Showing posts with label planking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label planking. Show all posts

31 August 2010

Before and After: The Master Bathroom

This room might be my most favorite transformation.  We did
the most structural work in this room.  Basically, we gutted it.

I love looking at these pictures.  Look at the picture of their
seven kids in that picture...(and I complain about space!)

This is a typical '70s ranch that you find in Atlanta.  In this picture, you see the closet
the former owners shared.  Now, this is just mama's closet and papa uses
an armoire.  (This prompts a question good for another post...
why do we think we need so much more stuff than we had in the '70s?....)

The first thing we did was get rid of the light box, the wall that separates the vanity
area from the bathroom, and the cabinet and countertop.

You know...I wonder if these will come back in "vogue" one day?  My mom
had one of these vanities with a cute stool and it was nicely carpeted
underfoot.  Did your mom have this, too?  I have so many memories of her
sitting there with tweezers and staring into one of those microscopic mirrors.  Okay,
that memory is a little scary.

We also discarded the mirror and lights (actually, our contractor
owns many rental properies, so he saved as much as possible
to reuse there.  We attempted to be green!)

I found this open cabinet at the Restoration Hardware outlet
north of Atlanta.  You gotta love outlets.  It is sturdy white
painted wood and came with great undermount sinks for a 
song.  Chris and I thought it worked perfectly in this room.

We also got this at RH.  You can't mess with a man and
his toilet paper holder.

Chris is a hardware snob.  I ordered budget-friendly hardware
for the sink, and Chris surprised me with the lovelies...

We found this marble (a remnant) at a stone place
in Atlanta our contractor uses.  One benefit of hiring help....
if you hire someone good they will have relationships 
built with vendors.  If we came off the street to buy this we
would have paid much more.  He got it at his builder's cost which
helped a ton (and also enabled us to get nice counters for the rest
of the house)

We kept the window as-is.  We wanted to bump this out...but it just wasn't

We did steal a little of Wyatt's closet to make room for the tub.

But we gave him our old we're not entirely cruel.

We also replaced the potty with one that uses
less water.  I hate it, though.  Do you have one of these?

One of my favorite parts of this renovation was
our addition of two french doors and the glass

I also love our additional of the vertical boards

This adds a lot, in our opinion, and was not a huge cost.

The guys just made the boards flush with the moulding.

I know I have posted about this light a lot, but it is so great
(and a fun find at a local antiques' store...$39!)

We did buy two curtains and three liners for showering purposes.  So
far (and we have been here a year in December), so good.  We
haven't missed a traditional shower.

I painted one of our old stools and it works as a razor and coffee holder.
Well, usually just coffee.

We used penny round tiles here with oyster grout.  It was special
order...but worth the wait.

I am cleaning and packing today to get ready for my 
(solo!) beach trip tomorrow to Rosemary Beach.  I can't believe it.
I don't think I have ever driven to the beach by myself.

Any good pics here are from Crosby Twiss Photography
The not-so-good (and you know which ones those are) are mine

Also, remember Rita Konig of Domino glory?  You can find an
amazing interview with her here at a beautiful and inspiring blog
A Lovely Being  (just scroll a little to find it...I couldn't
link the specific post)


07 June 2010

I'm walking the plank

I always loved what T. S. Eliot wrote, "I spit on the grave of my 20s."  I always tell this to friends when they are turning 30 to hopefully make them feel better.  I used to be an English teacher, so I can get away with telling my friends weird things.  They are used to my quotes, for sure!

I love this because it is true for me.  Although life is more of a physical challenge at 37 than it was at 22, there are many things I love about being in my 30s.

I love Sunday mornings more than Saturday nights
I love Starbucks more than the local bar
I love NPR more than the top 40 station
I love accepting who I am more than trying to figure out who I am

Okay, odd introduction about wood treatments on interiors....but there is a link.  I promise.
I have learned that I absolutely love planking in homes!  I love this and accept this and I don't care if it makes me country, cottage, or shabby chic.  I think it gives so much age and character to a home.  And like most designers say...once you have the beautiful bones of a room, it really almost doesn't matter what goes in it.  

I do love throwing some lucite (when I get some) or other modern pieces against the rustic walls or ceiling.  (image above Tracery Interiors)

I think you can't have too much planking (or beaded board) in a home.  You know, I just watched an old movie last night; To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday.  It was a cute movie--I believe from the '80s.  What was so interesting that the Nantucket beach cottage in the movie was not dated at all!  I wish I could find some stills.  The home was filled with wood planks and beaded board and painted furniture against white walls.  It looks like it could have been shot out of last month's Country Living.  

image from LittleEmmasDesignBlog (original source unknown)

This gives me hope that what I love today...I may love tomorrow!

Here is some more eye candy of my favorite wood treatments:

Our tongue & groove ceilings along with 1 x 2s on the walls.  (My favorite light fixture from Paris Flea Market in Savannah.  Heaven on Earth!)

Planking on the ceiling.  Image & degign Tracery Interiors.

Horizontal planking in our master bath.  Not a great shot--but I love it every morning!

Ceiling planks in Meg Ryan's kitchen.  Elle Decor.

Planking on the cabinets as well as a white-washing treatment.  Love this (maybe Skona Hem?  forgive my lack of credits.)

Meg Ryan's bedroom.  More ceiling treatment.  Elle Decor.

The beautiful poplar ceiling of Lee K's home.  Cottage Living.

extra wide planks. 
 I believe Rachel Ashwell credit, but not positive.  Possibly Christine Bauer Photographer.

Beautiful whitewashed planks from House Beautiful.  Rustic Perfection!

Happy Monday...Julie