Showing posts with label San Francisco. Show all posts
Showing posts with label San Francisco. Show all posts

Marathon #18 - Here We Go!

This weekend I will be running the San Francisco Marathon for the 4th time as my 18th full marathon! I first ran the full in 2006, I ran the first half in 2010, I ran the full again in 2011, and this year I will be running the full yet again.

San Francisco Marathon Course Map

I love this race for many reasons, first and foremost because San Francisco is my hometown where I was born and raised (Sunset District HOLLA!!!) and its always fun to come home and see my friends and family. I love the city itself and think its a beautiful place to live and run, and getting to run up and down and all around the streets of San Francisco (including across the Golden Gate Bridge!) makes this race one of my all time favorites.

2006 - Finish Line with My Dad

2011 - Running Across the Golden Gate Bridge

2011 - My Friend Christina's First Marathon!

This race has also been extra special in the last year and a half because I have been lucky enough to be a part of the San Francisco Ambassador team. This team consists of 30+ amazing runners from all over the country. We have different running backgrounds and abilities, and all have different stories about our journey towards distance running. It has been a fun and memorable experience to be a part of this group, and I'm a bit sad for the experience to end this weekend!

SF Marathon Ambassadors

Representing SFM at the Carlsbad Marathon Expo

Working the Tech Center at the SFM Expo Last Year

I don't have a specific time goal for this race and my only goal is to finish. My training has been way off track these past few months (story of my life) and I just want to run to have fun and not put any pressure on myself. This past May I completed my first endurance bike event (67 mile course of the San Diego Century, race recap here) and each weekend my primary workout goal was to complete a long bike ride. I was usually able to get a long run in as well but most of my long runs fell short of my optimistic training schedule.

San Diego Century Ride

The race was mid-May which gave me the past six weeks to really focus on running. Enter all of my other usual life excuses - I've been busy at work, traveling a few times a month, tied up with volunteer responsibilities for Girls on the Run and TEDxAFC, up way too late making Glam Runner tutus, and often just feeling tired and not as motivated as I'd like to be. I know in general I take on more responsibilities than I can sanely handle, and going into my next training round for the Marine Corps Marathon in October I'm going to be smarter about planning my time.

Bart Yasso at My Post-Race BBQ Last Year (SO COOL!)

Speaking of Glam Runner .... there will be 13 Glam Runner tutus in the race! Last year I wore a SF Marathon themed tutu (white, teal, black) during the race and was planning on doing so again this year ... and to my amazement nine of my other Ambassadors will be joining me! Talk about a fun group! I'm super excited to have my fun-loving Ambassador friends dressing up in tutu and running the streets of San Francisco with me. I think they'll all have a great time and I'm grateful for their support of Glam Runner. Wearing tutu = increased fun.

San Francisco Marathon Themed Glam Runner Tutus

2012 - Running Across the Golden Gate Bridge

2012 - My Favorite Running Partner David Joined Me!

The race starts at the crack of dawn this Sunday and my wave will start running a little before 6am. Yes, that DOES mean a 4am wake-up time. Boo. If you want to track me you can download the official app from the iTunes store by searching "San Francisco Marathon". I'm bib number 41145

San Francisco Marathon Medals

David, the dogs and I drive up to LA tonight, and then continue on to San Francisco tomorrow. I can't wait!! Marathon #18, here I come!!

Vegas & SF - Birthday Week

In case you didn't know, June is my birthday MONTH! Yes, I celebrate all month. Why not? I'm an only child and a birthday twin (Go Geminis!) with my dad. I think June is a pretty special month! I started off my birthday week with a 5 day trip to Vegas for work. BOO. Yes, this is my 3rd trip to Vegas for work in 2012, and 5th time in 12 months. Yes, I love Vegas .. um for fun! Its exhausting to work a tradeshow in Vegas! Anyways, 5 days in Vegas and then 24 hours in San Francisco. Let the photo blogging begin!

Day 0 - San Diego

 Birthday Gift to Myself :)

Packing for Vegas

Day 1 (Tuesday) - San Diego to Vegas

Airport Parking is CRAZY! Used to be $16/day!

Solo Booth Setup. One Hour. Booyeah! I Rock.

Wandering the Strip & Bellagio

What to Eat? Noodles?

LOVE the Cosmo! Chandelier Lounge

Day 2 (Wednesday) - Vegas

Cutest Do Not Disturb Sign Ever!

Breakfast of Marathon Champions!
Thanks to the Marriott Grand Chateau Market

Running the Strip - All Four Mornings!

First Day of the Tradeshow - 12 HOURS!
At least we ended with an open bar...

