Welcome to the Sisterhood of the Traveling Igorota

Now Blogging from the Philippines, Cambodia, New Jersey, Austria, Ireland, Spain, the United Arab Emirates & Maryland!

Showing posts with label Khmer Iggy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Khmer Iggy. Show all posts

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Khmer Iggy and the Tale of the Vertical Airport

Over a year ago, I took Khmer Iggy on her first international trip outside of Cambodia to Laos. After several  bus transfers and two nights later, we arrived in the capital of Vientiane. 

Vientiane, is by far, the most laid-back capital I've visited, what a welcome change from the hustle-bustle of Phnom Penh! Early morning when we arrived, the streets were quiet and the people we met along as we walked towards our hotel seemed to be friendly and had welcoming smiles on their faces. 

One of the famous landmarks, and arguably the most photographed, in Vientiane is the Patuxai Monument. Also known as the Gate of Triumph and Victory Gate, Patuxai was built to honor those who died during the war against the French for independence. 

Miss Iggy couldn't help but notice its similarity to  France's Arc de Triomphe. It was indeed modeled after this popular French landmark but if you'll look up and train your eyes on the ceiling, you will see that the decorations are entirely of Laotian design and detail, from Buddhist mythical creatures down to the golden bling-blings.

Okay a little trivia here... Do you know that the Patuxai monument is also referred to as the vertical airport? Miss Iggy was very curious to know so we asked an expat who has lived in Vientiane for several years now. Story goes that in the 1960s the US government donated funds to build an airport in the capital. The funds were accepted, however, instead of building an airport, the then-Laotian government used the money to build the Patuxai monument instead. And so,  the nickname vertical airport stays even up to this day.

We also climbed to the top and we were glad we did -- it offers a breath-taking view of the city and is perfect for taking pictures. Luckily, Miss Iggy wasn't afraid of heights and went closer to the rails and enjoyed  the fantastic view.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Khmer Iggy and Zaida and Isi

Khmer Iggy recently met an amazing and inspiring couple -- Zaida and Isi -- who are both from Barcelona, Spain. They are touring cyclists and are 18months into a world tour. We met them through a website called WarmShowers.org, which my husband joined after finishing his own cycling tour of Western Europe.

Zaida and Isi stayed with us for 5days. As hosts, we provided them a place to sleep, warm meals, and the most elusive luxury, a warm shower! In return, we get to hear of their travels and see photos of them, the places they've been to and people they've met along the way. We ooh-ed and aah-ed at their African adventures, dealing with corrupt policemen and surviving the wide expanse of Namibian desert to cross the border to Zambia. They have a site for their journey called Africa y Asia...en Bicicleta. You can also find the translated page here.

Khmer Iggy and I were awed at the thought of traveling all over the world by bicycle, and meeting face to face this couple who are doing something remarkable is HUGE. When they left, we were all feeling a bit jealous. Someone once said, "its not the things in life you do that you come to regret but the things you don't do". We want to do something like this. We are hoping that an opportunity to see the world by bicycle will come soon.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Miss Iggy and women in media

Suosdei from Phnom Penh!
We have been very busy on this side of the planet, but Miss Iggy would like you to know that she's still fine and kicking. She attended the just-concluded international conference on women in radio and television that I organized. It was a chance not to be missed, to meet and interact with media women from 25 countries.

miss iggy conference

Miss Igorota listened to women from different countries talk about issues affecting women. Although there are cultural differences in the manifestations, she was surprised to learn that these issues are the same all over the world. For examples, women and child trafficking in India, domestic violence in Nepal and also the US, reproductive and sexual rights and female genital mutilation in Cameroon, women in conflict in the Philippines and Palestine, and so on.

Attending the conference, Khmer Iggy was amazed at the experiences shared by the participants, and made her think about how media is being used to improve the portrayal of women and to put forward women's agenda. Surely, the media women in Cambodia who participated in the conference benefited greatly from the experiences shared by other media women and collected support from them to improve their capacities in reporting and mainstreaming women's agenda through international exchanges.

