Friday, August 06, 2010

We saw sheepies!

The good news it was my idea.....
Not the sheepies, of course--but the walks.
Every evening for the past three nights....yup.....that's been the routine!

Mostly cuz himself has ulcers and they've been giving him problems.
The man is a chronic worrier, I swear......
I tell him and I tell him and I tell him......but does he listen? NO!

He wasn't willing to do other things I offered up as solutions--but he was willing to go for walks with me in tow.
Or, with him in tow--guess it's all in how ya look at it.

I DO tend to be a bit A.D.D....

Oh look! Pretty flowers!!!

OH LOOK!!! How cute is that puppy.....

OH LOOK!!!!!

.....yeah feet tend to go in the direction of the OH LOOK and he's scrambling to catch up to the detour I take.

It's all good, though. Supposedly his tummy is a bit better with the past three nights of taking walks.

What's that got to do with sheepies?

Ummmm.....not a darn thing....... LOL


Marilyn & Jeff said...

Oh I love it, I love your blog entries! And I love your photos too, it's so good to other peoples piece of the world.
Walks are good, I love them and all the more when I have my camera. My husband - or son or who ever is with me - is getting used to me racing off in different directions because something has caught my eye. I saw my first lambs for spring this morning but didn't have my camera!

Ron said...

*jumping up and down*

Oooo...sheepies! sheepies!

How COOL, Mel! Great capture!

I LOVE sheepies! Bhaaaaa...bhaaaaa!

"I DO tend to be a bit A.D.D...."

Yeah, me too. And also OCD.


Happy Saturday, dear lady!