Wednesday, August 16, 2017

My next

Again I bring the Kitchen Sampler to the forefront, this time I have even started getting the floss ready!! But the floss list is quite huge, and to be frank, I am ready with about 25% of the required floss. Wellllll.... I could just go by [nearest] color rather than code, and start the project. Will i do that? Not decided yet.

So i am thinking i should do one of these Belle and Boo charts. The first one looks doable with only some 7-8 colors required! The second one connects with my gardening button!!

Image result for belle and boo  Image result for belle and boo

Let me see, what finally connects!

Here is how my Cardinal looks now - there were 7 colors for back-stitching, i have completed 5. 2 are started, and in varying stages of completion

Happy Stitching


  1. Those Belle and Boo charts look so nice. I'm sure they are a lot of fun to stitch.
    Good luck with sorting the remaining threads of your Kitchen Sampler.

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