Showing posts with label Dining Rooms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dining Rooms. Show all posts

25 November 2010

still grateful & Jill Brinson

So Happy Thanksgiving!  This is me, thankful for a clean and quiet home.  There is really no other way to scrub and clean and organize for a shoot than kicking out my husband and the boys.  We are having Thanksgiving today at my in-law's place at Lake I just pleaded for them to head out early.  I was so happy to walk around in a clean and ready house that I had to pull out the camera at 9 pm.  It is like spotting the Lochness Monster.  When you have little boys, no one would ever believe your home was clean.  You try to catch a shot for proof.

Sherry came over and spent about all day with me.  I wish I had before pictures of my office.  (Just insert "Hoarders" here and you can imagine.  When they came to scout our home this was where I threw everything without a home.  You couldn't walk in it.)

She took everything out, organized and put it back in (beautiful) order.  I am so thankful for her help!

She really is like a mentor, too.  She's been designing for fifteen years, and been published often, so she has so much information to share and I am like a little sponge when I'm with her.  She gives me tips on what she does with clients, shows me hidden resources in Atlanta and spends hours with me in ADAC.  Why?  She is just that kind of a person.  While she was working I was trying to organize, but mostly I was pulling out old tear-sheets and saying, "Look, Sherry!  Couldn't you eat this room?"  She would oblige and then continue cleaning up my crap.

I am not a real fan of color-coded books in libraries, but LOVE them in an office!  So calming on the eye.

Why didn't I think of putting lamp shades with lamp shades?

And Elle Decor with Elle Decor and Country Home with Country Home?  This decorator is so happy.

She even pulled out a roll of burlap from her trunk and cut me a runner for my desk on the spot.  (I'll get a  pic next time.)

It is weird (and good) being in the house alone.  I won't lie.  

I pulled out my heavy, velvet blanket...

Found Julia on demand...(little tidbit here.  I used to teach at Campbell High School where she went.  I even taught English with her former teacher, Mrs. Romanchuk.  Some good stories there.)

Found another friend....

And one of my best friends.


And about Jill Brinson--I am such a dork.  How did I not know that the photographer, Rob Brinson, is married to her and lives in this home?  I just didn't put two and two together.

Sherry told me this.  I hope I can act a little normal around him.  His wife has perfect taste--there are not many homes where I love everything about it.  

You know this home....forget football and pie, here is your after turkey snack:

Can you pick a favorite from this kitchen?  I think the lights and the windows.  And this table/island?!  What do you love?

(All from

And next time I'll be posting it will be from (almost done)

Enjoy your families today...I'm off to the lake to kiss my boys.   


19 November 2010

Ceri Hoover is giving y'all 20% off! (and pics)

Remember not too long ago you may have read about Ceri Hoover and her wonderful fabric creations on
this post?  She sells pillows, lamps shades, table runners, furniture, coasters, ornaments and more at her shop Cooper Grey.  Well, y'all showed her show much love last time that now she is offering 20% off to Milk & Honey readers!!  It is the giving season, right?

(sorry these aren't high res, but you get the point--here are some coasters!)

These creations will most likely run you more than the pillows you will find at TJ Maxx, but these are to-the-trade fabrics...they are unique and well-made.

To get the discount, just click the "conversation" button on her shop and mention the discount.


And I have to share a few pictures with you:

That's my little four-year-old smiling.  There is really nothing better than this.

He was so into the songs.

Why is it, that even though the room is filled with children, it is like yours is the only one in the room?

Life is hard, but it is pretty good, too.

And lastly, if you don't read this blog (but I'm sure you do), you gotta read Emily's post from Jones Design Co. sometime this weekend.  We can all relate to it.

Have a good weekend...  Julie    (And Anisa is going fine, thanks!)

18 November 2010

I still love Cottage Living

and I still find so much inspiration in its rooms.  Do you?

The chairs.  The candles.  The toile panels.  Perfection.

Love the contrast of the bold floor and bold pendants with the white walls and sunny windows.

that ceiling!  love.

remember this feminine house?

This is our local community, Serenbe, south of Atlanta.  Next time you are in town it is worth the drive out there.  Such a utopia.

And there much better than rows of metal bins in a kitchen?  

Have a good Thursday.  I'm off to finish cooking my contribution to the feast at 6 in the morning.  Oh, the things you do as a mom you never dreamed you would do.  Like making hearty casseroles before you've had your morning coffee and saying things like, "Liam, get that enema out of your mouth!"  Don't you wish we had a recording of all the ridiculous things we say and they?!  Julie

And Anisa is getting her wisdom teeth out today, bless her heart!  Please say a prayer for her.  

17 November 2010

Photographer for BH & G Shoot

So I received a few more details about the upcoming shoot.  I still can't believe it!

I learned the photographer will be a local, Rob Brinson.  Please look at how talented he is!

(and look at this floor--I'll come back to it in a minute)

dead palm leaf

long drive

white barn

julie silo bending

No words needed for these photographs!

Back to the yellow zigzag rug--Did you get your email from One Kings Lane today?  Lee Kleinhelter is featured today.  Oh, I wish I had some extra cash lying around.

this is for sale!

what a great dining table

side table


I know I post about her often, but I love that most of her items truly are one-of-a-kind.  Reinventing an antique will ensure no one else will have one like you!  It is just like when Julia Roberts wore that black and white vintage Armani when she won the Oscar for Erin Brockovich.  She wasn't in fear of anyone having the same dress on as her--a true original.

Forgive the cheesiness--but you be original today!!


07 November 2010

You're Invited!

I am not quite sure why I wanted to put together a little gathering--it was just on my heart to do it so I did!  Sorry I can't pay for everyone.  Who knows, maybe one year it will by my treat!

I can't tell you how much Chris and I love this restaurant.  It is our date night place....and one of the inspirations for the design of our home!  Check out its glory:

(image James Camp Photography)

do you spot lotus flower love?

Here is the menu Jennifer prepared especially for us....

wood fired margherita pizza 
spinach - fontina - prosciutto - caramelized onion pizza 
pancetta bacon - slow cooked onion pizza
fromage & charcuterie 
salt & pepper fried calamari 
hanger steak - chimichurri sauce 
van gogh’s crab cake - vanilla citrus beurre blanc 
goat cheese ravioli - sweet tomato sauce 
white truffle & parmesan frites 
house cured salmon pastrami grilled pumpernickel horseradish creme fraiche 
mini red velvet cupcakes-cream cheese icing 
$25 per person
cash bar

Please email us if you want to come.  We'll have a blast!

If you out-of-towners want to make a little trip of it, I'll get a sitter for Friday morning and we can go shopping and grab lunch.

I probably won't post as often this week, for I am writing two articles for the holiday issue for Rue!!!  Aren't you excited?  The spaces, again, are to die for.  I'll do my best to snag a sneak peek for y'all.  

Anisa has a great home tour to show you this week, too.  Here is a sneak peek of the home she designed along with the homeowners:

And a little cuteness--look at little Wyatt's preschool photo.  I can just eat my boys' cheeks.