This weekend I will be running the San Francisco Marathon for the 4th time as my 18th full marathon! I first ran the full in 2006, I ran the first half in 2010, I ran the full again in 2011, and this year I will be running the full yet again.
I love this race for many reasons, first and foremost because San Francisco is my hometown where I was born and raised (Sunset District HOLLA!!!) and its always fun to come home and see my friends and family. I love the city itself and think its a beautiful place to live and run, and getting to run up and down and all around the streets of San Francisco (including across the Golden Gate Bridge!) makes this race one of my all time favorites.
San Francisco Marathon Course Map
I love this race for many reasons, first and foremost because San Francisco is my hometown where I was born and raised (Sunset District HOLLA!!!) and its always fun to come home and see my friends and family. I love the city itself and think its a beautiful place to live and run, and getting to run up and down and all around the streets of San Francisco (including across the Golden Gate Bridge!) makes this race one of my all time favorites.
2006 - Finish Line with My Dad
2011 - Running Across the Golden Gate Bridge
2011 - My Friend Christina's First Marathon!
This race has also been extra special in the last year and a half because I have been lucky enough to be a part of the San Francisco Ambassador team. This team consists of 30+ amazing runners from all over the country. We have different running backgrounds and abilities, and all have different stories about our journey towards distance running. It has been a fun and memorable experience to be a part of this group, and I'm a bit sad for the experience to end this weekend!
I don't have a specific time goal for this race and my only goal is to finish. My training has been way off track these past few months (story of my life) and I just want to run to have fun and not put any pressure on myself. This past May I completed my first endurance bike event (67 mile course of the San Diego Century, race recap here) and each weekend my primary workout goal was to complete a long bike ride. I was usually able to get a long run in as well but most of my long runs fell short of my optimistic training schedule.
The race was mid-May which gave me the past six weeks to really focus on running. Enter all of my other usual life excuses - I've been busy at work, traveling a few times a month, tied up with volunteer responsibilities for Girls on the Run and TEDxAFC, up way too late making Glam Runner tutus, and often just feeling tired and not as motivated as I'd like to be. I know in general I take on more responsibilities than I can sanely handle, and going into my next training round for the Marine Corps Marathon in October I'm going to be smarter about planning my time.
SF Marathon Ambassadors
Representing SFM at the Carlsbad Marathon Expo
Working the Tech Center at the SFM Expo Last Year
I don't have a specific time goal for this race and my only goal is to finish. My training has been way off track these past few months (story of my life) and I just want to run to have fun and not put any pressure on myself. This past May I completed my first endurance bike event (67 mile course of the San Diego Century, race recap here) and each weekend my primary workout goal was to complete a long bike ride. I was usually able to get a long run in as well but most of my long runs fell short of my optimistic training schedule.
San Diego Century Ride
The race was mid-May which gave me the past six weeks to really focus on running. Enter all of my other usual life excuses - I've been busy at work, traveling a few times a month, tied up with volunteer responsibilities for Girls on the Run and TEDxAFC, up way too late making Glam Runner tutus, and often just feeling tired and not as motivated as I'd like to be. I know in general I take on more responsibilities than I can sanely handle, and going into my next training round for the Marine Corps Marathon in October I'm going to be smarter about planning my time.
Speaking of Glam Runner .... there will be 13 Glam Runner tutus in the race! Last year I wore a SF Marathon themed tutu (white, teal, black) during the race and was planning on doing so again this year ... and to my amazement nine of my other Ambassadors will be joining me! Talk about a fun group! I'm super excited to have my fun-loving Ambassador friends dressing up in tutu and running the streets of San Francisco with me. I think they'll all have a great time and I'm grateful for their support of Glam Runner. Wearing tutu = increased fun.
The race starts at the crack of dawn this Sunday and my wave will start running a little before 6am. Yes, that DOES mean a 4am wake-up time. Boo. If you want to track me you can download the official app from the iTunes store by searching "San Francisco Marathon". I'm bib number 41145
David, the dogs and I drive up to LA tonight, and then continue on to San Francisco tomorrow. I can't wait!! Marathon #18, here I come!!
San Francisco Marathon Themed Glam Runner Tutus
2012 - Running Across the Golden Gate Bridge
2012 - My Favorite Running Partner David Joined Me!
The race starts at the crack of dawn this Sunday and my wave will start running a little before 6am. Yes, that DOES mean a 4am wake-up time. Boo. If you want to track me you can download the official app from the iTunes store by searching "San Francisco Marathon". I'm bib number 41145
San Francisco Marathon Medals
David, the dogs and I drive up to LA tonight, and then continue on to San Francisco tomorrow. I can't wait!! Marathon #18, here I come!!