Miss Iggy and IAWRT members
This is the official photograph of the conference participants. Can you spot where Miss Iggy is? Click here for a larger view.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Here comes... Khmer Iggy and the bride!

Oh, and the sister of the bride, too!

pretty women
Aren't they all lovely?

The wedding was held on November 1 and 2, also the first two days of the Bon Om Tuok (Water Festival) in Phnom Penh. So while about 2million people (according to the papers here) gathered at the riverside to watch the boat-racing competition, Khmer Iggy, R and I were witnesses to a fairytale-like Khmer wedding.

Traditionally, Khmer weddings last for three days and are done at the bride's home. Nowadays, the ceremony is shortened to only one day. Our landlord's daughter's wedding, however, was held for two days (may kaya sila). Despite the shortened ceremony, it is still rife with elaborate rituals, costume changes (not only of the bride but also of the groom, their attendants, and their parents), and not to forget the food and merry-making!

Here are some of the photos that we took:

Khmer wedding ritual 3
These dancers represent the devadas (or deities, similar to apsaras), who performed a dance ritual representing their enchantment with the beauty of the new couple, and to personally cleanse and purify the bride and groom to bring them good fortune, beauty, and grace for the rest of their lives.

Khmer wedding ritual 2
Following the dance ritual is ka'ak sak, or the hair-cutting ceremony. Another symbolic ritual representing a fresh start to their new life together as husband and wife. Family and friends take turn to symbolically cut the bride and groom's hair and give them well-wishes.

khmer wedding ritual 4
Bang chhat opok-mdei, honoring of the parents. A traditional song is played as a reminder to the couple, especially the bride, of the hardships of child-raising, and of parental duty that they will be facing in the future.

Khmer wedding ritual
I forgot what this ritual is called... married relatives and friends of the bride and groom take turn to give advise and blessing to the couple and present them with something.

The two-day ceremony ended with a lavish dinner reception at Mondial Center, a popular wedding reception venue in Phnom Penh. It was fun! The reception area was full of guests, all-smiling and happiness written all over their faces. A 7-course Chinese-Khmer meal was served and it was sumptuous! The drinks were overflowing and Khmer music was blasting. Khmer Iggy wondered though that, despite the yummy-licious food served that night, rice was served last.

bride and groom
Looking at the bride and groom, Khmer Iggy thought that they look too young to be husband and wife that they seemed to be more like the homecoming King and Queen, don't you think so too?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Miss Igorota at Hotel Cambodiana

Khmer Iggy saying soksabay! to the sisterettes from the Hotel Cambodiana.

Hotel Cambodiana

Located along the banks of the mighty Mekong River, Hotel Cambodiana is the preferred venue of many international organisations in Cambodia for conferences and workshops. Apart from its five-star facilities, Hotel Cambodiana houses the Mekong Garden Restaurant which is known for its buffet lunch -- a mouth-watering selection of international cuisine and of course, Khmer and other Asian delights. Khmer Iggy tagged along with me when I had a business meeting there, and, after the deal had been sealed, we were treated to a sumptuous lunch at the Mekong Garden Restaurant. The buffet lunch is pegged at $18/person, but we're glad that lunch was on the house. Yes, I know, we are cheapskates! *lol* We were seated on a section with a commanding view of the confluence of the Mekong, Tonle Sap and Bassac rivers. Miss Iggy loved the experience and wishes to go back there again.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


We went to Laos in March. From Phnom Penh, we took a bus going north to Stung Treng province and crossed the Dong Kralor Cambodian-Lao border the following morning to Paxse, in Champasak Province. There where we took the evening sleeper-bus for a 12-hour travel to the capital Vientiane. It was a long and tiring journey but we welcomed the adventure.

Miss Igorota and the pride of Laos
Khmer Iggy and the pride of Laos - the popular chicken laap and Beer Lao

Dining out was the highlight of our holiday with Miss Iggy enjoying chicken laap tremendously, a deliciously spicy dish made from finely chopped chicken meat (also available in pork and duck), mixed with stock, chilli, spices and crushed dry-fried rice grains that are uncooked, and served with sticky rice and fresh vegetables. And it was never eaten without a bottle or two of Beerlao, which is pleasantly smooth and light.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Suosdei Chhnam Thmey - 2553!

