亲自制作果糖, 是我未曾有过的念头。 得幸有你, 让我得以尝试这款奶味香浓的焦糖。 带着怔怔忡忡的心情, 专心致志的熬煮焦浆。虽然已过了数小时, 望着那不成气候的焦糖, 更不知该如何处理那偏软的焦糖。 而他早已有言再先,那句~别将它扔了,还“历历在耳”啊!
抱着“视死如归”的心态, 重新将那块半凝固的焦糖扔入锅里,看着它慢慢的溶解, 慢慢的再度沸腾。 然后, 慢慢的硬了,凝固了。 接着,我心复燃了, 原来是糖浆熬煮的不够,原来这样的重煮法真的行哟! 此刻的我犹如一个苦尽甘来, 事业有成的大富豪。
这就是烘焙之乐, 烘焙的心情吧!
做了原者3/4的材料, 不敢做多怕经不起失败的打击。 说真的, 这焦糖啊不但香味侵袭, 还虏获了我的心。 经不起这类“甜蜜蜜”糖果的我, 只想高喊着“焦糖, 远离我吧!”
除了我, 家里的一老一少也爱极了这焦糖。
170克 Pauls thickened cream Heavy whipping
1. 8x8"方形模铺上防沾烤纸,
除了香精)放入大锅里, 以中火煮约20分钟至奶油融化沸滚。
3。改以小火慢慢熬煮约30分钟至焦糖浆的温度达到244度, 然后改以中火继续煮约5分钟。 (熬煮的过程中, 糖浆会越来越浓稠,
加入香精, 搅拌均匀后, 倒入备好的模里,
待完全冷却后, 放入冰箱里冷藏1-2小时。
5. 取出,
以刀子切出自己喜欢的形状, 并以漂亮的糖纸包装, 放入冰箱里冷藏保存。
** 若没有温度计,
亦可预备一杯冷水, 然后将焦糖浆滴入冰水中,如糖浆变至凝固成圆球, 就表示可以离火了。
** 糖浆熬煮的不够,
焦糖就会偏软, 而若熬煮过久那么焦糖就会过硬。 焦糖浆的颜色愈深,
** 若果所熬煮的焦糖无法完全凝固或是偏软,
亦可重新翻煮过, 千万别将它扔了。
【Soft Caramel Candy】
168g butter
300g castor sugar
170g fresh milk
170g Pauls thickened cream Heavy whipping
240g light corn syrup
1 tbsp vanilla essence
128g brown sugar
1. Line a 8"x 8" square pan with parchment paper, set aside.
2. Combine all ingredients (except vanilla essence) in a large saucepan, cook over medium heat until butter is melted and mixture comes to a boil. (20 minutes)
3. Turn to low heat, continue to cook for approximately 30 minutes until your thermometer reaches 244 degrees F (Stirring occasionally to avoid coke bottom). Then, turn to medium heat and continue cooking for 5 minutes without stirring.
4. Remove the saucepan from the heat and add vanilla essence, stir well. Carefully pour the hot syrup into a prepared square pan,
5. Cool completely, place into the refrigerator for 1-2 hours to firm up.
6. Then, use a sharp knife to cut into your desired shape. Wrap each caramel in plastic wrap or wax paper and store refrigerated.
** If there is no thermometer, you may prepare a cup of cold water. Then, drop a small amount of syrup into cold water to form a firm but pliable ball, this means that the mixture is done!
** If the mixture is not boiled enough, the caramel will be soft. On the other hand, if the mixture is over boiled, the caramel will be hard. The deeper the color of caramel, caramel flavor is also more rich.
** If the mixture can't set or firm, you may re-boil the mixture.
** The large saucepan is necessary because the sugar will bubble up and triple in size during boiling process. Please do not substitute a smaller pan.