurt!
- Vinod

I love the San Francisco Marathon as it is my 1st run!
It has taught me the power of the mind & dedication.
Running over the GG Bridge is a huge bonus!
- Monica

Thank you to everyone who entered! For those of you who won I'll contact you to get your mailing address, OR we can meet at the expo. I'll be there Saturday from 9am - 1pm in the Tech Center. See you there!

Gu Giveaway

We are now NINE days away from the San Francisco Marathon! Hopefully by now if you are running this race you have a fueling strategy for race day. I am pretty particular about what I eat and have a standard plan for my carbo-loading dinner the night before the race (noodles or rice - hey, I'm half-Asian), my pre-race breakfast to get me going that morning (oatmeal and an egg sandwich), and a fueling/hydration strategy for during the race (4 Gus and plenty of sports drink/water). And of course, you can't forget to refuel your tired body post-race with protein and carbs!

To help ensure that you have enough fuel to get you going during the race, I'm doing a Gu Giveaway with an added bonus - cool San Francisco Marathon Sweatbands!

Don't know much about Gu Energy Gel? Read more about the "Gu Story" here

Four lucky people have a chance to win a package with:
  • 5 Gu Energy Gels in Vanilla Bean
  • 5 Gu Energy Gels in Mandarin Orange
  • 5 Gu Energy Gels in Chocolate Outrage
  • 5 Gu Energy Gels in Jet Blackberry
  • 2 Fuzzy Blue San Francisco Marathon Sweatbands
Don't you want to be cool like these wristband-sporting runners?

To enter the contest you need to do one of three things:

Post a comment on this blog filling in the blanks for
"I love the San Francisco Marathon because its worth the _________________"

Post a comment on my facebook page  filling in the blanks for
"I love the San Francisco Marathon because its worth the _________________"

Tweet "@monikool I love @thesfmarathon because its worth the __________________"

I'll pick four winners based on answer creativity on Tuesday July 26th. Good Luck!

Half vs Full Marathon

Last June (2010) I ran the Rock N Roll Marathon here in San Diego and had a terrible race. (More on my blog Dealing with Disappointment.) I had stomach issues early on in the race and though about quitting several times, and in the end I made it through the whole course with a lot of walking and my slowest time ever. Missing my 4 hour goal for the 12th time completely broke my heart, and the pain of that disappointment was so great that I decided to give up full marathons and to focus on halfs and try out triathlons. This plan  actually worked out quite well for me and I PR'd several times in a row in half marathons and I won overall female in my first super-sprint triathlon! (Race recap here.) As time passed though I started to miss the full marathon.

Last November when I was named a San Francisco Marathon ambassador, I started to feel like I should run the full for some reason. I ended up committing to the full marathon but was scared to have such a challenging course as my first full back in the game. SO .... I signed up for the OC Marathon which was in May .. and then for some crazy reason I signed up for the Marine Corps Marathon which is in October. How did I go from no more full marathons to three this year? I must be crazy.

Triathlon & Marathon Training
Before committing to three full marathons, I planned to increase my triathlon distance from a super-sprint to an Olympic distance this year, with the hope of doing a 70.3 distance next year. When I added the three marathons to my racing calendar, I squeezed them in among my triathlons. Suddenly I had this crammed racing schedule of triathlons, half marathons, full marathons, and some shorter running races in between. Ack! Over committed! I was able to massage my 12 week training schedule to accommodate swims, bike rides and long runs, but my schedule was tight and didn't leave me with many rest days. 

Travel & Triathlon
To complicate matters worse, in addition to doing a triathlon in the middle of my SF marathon training, I was also going to be going out of town on four trips. One was a week in Paris for vacation, two were four day trips to Vegas for work, and one was a weekend trip to San Francisco to go see a concert. I planned my long runs around these trips but my schedule didn't leave much room for error... and error occurred! There were days that I was tired, too busy at work, and just needed a break.

My Training Plan
My crazy training schedule is below. I have Mondays and Thursdays scheduled for swims, Wednesday included spinning, Sunday was biking, and four days had running including my Saturday long runs. As usual I planned on two 20 mile long runs.

Hamstring Injury
Unfortunately in the middle of my training a few weeks ago I injured my hamstring. My legs were pretty sore from the triathlon I did on June 26th (race recap here), a few days later my hamstring soreness went from sore to pain, and then a few days later when I tried to do a long run a strong stabbing pain kept me from running completely. Oh no! I went to get a massage and the therapist said I had a charley horse in my hamstring and that the muscle felt like a rock. He prescribed rest and NO running. Shoot, I didn't have time for much rest! I decided to try to get into physical therapy to rush the healing process and was going to find a sports medicine doctor to give me a referral. I was talking to my boss about this and she recommended her chiropractor who was also a sports medicine doctor and actually bills himself as "The Running Doctor". I called his office and was scheduled for the next day. Score!