That is how we say Happy New Year and Khmer Iggy would like to say Happy New Year to her Khmer friends and to the Buddhist world.

kny and iggy
Here Iggy poses in front of our landlord's offering to the new batch of angels. We didn't prepare any fruit offerings during the international and Chinese new years so this time, we did, thanks to our landlady:

kny and iggy3

kny and iggy4The year here now is 2553 BE (Buddhist Era) -- that is, 2,553 years since Buddha achieved enlightenment and entered the state of nirvana. In Cambodia and other Buddhist countries, the new year is based on astrological calculations. This year the new year started Tuesday, April 14, at 1:36pm and runs until Thursday, April 16. The Cambodians call the first day of the new year maha songkran, and families dressed in their best clothes flock to wats and pay homage to Buddha. According to Buddhist beliefs, a new batch of angels, called apsaras or devatas, descend during maha songkran to replace the old ones watching over the earth. It is like the changing of guards, if you like, and families greeted them by lighting incense and candles.

Traditionally, most Cambodians take a week off and use this opportunity to go back to their hometowns and be with their families, as most of the Cambodians that work in Phnom Penh come from different provinces in Cambodia.

kny and iggy5
Most of the shops are closed and the streets are virtually empty.

kny and iggy2Cambodians prepare food and offerings to the monks and get blessings in return. The atmosphere is electrifying, and Miss Iggy can't help but notice at how infectious the joy and the smiles of her neighbours are. Iggy remembers the same joy we Filipinos feel during the festive Christmas and New Year celebrations back in the Philippines.

Yesterday was vanabat, or the second day of the new year. This is the time when Cambodians give charity, in cash or in kind, to their less fortunate neighbors and relatives. They also go to wats for a special ceremony dedicated to their ancestors.

Today, being the third and last day of the Khmer New Year celebration, is called the leung sakk. It is the time when Cambodians wash all Buddha statues with scented water. Children also pay respect to their elders by washing their feet, and in turn, they are blessed by them. For more Khmer New Year traditions, please read here.

We didn't go out as planned today because there are locals who throw water to unsuspecting passersby and engage in water fights. Although this practice was banned long time ago (water-throwing and water-fights caused a lot of traffic accidents), there are still playful Khmers who like doing this. It would have been fun dodging water bags and running away from water gun-toting locals... but I wouldn't want Miss Iggy to get wet. *lol*

Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Khmer Wedding

Oh, my sweet, wonderful, beautiful Miss Igorota sisters! How Khmer Iggy and I have missed all of you! I’ve barely been able to blog at all during the past weeks so I’m excited to jump back in.

The whole neighborhood of Tuol Sangke woke up before sunrise today thanks to the loud music coming from our neighbor. The music, coupled with canned chanting of the monks, signaled that a wedding was to take place in the neighborhood. Reluctantly, I got out of the bed complaining about loss of precious beauty sleep with the music reverberating everywhere at an unholy hour. When I went to the kitchen I found my dear husband already making me my chocolate drink.

I went outside, just before 6.30am, to walk the dog and, lo and behold -- there were already vehicles rolling in our streets and carrying wedding guests. Khmer Iggy volunteered to walk the dog with me, and she confessed, she had never seen so many Land Cruisers and Lexus cars in one place before!

Khmer Iggy at the entrance

Here's Khmer Iggy standing in front of the lavishly decorated entrance to the tent-covered reception area. The tent covered the entire block where we live. Inside the tent were rows and rows of tables and chairs and powerful loudspeakers broadcasting music and the entire ceremony throughout the neighborhood.

A traditional Khmer wedding starts with a procession led by the groom heading towards the bride's house to present gifts (dowry). The groom and his gift-toting entourage walk in a procession to the bride's house. Elders say that the groom's eagerness to marry is reflected in the distance he is willing to walk. Unlike in Philippine weddings, in a Khmer wedding, guests don’t bring the gifts at all. Even the gifts that they carry during the procession are provided by the groom to represent a part of the dowry. The gifts come in twos (pairs) to represent the couple.

