Showing posts with label San Francisco Marathon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label San Francisco Marathon. Show all posts

SF Marathon 2013

A few weeks ago I ran the 2nd Half of the San Francisco Marathon. This was my 5th time running in this event but the first time running just the 2nd half. In this race you can either run the full marathon, the 1st half of the marathon, or the 2nd half of the marathon. I ran the full in 2006, 2011, and 2012 and ran the first half in 2010. About a month before the race as a lot of my running friends were facebooking and tweeting about running the full it crossed my mind to switch over. Luckily sanity struck me and I stayed with the half. The course is really hilly and probably the hardest marathon I've ever run and at this point I think a small challenge is enough for me, I don't need the biggest challenge out there.

Friday Vet Visit With Kona

David and I flew up to San Francisco and left the dogs behind for the weekend for a change. Of course the day that we were supposed to leave Kona's incessant paw licking turned into paw licking and limping, and luckily I was able to get her a last minute appointment at the vet. It turned out she had a fox tail completely under her skin in her front paw! She had been licking her paw for a couple days meaning it had probably been in there for that long. Poor baby! A quick little surgery later and she was as good as new, minus her little peg leg. I am so glad I didn't wait until Monday to take her in!

Peg Leg Kona

We got into San Francisco pretty late that night and chit chatted with Christina for a bit before going to bed. The next morning I had high aspirations of getting up early to hit the San Francisco Marathon Shakeout Run. Unfortunately (or fortunately) my body had other plans and I ended up sleeping for almost 10 hours! I normally sleep for 6 and can rarely stay asleep for even 8. I was a bit sad to miss the run because I knew a lot of people who were going to be there and I wanted to catch up with them but I figured I'd see a lot of them at the expo.

The Race Even Marathoners Fear

We headed downtown before lunch to hit the expo to pick up my bib and to say Hi to the Ambassador crew. I was an Ambassador for the SF Marathon the past two years and was a bit sad not to be in the group this year, but I didn't apply because I thought 2013 would be the year that I'd step back from marathons and try to see if I could complete a Half-Ironman. Well, enter the brain tumor and that plan went out the window. Due to the chemo and my immunocompromised state for part of each month there is no way I'm getting into the nasty, dirty water in the San Diego Bay to swim. I also had issues turning my head quickly to look over my shoulder for a few months so biking was out of the picture. My head and everything seems just about back to normal these days so I'll probably get back on the bike soon. I've crossed a Half-Ironman off my wish list though, and maybe if anything I'll do a sprint or super-sprint at some point in the future.

SFM Ambassador Love at the Expo

Most Awesome Singlet EVER!!
Charlie Ran the Humboldt Redwoods Marathon
in this Miles for Mokie Singlet

After we left the expo we headed off to meet my BFF Garley and her boys at Park Chow for a late lunch. She has two boys and a third on the way which arrived a week ago! Congratulations Garley!

Garley and the Boys

That night we had dinner with Christina at Unicorn which is now a 4 year long pre-race tradition. I was relieved for the first time in a few years to only be preparing for a half marathon. I was also happy that we wouldn't be getting up at 3am to make the 5:30am full marathon start time for a change. The 2nd Half started at 8:15am and the start line was only 2 miles from Christina's place.

Powered By Chemo
Recycling My LA Marathon Shirt

David dropped me and Ambassador Courtney off at the start with plenty of time to use the bathroom, hydrate, and mingle with our other friends who were running. As the race was about to start, most of the runners I was chatting with made their way to Wave 2 and the 1:50 pacer. Even though I was slotted for Wave 3 and had a 2:10 goal, I thought what the heck? I am usually a 1:5X half marathon runner, I'll just start with this group. 

Pre-Race With Ambassador Ladies

As we started off the first mile felt fantastic! I was back to my old pace! This felt great! BUT ... Oh wait... geez... I'm getting kind of tired.. uh oh, we're not even at mile 2. I slowed down a bit and lost the pace group but managed to stay ahead of the 2:00 pacer for a while.

Running Through the Richmond

As the miles went on I got more and more tired from running too fast for my current fitness level and finally succumbed to walk breaks. For the second half of the race I ended up walking every 5-10 minutes and started to worry that I would come in slower than my original (conservative!!) 2:10 goal.

Running by AT&T Park

Gotta Love Race Photos
Air Fist Bumps & Sad, Lost Looks

In the end I crossed the finish line at 2:06:30. One of my slowest half marathons ever, BUT ... my fastest half marathon in between sessions of chemo. I'll take it!

