Showing posts with label Mirrors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mirrors. Show all posts

17 November 2010

Photographer for BH & G Shoot

So I received a few more details about the upcoming shoot.  I still can't believe it!

I learned the photographer will be a local, Rob Brinson.  Please look at how talented he is!

(and look at this floor--I'll come back to it in a minute)

dead palm leaf

long drive

white barn

julie silo bending

No words needed for these photographs!

Back to the yellow zigzag rug--Did you get your email from One Kings Lane today?  Lee Kleinhelter is featured today.  Oh, I wish I had some extra cash lying around.

this is for sale!

what a great dining table

side table


I know I post about her often, but I love that most of her items truly are one-of-a-kind.  Reinventing an antique will ensure no one else will have one like you!  It is just like when Julia Roberts wore that black and white vintage Armani when she won the Oscar for Erin Brockovich.  She wasn't in fear of anyone having the same dress on as her--a true original.

Forgive the cheesiness--but you be original today!!


13 October 2010

wallpaper wednesday

check out this ceiling...

I love our wallpaper from Lowe's in our bedroom...

this toile in "Summer's" bedroom

from a wonderful Swedish blog whose name left my brain...

Farrow & Ball has amazing new papers...

Must repost my fave from Country Living...

Oh, and one day I need to devote one post to this room and its wallpaper.  The picture is entitled "Novelists' Rooms Woolf"  

I can see her living here...a writer's space indeed.  Does anyone know the story on this room?  Was there a designer house dedicated to writers?  If not, what a novel idea if I do say so myself.  We should do one.  

I would like to see T.S. Eliot's room and Faulkner's.  I see Emily Dickinson's all neat-and-tidy.  Shakespeare's would be a mess.  

Oh, and to see contemporary writers' homes!  Toni Morrison and Phillip Roth and Joan Didion.  Whose writer's room would you love to see....alive or, well, not alive?

30 September 2010

a little rock-n-roll retail therapy

I can't believe how much I missed pictures!  Are we not so spoiled with our instant gratification?  I know I am.  Five bucks paid to Goggle and I'm back with a little eye candy for ya.

I rarely post about fashion, but I am so loving some of the things Garnet Hill is currently offering I just had to share.  I love this look...but really I think I love this model and this braid.  (sidenote:  are you typically drawn to models with your hair color?  just curious)

These boots are so sexy and refined.

I start living in boots and dresses as soon as there is the first slight chill.  Yes, this look is
how I define rock-n-roll these days.  You can't much hotter than her.

And this coat!  Love it.  Okay, what about this coat with a white J Crew tee and black
leather pants.  I don't care if leather pants are in or out (nor do I know), but wouldn't that outfit be cool?

This piece of art is rockin, I think.  Remember this from Atlanta Home & Lifestyles Christmas House last year?  My client and I spied this at Stanton this week.  It was 1, 199!  I don't see this working in many rooms...but it is incredible.

These are the bentwoods we got for her breakfast nook--I love the use of black metal here instead of wood.  Adds a little spice to their kitchen.

It's slowly coming together (capiz pendant and window treatments to be completed soon)  And we'll change the centerpiece...:)

I think this black moulding is really sexy.

I am loving our new bar downstairs!  We paired black iron vintage sconces with two deals
from Ballard's Backroom (the stools and mirror).  The stools got four coats of white dove (leftover trim paint--semi-gloss).  I told Chris he needs to have the guys over and play cards.  He kinda laughed at me. I guess it isn't quite manly, is it?  (letters from Hobby Lobby)

For another texture, I love some black or cream felt pillows in a room.  Aren't these pretty?  (from PB Teen)

I love this white capiz table lamp, too.  Wouldn't this be nice as a desk lamp or maybe a countertop in a kitchen?  Somewhere unexpected.

And Anthro is rocking it out with this coffee table.  How unique!

And maybe this mirror...

In this bathroom instead of this white one (I LOVE this simple skirt.  When I rented a home in Little Five Points in my '20s I cut my green silk Anthro skirt and velcroed it to my sink!)

And these shades....somewhere!!

And I love these Old Schools from Emerson Made.  Bell bottoms are so rock-and-roll to me.  But I have always been a little on the hippie side.  Here is evidence below:

I pick up the boys from Mom's Morning Out and Wyatt has his entire lunch left.  I guess I can't blame a two year-old for not wanting sugar snap peas, organic carrots in a bamboo bowl.  Liam said, "Mom, why can't we get red boxes like Luca gets (read Happy Meal)."  Sorry, boys.

Thanks for hanging with this scattered post--Julie

20 September 2010


Quick post for me (imagine that?!) 'cause I still gotta lot o' work to do around this place!  I really want to give it my best for this Friday's I wanted the home to shine and sparkle.

How cute is this Cynthia Rowley pillow I found at my local TJ Maxx for 9.99?  You like...or is it too much?  It may need to live in another room since I have all that mercury glass on the mantel.  I don't want to overdo it....(I am loving the mix of silver and golds these days)

More sparkle (via decorpad)  I love that antique chair on the left and that Barcelona chair on the right  This room just wouldn't be the same without these two mirrors...all that silver, yet the room still has that gilded factor.

And one of my all-time favorite rooms from Katie Stassi (in my all-time top five designers)  What makes this for me?  the shine of the lucite, the sparkle of the mirror, the pair of chairs gives it a little formality...yet the art and greenery is obviously fun.  And that rug!  She has guts to choose this one, but again the room wouldn't be the same without it.

Have a good week, friends.  I don't think I'll be back on here until after I survive Friday.  But I will sit down, grab a glass of chardonnay, and fill you in on everything.  Julie

Atlanta Bartlett Monday

Mondays are tough, right?  I hope these will lift your spirits.  Atlanta Bartlett always raises mine.  I do have to admit that she is my favorite designer/stylist.  That is saying a lot....but she has a beautiful use of white, but not void of color.  She has an eye for placement and light....and I love her mix of eras and styles.  My favorite all-time design book (and I think I have read them all) is Easy Elegance (you can see it to the right on my book list).  I only think one of these images from her portfolio are from that particular book.

                                                   Atlanta Bartlett's Website

Oh, and I have so much work to be done around here this week....just the laundry is overwhelming, much less finishing projects here and there.  This was my uniform this weekend:  cotton gown worn inside out and I didn't even bother to fix it.  Too tired to even attempt to put in contacts (I am the blindest person you'll ever meet.  These are total coke bottles.  I am so grateful I wasn't born in 1530?  Would I have been in a sanitarium my entire life for not being able to see?  What did people do before glasses?

I was laughing with my hairstylist about this.  She kept making me take the glasses off and I couldn't see anything.  I love her--I told her to just go ahead and give me Farrah wings...and she did.  Is your stylist like a therapist?  We also end up laughing and crying (and usually she'll pencil me in as her last client so we can have a glass of wine...or two...together.  Boy, I can get on some tangents, right?

Hope you have a beautiful week.....Julie