
Fun at Work

As you've probably heard me say before, my job is fun! I think Marketing in general is a fun career, my job itself is fun for me because its challenging and rewarding, I love that I get to be analytical AND creative, and working with sales people always leads to fun activities now and then. Most recently, the fun that I had was this past week during our semi-annual sales meeting.

Sales meetings usually involve "team building" events where Sales, Marketing, and a few others get together to do a fun activity. At my company's last sales meeting this past week,our team building event was a  phto scavenger hunt around Seaport Village put on by Best Team Building. We broke up into four teams of five, and had two hours to take 40 photos from a list of 100 choices. The photo challenges varied in point value from 50 to 400 points, and each team had to strategically decide which photos they could take in the allotted time. Here are some of my favorite photos from the event and their corresponding clues.

Taking candy from a baby … you brutes!

Let’s see your whole team “walking on water”

Catch the whole team up in the air.

Pose your team WITH and IN the same post as “Morning Sculpture”

Relive your childhood, everyone climb their own tree.

Go to the Silver Crossing and recreate a vampire moment.

Drum up new friends. Get a stranger to be the bongos you play. 

Festoon the air – all of thee – with spitting water!

Hold your team in the palm of your hand.
C’mon all it takes is some perspective.

Convince a UPS or FedEx delivery person to transport one of you.

Everyone shows us your “I-Just-Ate-the-hottest-hot-sauce-there-ever-was” face.
Pose outside the appropriate store.

Pose your team “headless” in front of The Cerveza Store

How about your best roller coaster scream face?

Pretending to climb the Hyatt Hotel.
(Emphasis on the word pretending!)

This team actually climbed the Hyatt!

Convince a stranger to join your team in a game of leapfrog

 The Beatles were stars too. Pose Abbey Road style!

2  teammates doing headstands in any store

 What are the chances that all three of us chose the same store for the headstand photo?? Too funny. 

At the end of the two hours my team only managed to take 32 of the 40 allowed pictures. I think we wasted a lot of time trying to take the photos literally as the clue required. (Example: a photo of us spitting water into the fountain versus posing next to it.) We ended up coming in 3rd place out of the four teams. Oh well, there's always next time!


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