Crossing the Finish Line

Endorphin Dude Finished Right Behind Me
His 100th Marathon in FIVE Years!

Happy To Be Done!

After the race we met up with my Dad for Father's Day and had brunch at Fresca. This race is usually at the end of July but thanks to the America's Cup happening at the same time the race was moved to June. It couldn't have happened on a better weekend. Not only was it Father's Day but it was only a week after my Dad and I celebrated our joint birthday. Over the past few years I've come home in June and July, but this year I only needed to make one trip!

Love the Hashtag!

Happy Father's Day!

Before we knew it we were back at the airport and back on a plane to San Diego. Weekends just aren't long enough! The trip was short but great. I got to run one of my favorite races, see friends old and new, and spend time with my Dad. Next up? I'll be running the Long Beach Marathon in October with Tara! Three months to go, its probably time to start training!

Marathon #18: San Francisco

On July 29th I ran the San Francisco Marathon as my 2nd marathon this year and 18th marathon total. This is the 4th time I've run this event, and 3rd time running the full. Can you tell this race is one of my favorites? This race ties for my favorite marathon with Chicago and Marine Corps. I love the city of San Francisco the best (Sunset native - hollaaa!), but its a rough course known to be "Worth the Hurt" and Chicago and Marine Corps get extra points for being flat and easy.

San Francisco Marathon Course Map

2012 San Francisco Marathon Ambassadors

I was lucky enough to be selected again this year as a Marathon Ambassador which was a ton of fun. Along with getting to know other runners in the community, I also had a chance to get to know my fellow ambassadors over the past eight months thanks to a private Facebook group we were in where we could share running stories, life stories, and various other things. (The current hot topic was who could get the best time on yesterday's Google Doodle. I came in with a pathetic 19.8 seconds, but several of my fellow Ambassadors were down to 13 seconds!)

Thursday Night with the Cousins

Heading up to San Francisco
To break up the drive to San Francisco a bit, David and I decided to leave Thursday night to drive up to LA to hang out with my cousins Giselle and Donna before finishing the rest of the drive the next morning. My cousins have five kids between the two of them and I'm usually a quite popular visitor thanks to my dogs. David and I woke up the next morning to the kids whispering outside the door "I think the dogs are in there!!!" Too cute.

Sophia Giving Kona Some Love

Kona Photobomb!

Mika the Couch Potato

We left LA around 9am and hit the road. Only 380 miles to go! Yay! Ugh. I had officially taken the day off from work but needed to launch a newsletter that morning. I was very proud of myself and my company's technology when I was able to get online via my Mifi while on the road, log into Salesforce.com, and deploy the newsletter. Fancy!

My Mobile Office

First Happy Meal in 10 Years
(Not many choices along the 5)

Ambassador Dinner
Friday night Jojo had put together a nice dinner at Osha in the Embarcadero for the Ambassadors. We had the evening to socialize, mingle, and get to know each other in person. It was fun to finally meet a lot of the Ambassadors in person, although I felt like I knew a lot of them from chit chatting online over the months. 

Me & Jojo - Our Ambassador Queen

Ambassador Group Photo

To my utter delight I had nine other Ambassadors (male and female!) who were joining me in the race on Sunday in the Miss SF Marathon style Glam Runner tutu. I passed out the tutus at dinner and several people couldn't resist trying them on. I can't blame them, they're pretty darn cute!

Modeling the Miss American Pie Tutu

Tons of Miss SF Marathon Tutus!

Glam Runner Hello Kitty
Compliments of my Dad - so cute!

Marathon Expo
The next morning I worked the Tech Center at the expo with my fellow Ambassadors. We were available to help people with the official race app, monitor the live Twitter feed, and answer various questions people had about the race. I was also able to meet a few new Glam Runner friends who would be running in a Glam Runner tutu for the first time the next day. (Meg and Stephanie it was great to meet you!)

Another Beautiful Sunny Morning in the Sunset...

My Dad Had our Alumni Mugs Out for Breakfast

At the Expo with David

Working the Tech Center

Marathon Expo Tweet-Up

After we left the expo we met my Dad for a late Korean BBQ lunch and did some used book shopping at Green Apple Books where David finally found a book he'd been scouring used bookstores for. (Absalom, Absalom!)

 Korean BBQ with My Dad
David was not a fan...

Love this Green Apple Book Bag

We headed home to pick up the dogs to take them to the beach for a walk, and stopped by the house I grew up in along the way. 

Ocean Beach with the Dogs

Visiting My Childhood House in the Sunset
My name is still in the cement!