Dinner at Prime Steakhouse
Yep - Ordered Ahi Tuna!

Day 4 (Thursday) - Vegas

Tradeshow Lunch - Asian!

Looking All Grown Up!

Day 5 (Friday) - Vegas

Souffle at Le Cirque - Amazing!

Day 6 (Saturday) - Vegas to San Francisco

Quick Lunchtime Shopping Break

Saw Pete Rose for David!
Um, a signed ball was $99. No thanks!

Excited - Def: Me Leaving Vegas

Ran into a little ticketing snafu at the Vegas airport. Apparently Paypal reversed the payment on my ticket on Southwest (Thanks Paypal! And UGH why do I ever stray from US Airways?!)  so my reservation was in the system but messed up. I was trying to convince the guy I didn't care AT ALL if my $90 flight was rebooked for $127.... just get me the heck out of Vegas! He finally rebooked me for $99 (WHO CARES!?!) but by that time my luggage was too late. AHH! In the end my luggage made it but the stress was so annoying. Saved $50 and some time by straying from US Airways and flying direct via Southwest. Worth it? NO. With Elite status on US Airways my issues are usually resolved almost instantly. Sigh. Anyways, I made it to SF in time for dinner thank goodness!

"Lady" on my Flight - Oh Vegas
Jersey Shore tan, skirt barely past her cheeks,
bright pink bra showing, clear heels.

Dinner at Terzo with my UCSB Friends!

One Candle? Thanks! Forget the Other 33 :)

Drinks at a Wine Bar Post Terzo

Moved to Bullit Bar - Lowell High Friends!!

Love My Lowell Girls!
Um, I look "sleepy" yeah..

Garley My Bestie (26 years!) in Green :)

SF Marathon Friends!!

Lovebirds! Can't Wait Until Your Wedding!

Danny! Friends Since High School
Damn we're old!

Day 7 (Sunday) - San Francisco to San Diego

I won't lie, Saturday was rough! Up early in Vegas to run, long day at the tradeshow, flight to SF, late night in SF.... I'm too old for this! Since I'm rarely out of marathon training I don't usually go out late. Had to make an exception for my birthday of course! Had a great night and I'm so happy I got to see so many friends. Thanks for coming out! I feel loved! Miss you all!

Morning View from Jenny's

Prior to the birthday festivities, I had lofty goals of getting a long run in Sunday morning. HAHAHA. Yeah, the chances of that happening were slim to none come Sunday morning. Jenny had a friend racing in the Escape from Alcatraz triathlon and I love watching races so I agreed to go with her to the race "down the street". Um yeah, sorry, over a mile?! Call me lazy or a princess, but I hate walking! Always have. Yes, I run marathons, whatever. By the time we got to the race I was sweaty and tired.

Walk "down the street" to Escape from Alcatraz

I love watching races since I rarely do - I'm usually racing! Its fun to watch all of the athletes and get a more complete view of the race. I hung out with Jenny and her friends at the finish for an hour or so before heading back to meet my dad for lunch. Birthday twins! My dad and I have the same birthday and celebrate together almost every year. This year we decided to have lunch at our favorite Thanksgiving location McCormick & Kuletos. Loved their birthday menus for us! :)

Birthday Lunch with my Daddy

Walked Down to the Beach After

After lunch I walked down to the beach and hung out there and people watched there for a bit before heading back to Jenny's for a nap. We were supposed to go see the new Snow White movie which never ended up happening, so between my beach time and napping, Sunday afternoon was pretty uneventful. My flight back to SD left at 8pm and I was super bummed to get a call from United saying it was delayed past 9pm. AHH! I wanted to get home at this point. As I started calling friends to make dinner plans I got a new message saying the flight would actually be back on schedule. Um, it wasn't.

Noodles at the Airport

My 8:10pm flight ended up leaving close to 10pm meaning I got back to SD after 11pm. By the time I got home it was close to midnight and I was exhausted. Unfortunately I had a long day at work the next day and a GOTR board meeting. :( Oh well, I finally recovered in time for the next weekend, and was excited to keep celebrating my birthday the following week. :) Such an only child!

Free Birthday Which Wich! Obsessed

My birthday did totally feel like it kept going since I came home from my trip and continued to get gifts. Thank you everyone!

Hello Kitty Uno! Birthday Gift from Christine :)

Green Alo Yoga Outfit
Courtesy of one of our doctors!

I had a great time for my birthday in San Francisco and I'm so thankful that so many of my friends came out.. including those with kids! I know a packed bar isn't how you want to spend your Saturday night. Thanks for coming out, I love you all!  And let's not forget, June isn't over yet! Let's keep celebrating! Ha ha! 

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