Khmer wedding entourage

Groom's entourage

Then the bride and her family meet the groom and his entourage at the especially decorated doorway where the bride offers a lei to the groom, and vice versa. After the obligatory photo-shoot for a few minutes, they then enter the house together for a day-long ceremony with the whole proceedings being broadcast over a loudspeaker and interspersed with traditional Khmer wedding music, a live salapa (sitcom) about married life, and canned chanting. A lavish reception follows with dancing that lasts all night long.

Khmer wedding

Iggy, the bride and groom and the bride's parents.

Although not invited, Miss Igorota was happy to get a glimpse of a traditional Khmer wedding, and managed to sneak in a few shots paparazzi-style. Khmer Iggy couldn't help but admire the fabulously dressed women all prettily made up at silly-o'clock in the morning.

Miss Iggy thinks that times are hard, but we still see people taking the marriage plunge. This is definitely love, and the power of love is even stronger than the economic crunch! One of my Khmer friends told me that he's getting married later this year, and that's welcome news for us and Miss Iggy, as we'll be able to see a Khmer wedding in its entirety.

Friday, February 6, 2009

meet the igorota-toting sisters, part 2

As promised, here's the second installment of the online interview with the three other sisters that carry Miss Igorota the Doll Explorer. If you missed the first part, you can read it here or simply click the link with the itty-bitty strawberry on the left-hand sidebar that says "meet the sisters, part 1."

The dolls have been given nicknames to help distinguish them from each other location-wise. Hey, it's fun to have nicknames!

"Have doll, will travel!"

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Igorota:

Gingmaganda: Travels with Mr. Igorot & Ms. Igorota/"Coco Jam Iggy" (works for both genders, hehe)

maligayang pagdating sa mundo ng mapagpalayang panitikan!
ako si gingmaganda. patay na ang pink na iPod kaya't kinakantahan ko na lamang ang aking sarili sa pagtulog. basahin ang aking mga tula dito.
(welcome to the world of liberating literature! i am gingmaganda. my pink ipod has died so i just sing myself to sleep. read my poetry here.)

Sreisaat: Travels with "Khmer Iggy"/"Outback Iggy"

I have a sunshine and sunflower personality, laced with enough barbed-wire to make it more interesting.

The Becky/Dyowsa: Travels with "Singapurple Iggy"

handles too many secrets. comedian, writer, diplomat and humanitarian.

Interview with the Sisters

Hi! Where are you originally from?

Gingmaganda: i was born in sampaloc, manila, philippines. my mom was a teacher in bacolod when she was pregnant with me and had to go back to finish the sem so i was left in the care of my dad and lola in pasay city. then we moved to quezon city, then to antipolo, rizal and then to project 4, quezon city where the bulk of my childhood memories congregate. and then we finally settled here in cainta, rizal. my dad is from surigao in mindanao and my mom is from abra in northern luzon.

Sreisaat: I'm originally from Roxas City, Capiz, Philippines. Born in Roxas City, grew up in Quezon City and Angono, Rizal, then went back to Roxas City again to finish elementary and high school. I went to Cebu for my university degree.

The Becky: Oh...this is interesting. I was born (and conceived!) in Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines. Due to my dad's nature of work, we moved around quite often. I've lived in Sta. Mesa, Manila and Cainta. My family is now based in Sta. Rosa City, Laguna. If you mean 'from', as in ancestry--my father is from Cagayan in the North while my mother is from the other side of Luzon: San Juan, Batangas. Now, if you look for them in your handy map, they are literally from the opposite ends of Luzon. (feeling special!)

Where do you live now?

Gingmaganda: i consider cainta, rizal, home. i live in a bright yellow house with a bright red roof on a street corner.

Sreisaat: I live in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. I've been here for more than 8 years now (going 9 this April).

The Becky: Er--Singapore. :)

How did you become part of the "Sisterhood of the Traveling Igorota"?