Later that evening we met up with Christina for our pre-SF Marathon dinner ritual at Unicorn downtown, and then before I knew it I had to go to bed. Nothing like a 5:50am start time to ruin your morning!

Dinner with Christina - More Asian Food! Yay!

Gear Laid out for the Race

My Sign Is Ready for Christina!

Fellow Ambassador Peter Ready for the 52 mile "Worth the Hurt Challenge"
As I was going to bed the ultra-runners started running at midnight!

Marathon Day
I'm not exactly a "let's get there early" kind of person and I would normally have arrived at 5:30am for my 5:50am start. All of the tutu'd Ambassadors wanted to meet before the race though at 5:15am for a picture. Rats, I couldn't miss that! I was picking up fellow Ambassadors Courtney and Susan on the way to the start line though and they were thinking we should aim to get there at 5:00am. Double rats! That meant a 4:35am departure time and 3:30am wake-up time. Do you hear a tiny violin playing?

Group Photo Race Morning

Against all odds I was essentially on time to pick them up! Hey, 5:03am is pretty darn good for me. We headed downtown and David dropped us off at the start line VIP party before heading back to the Sunset to get Christina to take her downtown for her later start wave. Aww, isn't he the sweetest?

Starting the Race in the Dark

Getting to the start area, meeting the rest of the Ambassadors at the start area, dropping off my stuff, and getting ready to start all seemed to go by in a blur. Soon it was time for me to start. Ack! I was a bit nervous about running the race since my training had fallen way off track, but figured I could just take it easy and put no time pressure on myself. 

Bumped into Marathon Maniac Louie on the Course

Running a Marathon at 6am Causes Stupid Faces

Running Along the Marina towards the Golden Gate Bridge

I started out pretty slow and basically continued and finished pretty slow as well. I ran for the first 18 miles or so before succumbing to a few walk breaks here and there. I didn't look at my Garmin that often and just ran by how I felt.

2011 & 2012 Photos on the Golden Gate Bridge

2011 & 2012 Photos by the Conservatory of Flowers

I was amazed by how many people I saw who I knew on the course. On the bridge there is a  nice 5 mile out and back where I got to see a lot of the Ambassadors and some other friends I knew running the race. As we looped around in the park I saw more friends as well, and at various points in the course I saw familiar faces too. I loved that! Nothing like getting to see someone you know and exchanging a smile or high five, or even a few words.

David Spotting at Mile 11!
David took this picture of what looks like me running right into him

David Spotting at Mile 18

Endorphin Dude! (In the cape)
I had a chance to chat with him in the park. He's great!

As I approached the finish line I looked down at my Garmin and thought OMG.. this is going to be my slowest marathon ever! Um, and it was. But oddly enough, I didn't care. I was having a great time and enjoying the race just for the experience. Granted I was a little bummed once I finished and people were asking how I did, but that passed by the next day.

Finishing the Last Few Miles

Approaching the Finish Line

Love this Photo of Ambassador Charlie's Mom & Sis Smiling at Me

Marathon #18 - Check!

I got to spend a short amount of time in the VIP area post-race talking to some of the Ambassadors but since David couldn't come inside I ended up leaving as soon as he got there. We didn't have much time to socialize anyways since Christina was having a post-race BBQ in Golden Gate park that we needed to get to.

Jojo & Nellie at the Finish Line
Jojo just ran the marathon course TWICE!

Ambassadors Peter, Lauren, & Libby Having TUTU Much Fun

Ambassador Susan at the Finish Line

We stayed at the BBQ for an hour or so before I realized we needed to get back on the road. I would normally have taken Monday off but I had two meetings that I couldn't miss. Darnit. David (the best boyfriend in the WORLD) drove us back to San Diego (he drove most of the way up too) while I napped of and on and complained about my legs being uncomfortable. Aren't I great?

Post-Race with Christina & Brianna

Post Marathon Blues
Now that its almost two weeks post-marathon, I think I'm finally recovering from the post marathon blues. I love being home in San Francisco and I love the San Francisco Marathon. I also really love the whole Ambassador group and wish we had even more time to hang out. There are a lot of us running the California International Marathon (CIM) in December, so hopefully we'll have a little reunion there. 

2012 San Francisco Marathon Medal

2012 San Francisco Marathon Tech Tee

For now, my focus is set on October. My next marathon is the Marine Corps Marathon on October 28th in Washington DC. I'm running San Francisco (July), Marine Corps (October), and CIM (December) again this year as I did last year. I've got a lot of miles to cover in the next few months. Wish me luck!

San Francisco Marathon Medal Collection

You can also read my race review on Running Trip here.

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