I had never been to a chiropractor before and was a bit apprehensive, but was happy to find out that not only did I get an adjustment, but I also received laser therapy on my hamstring. From the adjustment I found out that my hips were off and both ankles were jammed. The doctor said that any one of three could cause a hamstring injury, and with three all together its not surprise I got injured. He suspected that my hips were off from a zero-speed bike crash I had a few week prior (which left me with a bruised hip which I didn't think was too serious), and that racing in the triathlon and then running hard at track just flared things up. 

Healed from Injury
I saw the chiropractor four times over the next couple weeks and received adjustments and laser therapy. During this time I rested, didn't run, and mostly swam ... and wouldn't you know the injury went away! Yay! BUT ... I had now missed three of my crucial long runs. With three weeks to go before the SF Marathon the furthest I had run since may was 12 miles. This past weekend I decided to try upping my long run from 12 to 18 miles to see how my body would react. Its not advisable to jump more than 10% in  mileage from one week to the next, but  I thought I'd try it to see if I'd be okay and ran a route where i could stop running and walk back to my car pretty easily at any point. 

Half vs Full Marathon
I was so happy to see that i felt great mile after mile, and the 18 miles went by pretty quickly. This run was only 2 weeks out and in the taper zone ... but I needed a run near 20 miles to test out my distance confidence. Prior to running the 18 miles I was afraid I'd have to switch over to the half marathon. After talking to others and the doctor this seemed like the smart,conservative choice .. but heck, I'm smart and risky. I wanted to go for the full! 

Its now 10 days until the SF Marathon and I'm excited but nervous. This training cycle has been my most off-schedule ever! I haven't done enough long runs and feel a bit under-prepared for a full marathon, especially a challenging course like SF. Since returning to full marathons after my  terrible race last year though, I've been able to take the pressure off myself a bit and am now able to just enjoy a race. 

SF Marathon Goals
My full marathon goal is always to PR and break 4 hours (I'm stuck at 4:00:32 .. argh!!), but for this race I just want to take it easy and enjoy the course. The city is beautiful and the course makes for a great running tour through the different neighborhoods I got to know growing up in San Francisco. I can't wait to run  marathon #14 and for  now I just need to get through the next 10 days without doing something stupid like tripping in my heels and spraining my ankle. 

10 days! Ack!

Fun at Work

As you've probably heard me say before, my job is fun! I think Marketing in general is a fun career, my job itself is fun for me because its challenging and rewarding, I love that I get to be analytical AND creative, and working with sales people always leads to fun activities now and then. Most recently, the fun that I had was this past week during our semi-annual sales meeting.

Sales meetings usually involve "team building" events where Sales, Marketing, and a few others get together to do a fun activity. At my company's last sales meeting this past week,our team building event was a  phto scavenger hunt around Seaport Village put on by Best Team Building. We broke up into four teams of five, and had two hours to take 40 photos from a list of 100 choices. The photo challenges varied in point value from 50 to 400 points, and each team had to strategically decide which photos they could take in the allotted time. Here are some of my favorite photos from the event and their corresponding clues.

Taking candy from a baby … you brutes!

Let’s see your whole team “walking on water”

Catch the whole team up in the air.

Pose your team WITH and IN the same post as “Morning Sculpture”

Relive your childhood, everyone climb their own tree.

Go to the Silver Crossing and recreate a vampire moment.

Drum up new friends. Get a stranger to be the bongos you play. 

Festoon the air – all of thee – with spitting water!

Hold your team in the palm of your hand.
C’mon all it takes is some perspective.

Convince a UPS or FedEx delivery person to transport one of you.

Everyone shows us your “I-Just-Ate-the-hottest-hot-sauce-there-ever-was” face.
Pose outside the appropriate store.

Pose your team “headless” in front of The Cerveza Store

How about your best roller coaster scream face?

Pretending to climb the Hyatt Hotel.
(Emphasis on the word pretending!)

This team actually climbed the Hyatt!

Convince a stranger to join your team in a game of leapfrog

 The Beatles were stars too. Pose Abbey Road style!

2  teammates doing headstands in any store

 What are the chances that all three of us chose the same store for the headstand photo?? Too funny. 

At the end of the two hours my team only managed to take 32 of the 40 allowed pictures. I think we wasted a lot of time trying to take the photos literally as the clue required. (Example: a photo of us spitting water into the fountain versus posing next to it.) We ended up coming in 3rd place out of the four teams. Oh well, there's always next time!

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