Gingmaganda: i got a Lilo (of Lilo and Stich fame) doll from Connie some years ago. when i was in the Strawberry Farm in La Trinidad, Benguet, i saw these iggy dolls and immediately thought of connie. i got a doll for her and some for me as well. then she asked me to join the blog when i started doing photos of my own iggy dolls. it was really amusing for me having her take miss iggy's pictures at all these different locations. it was a laugh.

Sreisaat: I met Fortuitous Faery at Litratong Pinoy. It turned out that we both come from the same hometown and started visiting each other's blogs. We exchanged emails and I think that's when she asked if I would be willing to contribute to Miss Igorota's adventures.

The Becky: Uhh--I think Conniechiwa invited me. Now, how did we know of each other? I think it might have had something to do with gingmaganda and her Blythe obsession. Long story, folks.

Why did you decide to join this blog? (Any coercions, bribes, threats?)

Gingmaganda: i was in by default. haha.

Sreisaat: No bribes, nor threats at all. It was a mutual agreement! hehehe. Who would refuse such a brilliant idea of a traveling Igorota?

The Becky: Mine is purple...world peace... Oh, did I just mention that miss singapurple iggy is--purple? Mine is purple...world peace...

Have you ever traveled/do you travel with a toy/doll/object other than Miss/Mr. Iggy?

Gingmaganda: yes? ever since i was little i always had to have some sort of security object with me. it started with a tube-shaped pillow named Abra, and then a little ducky stuffed toy named Duckie. recently it's been Hodge (a teddy-dog), Stitch, Piggy (a blythe), a Jack Sparrow action
, Lilo, Bratz Kidz, a petite Blythe named Thursday... and the list goes on. i am what you call a person who has issues. haha.

Sreisaat: I used to bring with me a batik malong wherever I go. It was given by my university roommate who's from Surigao.

The Becky: I used to bring my Blythe doll with me, but eversince that incident in Po Lin monastery in Lantau I learned my lesson: anything with heavy heads are prone to falling 'face down'. These days I bring a toy camera from my collection, then there's miss iggy. Kermit jr. is tagging along for the wedding though. He's representing the other motif (for my wedding), which is--urm...green.

Do your family and friends know that you blog for an igorota doll?

Gingmaganda: some of my friends do. my family...my family...my family...they don't know what a "blog" is. haha.

Sreisaat: Family, yes, even the in-laws :), some friends also know of Miss Igorota's adventures.

The Becky: My fiance (now husband) does. And my folks.

Has anyone told you you're crazy for taking photos of a doll in public places?

Gingmaganda: no. people know i'm crazy enough as it is without an iggy doll in hand. i do get asked though if it is a voodoo doll.

Sreisaat: There were a few snobbish-old-fart foreigners who raised their eyebrows and turned their noses up in the air (I seriously think they're expats here - and they are definitely the NGO-crowd type-- because tourists would somehow understand what I'm doing) but most people who saw me, especially the locals, were more amused at the idea and curious at the concept that I ended up answering their questions about Miss Igorota, who, I was told, looks just like any chunchiet (indigenous minority) from the northeastern part of Cambodia.

The Becky: will i look uncrazy if i stop taking photos of a doll in public places?

Have you ever been to Baguio City or anywhere else in Benguet Province? If yes, what's your favorite thing about Baguio/Benguet?

Gingmaganda: i kind of grew up in La Trinidad, Benguet. i go there once or twice a year. my extended family is based there.

my favorites in Benguet include: my family, my kuya's (big brother's) house in La Trinidad, the market, the ukay-ukay, the mountains, the cold climate, manang linda's cooking, the flowers, the people (mostly the iggys), and every now and then you get a glimpse of the hippies that are still up and about in the city. it's cool. it's like being still in the 70's.

i am missing my kuya though, he passed away at the age of 26 due to an aneurysm. he was the one who took me places there when i was little.

Sreisaat: The first and last time I went to Baguio was in the 90s for a national school paper conference. We stayed at Teacher's Camp in Baguio. I love the cool weather, pine tree-lined roads, the strawberry jams, strawberry and chocolate crinkles and peanut brittles, the everlasting flowers, and the lovely people I met along the way...

I vaguely remember how Baguio looks like now (I went there before THE earthquake) so I'm making it my mission to visit Baguio the next time I go home, and maybe go further up - to Sagada.

The Becky: Yes, but a long time ago. My favourite thing about this trip is this chocolate drink I had at the Manor Hotel. It was thick, smooth yet light (not the throaty-sensation you get from drinking chocolate drinks). Overall, I love the cultural side of it--the Igorots and the irony behind their oversized 'americanas', and how people very often misrepresent igorotas as dark-skinned and looking very indigenous. (okay, long-winded na..)

What kind of camera(s) do you use to photograph Mr./Ms. Iggy?

Gingmaganda: i have a pink sony cybershot. i also use my dad's mobile phone cam for fun. i plan to shoot with film. i hope i remember to.

Sreisaat: Sony Cybershot DSC-W35.

The Becky: I use my camera phone, aka iPhone. Only recently--my blackbird, fly and my Holga K200.

So far, where have you traveled with Miss/Mr. Iggy?

Gingmaganda: here and there. boracay in aklan i think is the farthest we've gone off to. the iggy blog was not yet operational when i was really going places, although i already had the iggy dolls with me. that kind of makes me saaaad.

Sreisaat: Only within Cambodia - in Phnom Penh and in the coastal town of Kep. If only Ms. Iggy came earlier, I could have taken her to lots of places as I used to travel a lot within Asia. But, there are plans to go overseas this year so Ms Iggy and I are keeping are fingers crossed!

The Becky: Hmm.. Holland Village in Singapore, Manila, Binondo, Tagaytay and my dentist.

What dream destination(s) would you like to visit with Ms./Mr. Iggy?

Gingmaganda: tortuga, middle earth, shipwreck cove, on board the Black Pearl, Frida Kahlo's house in Mexico.

Sreisaat: I'd love to go to Europe -- to Prague of my dreams :) And if there's an opportunity, to Africa and South America.

The Becky: I'd like us to visit Casa Mila in Barcelona, Prague Castle and Palawan. And the Uluru!

What's the hardest part of traveling with your doll(s)?

Gingmaganda: travelling? travelling is always a breeze. hee. i just don't want to get her wet seeing as it is that she has non-waterproof mascara on.

Sreisaat: No problems so far. The only hassle I've encountered was when locals mill around me while I'm taking Miss Iggy's photos. Also one time a traffic cop accosted me for taking a photo of Miss Iggy right at the same spot where they were. These Phnom Penh cops are a sensitive bunch. They thought I was trying to take a photo of them accepting bribes from truck drivers and traffic offenders. Mukhang guilty? Guilty talaga sila *lol* but of course, I just had to disguise myself as a tourist.

The Becky: carriage. :)

What travel souvenirs do you take home from a trip?

Gingmaganda: stones. pictures, beach sand. tickets. shirts, anklets and bracelets and earrings. if there are dolls, they go in my luggage too. i'm a souvenir hoarder as this is what i use to give away come the Holiday season.

Sreisaat: Ay caramba, a lot! Fridge magnets, postcards, stamps, maps, mouse pads, key chains. Just like Fortuitous Faery, I am also souvenir junkie *lol*

The Becky: fridge magnets, lot of stories and definitely-- pictures.

What do you like most about where you live?

Gingmaganda: i love the way the sun falls on everything. everything is yellowy and warm. it gives me a very nice feeling. i love my country because of its history, its geography (beaches!) and the post-colonial culture gives us something to talk about for the most part of the evening. hehe. also, i so heart the foood and music.

Sreisaat: It's almost like my hometown in the Philippines - so similar, yet so different :) The people are nice and friendly, the rich culture and history, the lifestyle is relatively laidback, food is great, and most of all -- Vietnam, Laos and Thailand are all a bus ride away!

The Becky: I dunno--it's safe and the people are honest. Left something in public? You'll find it there when you come back for it, sometimes it will even find you!

If your Igorot/Igorota doll(s) could talk, what do you think would it say?

Gingmaganda: miss iggy: fix my headband! mr. iggy: fix my hair!

Sreisaat: Parang awa mo na, paliguan mo na ako! (Maalikabok kasi dito e.) [Please have mercy, bathe me! (It's dusty here.)]

The Becky: It'll probably belt out Dave Matthews' 'Where are you going?'.

What travel tip would you like to share with us?

research, research, research! it helps to know offbeat destinations and the like. also, take a steady supply of tummy medicine. haha. i usually bring my own water for the first day. and i have a standard list of things to bring so packing is not as troublesome. go to the market of that specific place- it will tell you loads about the area. keep a journal, and take loads of photos with you in them hahaha.

Sreisaat: Know where you are going and what to see and do there, allow extra time for delays, obtain necessary docs (visa, entrance permits, etc.), know what type of clothes to wear/dress appropriately, always bring with you a rain gear (you'll never know), most important of all, always be aware of what's going on around you!

The Becky: Keep an open mind. Read and research, but make room for surprises. They tell better stories afterwards.

Thank you, ladies!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Miss Igorota and Le Big Brother

Okay, this title was borrowed from someone who left a comment for a similar photo I posted in my other blog *lol*

Miss Igorota and Le Big Brother

While Jersey Iggy was ice-skating back there in the US, Khmer Iggy and I were among the curious onlookers outside the French Embassy. The objects of our curiousity were 17 black and white prints of giant eyes - spread across more or less 300meters of wall - peering back at us. Most of the eyes were wide open, as if in shock or surprise, while others are narrowed or closed. Somewhere written unobtrusively was the message of the artist saying that the photographs are a comment on women and domestic violence. The series of photographs caused a huge stir, according to newspaper reports, with a large crowd of people gathering and spilling out to the curb, with varying reactions and opinions. Miss Iggy and I would have enjoyed eavesdropping on them.

When we went there, the crowd had already disappeared so taking a photo of Miss Iggy was easy. The man behind this photography is a French photographer/artist known only as JR, and, I was told by Fortuitous Faery, he has had his artworks displayed in many countries already.

The French Embassy in Phnom Penh is located at the corner of Monivong Boulevard and Street 76. It figured prominently when it was used as a refuge of expatriates and Cambodians when Brother Number One Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge troops took over the city in April 17,1975. A few days later, Embassy officials turned over the many Cambodians hiding there, complying to the demands of the Khmer Rouge. All of them were either executed or sent to labor camps, where only a few survived.

Did you see the movie The Killing Fields? Maybe it's about time you should. I had my "brushing elbows with the famous" moment when I met Al Rockoff, the photographer/character played by John Malkovich in the movie, through my former boss. At that time, I had no idea that he is THE Al Rockoff! Drat. Anyways, Wikipedia said that he was not particularly happy with the portrayal of his character. According to the Wiki:

Rockoff tried to forge a passport for Dith Pran using an old passport belonging to Jon Swain. He is incensed at the way the 'Killing Fields' movie portrayed this, particularly scenes which appear to show him incompetently fixing up a dark room and chemical solution while a photo of Pran fades away. In reality, Pran had an old photograph which Rockoff successfully attached to a passport. Eventually, Pran left the embassy of his own volition. As a result of this discrepancy, Rockoff and another journalist named Denis Cameron have publicly disassociated themselves from the movie.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Okorn charan!

Dropping a quick thank you to our dear Fortuitous Faery for the fantastic Christmas presents... I am in awe that you managed to organise and send this to us amidst the frenzy of the Christmas season.

pressie from Jersey Iggy

Okorn charan!
That's how we say thank you very much in Khmer language, and the first few Khmer phrases that Khmer Iggy picked up from her local admirers :) Khmer Iggy and I love every thing that was in the parcel - the Miss Igorota fridge magnet, the Papemelroti card, the postcard, and the cute stamps and the ziggy sticker, too.

Khmer Iggy and Jersey Iggy

As you can see, we have the Miss Igorota fridge-magnet already on display. It is a splendid addition to my collection and a great accompaniment to my Korean doll-magnets. Of course, Khmer Iggy wants to share a photo of her and shout out soksabay (hello) to the gang.

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